California town proposes ban on Pride, Black and women’s history celebrations to – 304 points –
California town proposes ban on Pride, Black and women’s history celebrations

Far-right council members in Huntington Beach introduce agenda item to switch focus to US wars and America’s independence

The southern California city of Huntington Beach, a bastion of conservative voters, has made the move to block diverse monthlong celebrations of Black history, women’s history and Pride, in favor of observing the revolutionary and civil wars, California’s history and America’s independence.

An agenda item introduced on 19 December forbids any programming that pertains to previously established honorary celebrations for women, people of color and LGBTQ+ groups from taking place on city-owned property, including libraries, or of being featured in city communications such as social media posts, according to Natalie Moser, a city council member who voted against the action.


“Since it is a seaside city, Huntington Beach has had tsunami warnings, storm surge (its pier has been rebuilt three times), sewage spills, tornadoes and waterspouts.”

“Large fractions of the settled delta are in soil liquefaction zones above known active faults. Most of the local faults are named after city streets.”

“Many residents (and even city hall) live within sight and sound of active oil extraction and drilling operations. These occasionally spew oil, causing expensive clean-ups. Large parts of the developed land have been contaminated by heavy metals from the water separated from oil.”

“The local oil has such extreme mercury contamination that metallic mercury is regularly drained from oil pipelines and equipment.”

Huntington Beach, California

that place sounds real fun.

That quote about heavy metal contamination has no citation. I looked it up and couldn't find anything info on it.

You can see oil platforms from the beach at Huntington, but they're not spewing oil all the time. The issue in 2021 was an anomaly.

There's no reason to act like the place is disgusting just because their city council is stupid. It's one of the best beaches in CA.

Ok, so long as you kill st. Patrick's Day and Christmas parades, but I know they won't because those are white celebrations.

No Easter, Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving will be covered by American indpendence clause.

Even tho we all know it celebrates being dependant upon the natives.

I genuinely hope they pass the bill.

Imagine how fucking easy that discrimination lawsuit would be lmao.

If I didn’t know how fucking stupid conservatives were, this would look like an inside job designed to bankrupt the city.

Switch focus to US wars

Because if you thought the kids hated America when they found out about the racism and sexism, wait till they find out about My Lai and Haditha.

No no, we don't talk about those only the wars we won like WW1, WW2, and the War of Northern Aggression. The last one we want to focus on the states rights, beat that point home.

Bet you NAZI parades will be permitted

They tried it in response to BLM protests, buddy of mine busted their embarrassment of a leader's pencil thin lips with a fresh knuckle sandwich when they threw a soda on him.

Gonna just guess they're in the "Civil war was about state's rights and nothing else" department, and thats the only reason they can stomach celebrating it.

State's rights to do what?

Reminder that the Confederate constitution explicitly forbade states from banning slavery. It wasn't about states' rights at all, even in a bad way.

To add to this, during their various debates and declarations, state legislatures of Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia all explicitly gave slavery as the primary reason for their attempt to destroy the United States government. So literally more than half.

Aside from the declarations of secession you noted, who can forget the Cornerstone Speech where the then Vice President of the CSA stated

Our new government['s]...foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition.

then you've got the whole creation of West Virginia thing...

You guys need to spend more on education.

Yeah, we’re due do. It’s so depressing that I can’t even finish my crayon.

I thought the meme was that Americans spend mortgage worth of Universities already!

And no one inside city limits with skin darker than a peach better leave before the sun goes down.

I suspect you may be eating your peaches before they're fully ripe, just saying.

I don't think I am.

Does that look as dark as the average black person's skin?

Inwas thinking the red on the peaches skin, I like mine to be ripened to mostly-red

Haha. They're just pissy their House Rep. is Katie Porter.

Yes. What Americans need is MORE time spent thinking about America.

If they plan on incorporating the content usually talked about for those programmes into the usual history curriculum, then sure - I am for all this.

But if they’re just gonna censor and whitewash history then fuuuuuuuuck no please.

Why would politicians ban celebrating anything? Like, fuck you, you're not allowed to have fun

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Instead of hating on everybody else, why don't they have a White middle to lower class, fucked by the man Parade. Its not like we all don't know what it feels like.