Monster hunter in a nutshell to Lemmy – 757 points –

100% photoshopped.

100% don't care.

His nipples have led me to question whether it’s AI. AI consumes black nipples like Hannibal Lecter at Mardi Gras.

The resolution is also very very suspicious. 1024x1024 classic 512x512 upscaled by a factor of 2.

Overly smooth skin is sus too

First off, lots of JPEG. Pretty sure AI has higher res. Second, what was the original? What was happening with the gator he is kicking?

Look at how his left hand is 'attached' to the body, almost like an action toy figure.

Pretty sure AI has higher res.

Lots of compression is very common way to hide imperfections in photoshopped (and now AI-generated) images to pass them as real.

I guess the resulting image was saved into jpeg then got sharpened with some monkey image editor and saved into jpeg again.

If you were a gator wouldn't you want a piece of that? They are just going for the dream

Your extensive research into this subject is vital.

This is exactly how I imagine Florida

You are correct. I did this last week. It's garor smashin season. Gotta harvest the gators to grill up some gator tail for Thanksgiving and preserve the rest in the garage to last through the winter and warn off the backyard gators.

Can we pls talk about his perfect skin? He looks like a huge newborn

Yeah man... I assumed it was AI due that perfect skin. Although I guess it could still be some smooth filter or similar on the camera.

I mean the composition probably edited... but I am talking of the picture of the guy alone.

You've (maybe unintentionally) marked your account as a bot. Some folks filter out all bots because they post low quality stuff. Some folks might not see your content.

This is exactly the energy I need going into a new week. Cheers!

Looks like he's kicking a really ugly looking child ... or an elderly midget

Dexter Deshawn before he loses his arm. Likely how he lost his arm.

Stable Diffusion?

Idk, he seems to have the correct number of fingers

On the big hand or the tiny hand?

Baby hand seems too pixelated to tell. Big hand seems ok

This is what journalists in New York were expecting Crocodile Dundee to be.

This would be a hit in my Monster Hunter Now chat group lol