Using a ruler is optional to – 698 points –

Didn't know saddam hussein was a colossal giant

The US was wrong about Iraq having nukes, but they were close to the truth. In reality, they were pumping Saddam full of enriched uranium so that he'd mutate and grow to a titanic size.

You'd think he wouldn't have been able to hide in that hole.

Who do you think the sphinx was modeled after?

Should pass this on to anyone who has an "opinion" about the current situation.

Call that a loss of the right to self-determination

I'm going to color the whole thing red and blue to reflect who should be the rightful owner of the Middle East- Liechtenstein!

Fuck Liechtenstein, Fuck Hilti, Fuck monarchy.

You better watch what you say or Liechtenstein will send all three members of its Army after you.

The Liechtenstein-lords are probably able to finance several Wagners.

Liechtenstein also has no army since 1868, but a police of ~85 officers.

Monarchies have to be toppled by principle.

Wait, what are the rest of us missing? Is Liechtenstein actually a state or is that a joke? What's going on?

Liechtenstein is a real country between Switzerland and Austria haha. They have no military and were accidentally invaded by the Swiss when a bunch of their soldiers got lost one time

It wasn't with no regard. They were deliberately giving minorities power over majorities and splitting ethnic groups with borders to fuel conflicts.

Yeah, I think folks here are not giving them enough credit. It wasn't just some random dude drawing lines for no reason.

The purpose of a lot of what Britain was doing was to prevent unification into a new Ottoman Empire successor. They intended the internal conflict in the region.

And it worked at keeping the Middle East busy and Europe safe for the most part (if you don't count the incalculable death toll having them fighting amongst themselves has caused, and random terrorist attacks).

It's done. That's it. Just the whole thing. Let's run with it.

One country called country and one language called language.

The whole US is now just Wyoming, social experiment.


First state I could think of that didn't bring anything to my mind.

Don't miss your chance to embed pieces of countries into one another. Go wild, let's have nested enclaves several layers deep!

I remember learning that there was a joke (but quite possibly legit) notion that the reason there's that huge, sharp indent in the Jordanian border is because Winston Churchill was drunk while he was splitting up the map and hiccuped, and that's how that weird part of the border came to be.

Pretty sure this was from the America book by Jon Stewart, yeah? That book was a trip.

There's 300million people and 7 million km². I'd give everyone 20m² and an AK (making sure to split up families as much as possible). Surely nothing will go wrong with this wholely equitable division of land!

I want to create a Greater Persian Empire that includes Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. This piece of paper limits my creative freedom.