technology rule to – 566 points –

No words can describe how much I love this man.

Unfathomably based

I have learned a surprising about of useful real world information from his videos.

Love his channel. He finds the most interesting devices and topics to talk about. Even when some of the electrical details go over my head, I still learn a lot. I share his fascination with pre- microprocessor electromechanical devices, even though I also love a good microprocessor. I annoy my wife with stuff I've learned from him all the time. Yes, including water heater facts. And because of him, I now run hot water tap until it runs hot before starting my dishwasher to make the first rinse more effective.

Also the man makes me feel contempt over things I had never even considered before. Taillights and blinker behaviors on cars, the rarity of single unit heating and cooling heat pumps, American outlets, power cords, and non-clicky switches, etc. And his indignant rage over product manufacturers competely missing the point of standards or choosing things like aesthetics or marketability over efficiency, safety, or usability becomes my own indignant rage.

Still thought about him yesterday night when pouring liquid in the pre-wash compartment before starting the dish washer

He’s the reason I switched to dry flake dishwasher soap. It makes so much sense! Why pay to ship what is mostly water? That’s the same reasoning (along with reducing waste from packaging) that I used to switch to SodaStream and kegs of beer. Bonus: I got an adapter for my SodaStream that allows me to run it off the kegerator CO2 cylinder, which is much cheaper than SodaStream’s own cylinder exchanges.

I wish I had known about heat pump water heaters before I replaced mine about 6 years ago. Heat pumps for home heating and water heating should be mandated by building code here in mild California. It’s the perfect environment for them. Unfortunately, I use heating so infrequently during our “winter” that replacing my perfectly functional furnace is not really worth it. So, instead I started using the heat pump mode on my portable air conditioner (yes, I know, but also used infrequently) to provide just those couple of degrees of heat that I need. It’s not bad, with a COP of 2.7.

has anyone tried flipping the portable air conditioner around so the cold side is outside on the balcony but protected from the rain, and the hot side is pointing into the house? I'm talking about the kind with the hoses.

I think you'd end up freezing the unit, but I don't know enough about it to back up my gut feeling.

I love this channel. He's like the robotics nerds in high school I never got to know. Taking shop and tech classes and engineering and stuff. The far side of the nerd island from the book nerds.

Hey, that robotics nerd was me! I hung out with the book nerds on senior skip day, they were pretty cool.

You shall remain in this world and talk about water heaters heat pumps*, forever.

*See also the latent heat of vaporisation and toasters.

Edit: and dishwashers. And microwaves. Basically any home appliance.

Also can I just take a second to shout out the completely underrated stock music on his channel…..

This man nailed "dentist lobby music"

I was going to say late 80’s early 90’s sitcom closing credits theme.

But yes, absolutely, perfect for the dental arts!!

I just discovered him a couple months ago, and basically just yes, this is the level of detail that I need.

Edit: also, I've wanted a heat pump since I was a kid, so, ya know..

I love how many 1980s EPCOT tshirts he has worn over the years. Even has some 80S EPCOT memorabilia on the shelf behind him. Clearly a fan.

Old Epcot was so cool, now it's just a tiny magic kingdom with booze

It was about hope. That was the magic of future world. The feeling of hope and excitement for our future. Now it is about IP :-(

‘You shall remain in this world and talk about water heater, forever’

Right click

Report “I’m in this and I don’t like it”

I feel very seen rn

I want an electric kettle now 😩

I don't even use a microwave and after seeing one of his 2 videos on the better ones I was looking for a older one. He's that good

My mum once ordered a kettle online, but it came with a US plug (I'm an Aussie) so we took it with us to leave at an apartment when we went on holiday to Hawaii.

The guy at customs had absolutely no clue what we were talking about and was convinced a "kettle" was a bag of mixed nuts.

How anyone makes tea without a kettle with temp settings, I have no idea.

Microwave— it’s not great, but many Americans don’t drink tea often

I'm not familiar with this person or the subject of the meme, could someone please explain.

Technology Connections makes very specific, detailed videos on tech stuff, appliances, etc. My recent favorite of his is about incandescent vs LED Christmas lights and his unending rage about LED lights looking like "a computer threw up on your lawn". The first I remember watching was about dishwasher tech and how great they are, but how terrible dish pods are.

The first video of his I watched was about the history of turn indicator design. Unironically fascinating stuff.

Youtuber who runs the Technology Connections channel, where he goes on wild deep dives into home appliances, and will often spend 45 minutes talking about dishwashers or sensor cooking in microwaves.

This would been great as a Cruelty Squad death screen.

Link severed, technology connected You are a flesh automaton controlled by the internet algorithms.