Awkwardtheturtle banned - Rare Reddit Admin W to Reddit – 150 points –

lmao the sheer amount of entitlement on him. Truly a leopardsatemyface moment. Imagine tying your entire identity to being an unpaid lacky for a website that doesn't give two fucks about you, to the point that when you're let go you go nuclear.

It always does make you wonder how these people have the time to actively moderate 100+ subreddits without any compensation. That is, unless there are some under-the-table deals that we don't know about. I think moderators have been caught taking bribes before.

I thought the most remarkable thing was the "moderator" proclaiming their innocence by stating they hadn't been to the sub in question for at least six months and never talk to the top mod.

Turtle doesn't mod for shit, nor do other mods with 1000+ subs. These people see themselves as 'community leaders' who set up org charts and make all the lower-rung mods do all the work for them. It's incredibly toxic.

I love how the majority of comments in this thread have a single downvote. I wonder who’s doing that 😂

Unlike Reddit, you can see who "reduces" (downvotes) comments and threads. In a comment click on more -> activity -> reduces. Yes, it is all the same person.

Seems like we found turtle's ball licker's Kbin account!

What?!? That's a fucking amazing feature, thanks for spreading the word.

I'm loving (Lemmy) kbin more and more with all these accountability features. Thanks for the education!

Edit: I apologize for the confusion. I realized the error a few mins after posting this. The fediverse is still confusing me a bit.

Edit2: I don't see any strike through text formatting. Maybe in the next update?

Regarding strike through text formatting, it's markdown, so you just type two tildes on each side of the text to strike through like this: ~~[insert text]~~, and you get [insert text].

Here's CommonMark's quick reference for some other basics:

That only works on kbin tho, many from lemmy also participate here.

Which, and I've said this before, is awesome. The Fediverse is wild.

Posted on Jerboa for Lemmy :)

I don't see "activity". Weird.

It's under "more"

Hmm, I don't see it either. Expanding "more" on a reply gives me:

Up, Down, Reply, PM, Report, Block, Fav, View Source.

Maybe we're missing something obvious? XD

TY in advance if we are :)

Well since this isn't reddit you can actually look at who is downvoting. So whats up with all the downvotes @amnesiac7 ?

Ah interesting, seems he immediately downvoted you too!

I just boosted everyone in the thread. No ones rep was harmed in the making of this comment section.

OH I didn't realize that the first tab was "boosts" and erroneously thought YOU were the downvoter, I'm glad I saw this comment.

That account has been busy, too. 1 week old and has created 99 threads, mostly political rage bait.

10 more...

Ooh, is his ghost in the room with us right now?

Good luck becoming mod of 1000 communities/magazines in the Fediverse, with them distributed across all sorts of different instances like this.

10 more...

A few days later...

As long as Mr. Snrub has to rebuild his empire from scratch, it's still a win.

Touch an entire football field of grass, dude.

I think he thinks being a moderator is an important job or something.

ok why do we care about some other site's drama :3

Because you're literally browsing a magazine about that other site?

I agree that this particular mod getting banned isn't directly related to the migration efforts, but the overarching drama it's connected to is the main reason people are leaving Reddit for Lemmy. IE: admins becoming hostile towards moderators, developers, and redditors, resulting in an environment that the whole userbase is trying to flee. So even though I don't care about this "power-tripping asshole mod" (as another Lemming described him), I get how some people here might find the post useful and relevant.

Apparently awkward was responsible for a lot of the John Oliver spam in the subs he modded. Might be why he's finally gone now. He even contacted John Oliver on Twitter to cry about his suspension and ask for help lol See pic related

Of course they're claiming responsibility for the John Oliver thing. Considering their history, I doubt it. But even if they were involved, it's the community at large that was responsible for the John Oliverification of Reddit.

lolol what a fucking embarassing tirade. Turtle bitch needs to log off and go wash his ass.

because drama makes the world go around

Turtle has always been a douche canoe. It's fun to see them melt down.

"I NEED to be mod again!"

"I haven't looked at the sub in 6 months"

Pick one

In those messages you can see all the stages of grief, minus acceptance, play out over the course of 1h20m.

It is with great schadenfreude that I welcome these news.

This kind of person is the reason why I decided to mod one specific sub. Because I saw the shitshow that one person can make on a sub when going on a power trip. Once the dust have settled I'll give it to someone reasonable who wants to do it full time.

You should be cautious if one of the powertripper we have now is the admin of a sub you like. I think the max I've seen was 40~60 subs? What good do you think can come out of it?

btw, as someone mentioned, he is fuelling his own fire on /m/politicus, making it a rageclick fest all over again. This is the reason why I left reddit btw, because all the subs slowly turned into a rageclick show.

When you mod you set the tone, if you don't want a mirror of reddit then step up and set the tone yourself.

This is what it looks like if your only way to power trip and the only thing you have in life is being a mod of reddit and it gets taken away by your beloved corporation.

Just shows how there is no "correct" side in this story. Awkward being a terrible power-hungry mod on one hand, and Spez deciding to prioritize on profit over community and usability on the other.

Not really. People have been complaining about him for very long but reddit did nothing.

They only took action after THEY were personally bothered. They use the word "community" a lot but they don't understand what it means.

Fucking hate that guy, he’s run his filthy mouth long enough.

Is turtle just copy/pasting replies they've previously received from users they banned for whatever dumb reason? It literally reads like any of the threads I've seen complaining about their moderation.

To be honest, I'm kinda okay if this powermod gets unbanned - as long as all the folks who got permabanned without reason also get a fair hearing to get unbanned.

Now do the mod of r/redditgetsdrawn. They’re so quick to ban it’s ridiculous!

Haha I think that's the only sub I was ever banned from.

They had nuked a thread for some reason, and I wrote something like "I stand here in solidarity. Bring it on." And then was banned lol

I was banned the first time I commented. I said a photo someone uploaded was lovely (not a top level comment). I got a 30 day ban immediately. I messaged back, apologising that I had missed that rule. The mod said “no arguing with the moderators” and then permabanned me. Wtf?!