YouTube now allows monetization on videos with breastfeeding nudity and 'non-sexually graphic dancing' | TechCrunch

Lee to – 249 points –
YouTube now allows monetization on videos with breastfeeding nudity and 'non-sexually graphic dancing' | TechCrunch

the dancing thing sounds like they wanna take on tiktok

Given their "Shorts" videos on youtube I think they want to do exactly that.

Its all about that muhney

One of my favorite songs and I didn't know it had a music video! Crappy overlay at the end though.

Ahh, damn, sorry about the overlay. I have never watched the video. I just grabbed the first YT result.

If they would stop freaking out about a word like "sex", that would be great. It's jarring to have every third word beeped over in certain discussions.

What about the nude yoga?

Out of curiosity I tried searching just nude yoga as a string and all the results were clothed clickbait. I guess maybe I’m a little rusty at finding softcore porn on normally ‘clean’ sites since I haven’t been a youngin using my parents old laptops in quite some time lol not a necessary skill as an adult I guess

"naked yoga" search gives some results but it's age restricted.

I see the most random fucking videos get age restricted forcing sign-in lol

The next gen is going to need to avoid state regulated porn restrictions, age restrictions and drm tracking software. They're going to be an entire IT team just so they can get off.

I have definitely come across accounts sexualizing breastfeeding. Especially on Instagram. It's so fucking weird and gross in that context.

I still don’t really get why someone would go to YouTube looking for sexualized breastfeeding videos. Surely Pornhub already has such things to cover that fantasy/fetish. Is it purely to trick young people into watching it?

1 more...

This is the best summary I could come up with:

With this new update, creators can now earn more ad revenue on breastfeeding content where a child is present in the video, even if the areola is visible.

The company’s updated policy notes that content where a woman is demonstrating hand expression or breast pump usage with nipples visible and a baby in the scene is now eligible for monetization.

“We heard feedback that for many parents, videos about breastfeeding are a helpful resource as they navigate this stage of parenthood.

We hope these changes can give all creators more space to share this type of content with eligibility for ad revenue,” YouTube spokesperson Nate Funkhouser said in an email to TechCrunch.

However, the company will still restrict monetization on dance videos with deliberate and recurring shots on breasts, butt or genitalia, extreme minimal clothing and sensual moves that mimic sexual acts.

Yesterday, the platform announced a few new policies regarding responsible disclosure on AI videos, along with new tools for requesting the removal of deepfakes.

The original article contains 426 words, the summary contains 166 words. Saved 61%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

That’s uhhh… really specific wording there lol

im going to make this really easy on all parties involved.. content creators, me, youtube...

im. not. using. youtube.

creators, find some other mechanism. my fav is direct to your website.

Yeah, creators, just build, host, and maintain your own streaming video service.

To be fair, it already exists - PeerTube is a thing. The real reason people stay on YouTube is the network effect[1] - everyone else is there, so why would you leave? They're not coming with you, they're not giving you money on the new platform, they can just stay on YouTube and keep life simple by not worrying about a bunch of choices. Epic has spent billions losing money trying to compete with the network effect that Steam benefits off, so it's clear how much money and risk it takes... only for nothing to really change. It's not something that we can expect creators to drive without collective effort, and that kind of is happening with Nebula (which is part owned by the creators who join it) - we can only hope they keep that momentum going so they begin to form a real threat to YouTube's dominance.


Making a video is easy. Making a good video is hard. Setting up a server and configuring Peertube is a level above that. Once you've done it you've successfully reduced your total addressable market from billions to maybe a few thousand.

I've read you can sync accounts and auto-publish your YT uploads to Peertube?

Sounds like the inital setup of choosing an instance and making an account is the most effort you're going to go through

I'm not denying there is no netwerk effect regarding steam, but shit - have you seen the Epic Games launcher? Functions are minimal and buggy and it's never a great experience. For example: the button to my friends list has not been working for the past year and it's still not fixed.

I know it's hard to compete against steam, but I really get the feeling they're not particularly trying very hard....

Yeah, the epic launcher is terribad in just about every respect. It's so offputting I barely play any of the games on there.

And PeerTube has effectively no competitive monetization model. If there was a hope of eventually making more money there, I'm sure people would start paying attention, but there isn't.

Overwhelming when people can get something for free or for cheap, they do.

Blogs are still a thing and are very cheap to host. Not everything has to be in video form.

People would rather watch a few minute video than read a 15 paragraph article that talks about the same thing.

Maybe so. But at the same time there are a lot of 10 mins videos with 1 paragraph worth of useful information in them... so I guess the argument cuts both ways.

Not always. In fact this is not often true at all for me. Both videos and essays can be too long and rambling. I would rather skim an essay than a video.

It's difficult to demonstrate some things in text, that's why I prefer videos.

Yes, I think that’s the implied point. Some things. Not everything.

Yeah. Reading is becoming a lost art. That's what's fueling general stupidity and short attention span

Funnily enough, I can't be bothered looking at a video becouse I can't glance through it. It takes too long listening to "please like and subscribe thnxxxxxx....." With text, I can quickly scan through, and easily find what I'm looking for.

I’m the exact same way man lifetime of adhd I’m not watching some video of a guy working on my model of car where 40% of the video is filler and visual glitz when I can gladly read forums and expert guidelines that are everywhere and I read fast. Skimming through video to learn without wanting to throw a brick at the creator is weirdly a pain for me often but there are random exceptions like the random dads posting youtube videos with not many views but they explain how to do the service menu and diagnostics on a specific model of may-tag or whirlpool or whatever washers they’re mvps. Especially when the actual brands making them work tirelessly to make that information hard to get and obnoxiously complicated if you even find documentation online. No I will not call a repairman to charge me fuck-you fees lol

Are you saying you read the 3 pages of rambling nonsense about how this cookie recipe reminds you of time spent at Grandma's Lake House as a child before actually getting to a shit recipe pulled directly from Betty Crocker, only it's missing key ingredients?


I think the bigger problem is endless Facebook/YouTube short videos. We've gone into Fahrenheit 451 territory.

That's fine if as a consumer you only use a pc or maybe a phone but tvs are way more locked down and limited to the apps they can have. Even with Android tv you still have to hope there's an app you can sideload since it doesn't have a browser. And the tv is where i primarily watch YouTube.

Let's be honest..

Are breastfeeding videos ever, anything but fetish content? Like EVER?

And if they can cater to that fetish totally fine, why aren't my fetishes allowed??

Umm, yes. Breastfeeding doesn't come to new mothers naturally. It's a learned skill. And many new mothers have never been taught. When my wife was shown by a lactation consultant at the hospital, they were so busy they only were able to stay for 10m. And this was with a mother and baby having issues.

Easily accessible videos properly demonstrating techniques with a real baby would have been extremely helpful, but at the time exposed breasts for the purposes of breastfeeding weren't allowed on YT at all, let alone monetized. This has been huge effort by feminist groups for a reason.

Wow really? I'm shocked that this isn't like, a significant part of the whole process, with the midwife and hospital staff and post-birth care..

And that there isn't an abundance of easily accessible resources already in place to help new mothers.

I'm a dude without kids and even I'm aware that some babies don't take to breast feeding immediately, or even after a day or two. Not everyone has a midwife and hospital stays are ridiculously expensive in the US. Having a kid in a hospital can easily be tens of thousands of dollars (most of which insurance pays).

And if they can cater to that fetish totally fine, why aren’t my fetishes allowed??

As already stated, it isn't necessarily a fetish, but you bring up a good point - why YouTube is enforcing some puritanical Christo-fundamentalist ethical standard is kind of ridiculous. As a European, where we have a less puritanical view of sex I'd like to be given the choice. It's not complicated to keep sexual content behind a tickbox choice like on Twitter or Reddit, especially not when, you know, Google Play is their only real gatekeeper here and guess who owns them? They also already use credit cards and the like for "age verification", so any excuse they have is vanishing more and more.

It's more for the advertisers Google hosts on YouTube than any values Google is trying to project on their users, I bet. Advertisers don't want their products advertised next to explicit content.

Google search is a little different in that the content is fairly separated from ads, unlike YouTube where they're inescapable.

You have a point. Google Images already shows you explicit content if you tick a box.

Holy shit. You're like the jealous dude who accuses his partner of cheating when she has never cheated. He only suspects of cheating because he himself is a cheater.

Stop sexualizing a very natural event.

It's not me buddy. I've been on the internet long enough to know how people with these kind of fetishes abuse these 'natural events' to their advantage.

I think I get why they are actually are allowing it, they won't say why, but I get why. It might have something to do with maps. If you know what maps are then you'l understand, if you don't then there's always a chance of learning. Not like the tradition map, but it's another definition.

Map is not a thing. It’s a 4Chan attempt to lump paedos in with lgbt peoples.

I'm not too familiar with maps i've only herd about it like 2 times. if it's not a thing now could it become a thing a decade from now? atleast on the surface, on it's own, distant away from LGBT.

if it’s not a thing now could it become a thing a decade from now?

Nope. "MAPS" is in the same vein as "attack helicopter" and "bathroom rapists": it's just another attempt by bigots to invent some "evidence" that the LGBTQ+ community is actually deluded/dangerous/evil/etc.

I actually didn't know that much about the term. I am a dem-sexual and support LGBTQ and I wouldn't want to be associated with people avocating against LGBTQ people or any marginalized people.

You know enough about 'MAP' to bring it up and pretend it's no biggie and could become a thing? Those aren't marginalized people this is a piss-poor attempt to lump Pedos with the LGBTQ crowd. Off you go