Marketing email's subject made me think my card got hacked to Mildly – 987 points –

A hostel company I stayed with a while back emailed me with the subject: "Your booking is confirmed!". This made me frantically check all my accounts since I hadn't booked any hostels recently. I was super concerned until I opened the email and saw... it was a stupid marketing email...

This kind of marketing should be illegal. Don't use Clink Hostels.


Would instantly unsubscribe, leave negative reviews and never stay there again.

And report the email as spam on Gmail

Op is using ProtonMail, there's a report button there also.

I hope Gmail aggregates the reports from other platforms, because most of Clink's target market uses Gmail

Look up the email for their legal department and demand they cancel all fraudulent bookings under your name. Play dumb a little so they take it up with marketing.

Yeah, this is one of the few cases where going a bit Karen is called for. Fucking marketers.

Send a message to their help desk saying you got an email confirmation and would like to cancel it. Act very confused about the situation. Waste their time and make it their problem.

This also wastes OPs time though

Pay me enough, and I'll waste everyone's time. Wait...

Did I just reinvent lobbying?

On top of that, it also doesn't waste the responsible team's time. It wastes the help desk's time who have little to no say in this subject.

That’s why you escalate straight to legal. Waste the time of someone more expensive than the idiots in marketing.

Better yet, demand loudly to get a refund. When they say there is nothing to refund, insist that you have an email confirming a booking.

Escalate to management as quickly as possible so you're not just annoying some poor front desk worker that had nothing to do with it.

Call center "management" is typically not an actual manager, and definitely not involved with the decision either.

That's a good way for their emails to all get marked as scams. They think they're being slick, but are actually destroying their marketing campaign.

Literally who the hell is gonna see this and think "ah what the hell?"

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Time to add their email to your spam filter and not see their emails again.

Time to gpdr your info back from them.

Companies everywhere are getting desperate I feel like. Google's adblocker crusade being the most egregious imo.

This is like how in recent months I've been receiving "your account will be shut down" messages from services I've been using for literal decades, simply because I only use them 2-3 times a year, when they are actually useful to me, rather than regard them as some sort of social media platform.

It's super pathetic attention whoring by companies that lost any sense of what value they bring to their customers.

Damn, "removed" is a slur now? has an AWESOME censorship system. If even say it’s BITCHIN’! Yesterday someone also brought up its kinda sad when you’re on that instance and someone says “this material is fire retardant”

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I get these too.
The best part is that they keep getting added to my Google calendar. I have the option tuned off in my Google account settings, I report them as spam as soon as I get them, but I still get pop up notifications from my Google calendar reminding me of my "trip".

That's because gmail automatically adds .ics files to your calendar. I don't even think there's a way to disable it. I checked and my solution was to not use gmail for those things. For spam emails luckily I don't have this problem

Weird, mine asks me if I want to add things to my calendar still, up by the header, same spot it puts the "is this spam" question box

At least it didn't state "Your booking is confirmed for the presidential suite in (insert very expensive hotel and location here)" and make you feel you need to make a lot of phone calls to many different places while trying to figure out what is going on.

Can such marketing tactics be reporting to any appropriate government agency? Better Business Bureau? I know this is not illegal and it should be.

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I get physical junk mail that makes it seem like I purchased something, subscribed to something, or signed up for something. It's infuriating to say the least, probably illegal, too.

Same. Similar to those extended warranty scams, you’ll see the disclaimer in teeny tiny print at the bottom of the page on the backside.

I just bought a car and my wife keeps wanting me to look at all the "final notice" crap we keep getting. I told her if it isn't from our insurance company then toss it.

I open them up. If there’s a prepaid return envelope, I tear off everything with my information (including any barcodes), stick it in the envelope, and mail it back. Blank, of course.

But then they have to pay the postal service to mail it, and someone to open it.
I’m a job creator!

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You should regularly book rooms with Thema and cancel the very last poasible second to cause financial harm. At some point they will man you and stop mailing you

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