GOP hopeful blasted for post showing tree ornaments of Democrats in nooses to politics – 321 points –
GOP hopeful blasted for post showing tree ornaments of Democrats in nooses

You know, it usually bothers me when headlines use descriptors instead of candidate names.

GOP Hopeful here doesn't deserve a name.

This stuff just gets more terrifying by the day.

Are there democrats doing this sort of violent threats a lot? Do I miss those news stories because I am on Lemmy??

No. Any Democrat who said "we should execute all Republicans" would be shunned/called out by the rest of the party.

To give an example, look at the Bernie Sanders supporter who opened fire at a Congressional baseball game. Bernie quickly denounced this act of violence as did all other Democrats. Meanwhile, a large number of Republicans - including their likely Presidential candidate - call the January 6th insurrectionists "heroes" and "political prisoners" for violently invading the Capitol and wanting to kill Democrats (and Mike Pence).

And has any Republican denounced Nick Fuentes for calling for the execution of Jews? Stefanik was so "concerned" about anti-semitism on college campuses. Has she mentioned this once given that Fuentes has met with Trump?

Nope. Nothing. The best they can do is silence. Any other response they give is praise for the violent imagery or actions.

not really, no. There might have been one or two... But none of them were blatantly... awful...

Also, the difference is that if I saw a fellow democrat post GOP members in nooses I'd call him a fucking lunatic and tell him to get lost.

But, a republican would apparently elect him to office.

My mom is pretty vehemently anti trump, she has a Christmas ornament that says "fuck Trump" and a coffee mug that's says something to a similar effect. No effigies tho, but GOP had a pretty dark history with that one so it probably wasn't too deep in their playbook.

I mean... "fuck that guy" is pretty mild these days. a mere expression of... dislike...

The worse you get is a pulled fire alarm.

arguably, he had justifications for that, too. (the GOP were calling a snap vote and he wanted time to read the bill. or so he said. Though also, I wouldn't be surprised if it really turned out, he was in a hurry, thought the door was supposed to be unlocked and got flustered enough to have pulled it by mistake. people in a hurry like that are... kinda dumb... )

So the dude took part in an insurrection where they brought a gallows to the Capitol and said they were going to hang Democrats until Trump got declared the winner. Now he's got Christmas ornaments in the same vein.

Do i still have to pretend like their conspiracy theories about antifa or whatever are reasonable theories? Like, can we admit these dudes are fascist revolutionaries who want to destroy democracy? It'd be nice to just be honest about it, right?

And we've also got to still accept that all these "hanging" imagery is just pretend, right? They don't really want to execute all of us, right?

Oh, wait...

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I remember when Christmas was supposed to be about peace and goodwill. Funny how the people who think thereā€™s a war on Christmas seem to not care about those parts of it

ā€œAt this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,ā€ said the [one of the gentlemen], taking up a pen, ā€œit is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.ā€

ā€œAre there no prisons?ā€ asked Scrooge.

ā€œPlenty of prisons,ā€ said the gentleman, laying down the pen again.

ā€œAnd the Union workhouses?ā€ demanded Scrooge. ā€œAre they still in operation?ā€

ā€œThey are. Still,ā€ returned the gentleman, ā€œI wish I could say they were not.ā€

ā€œThe Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?ā€ said Scrooge.

ā€œBoth very busy, sir.ā€

ā€œOh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,ā€ said Scrooge. ā€œIā€™m very glad to hear it.ā€

ā€œUnder the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude,ā€ returned the gentleman, ā€œa few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?ā€

ā€œNothing!ā€ Scrooge replied.

  • Charles Dickens

I personally hope each and every member of the the GOP enjoyed their visits from the Ghosts of Christmases, Past, Present and Yet to Come.

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They have to gradually increase the rhetoric to violence so that when it transitions to the literal the masses donā€™t get too shocked.

Yes it's clearly a conspiracy among many news organizations to slowly make people okay with violence, and not just that someone found wording that gets more clicks so they can make more money and other entities started following suit because they like money too.

Don't feed these trolls. Let his disgraced ass fade into obscurity.

while locked up for making terroristic threats.

I'd honestly prefer if they were locked up for one of the other crimes they have probably committed.

If you get locked up for "saying mean things to Democrats" (how they would refer to it), you can claim to be being persecuted for being a fascist Republican.

If they get locked up for DUI or sexual assault, it will be a little tougher to claim martyrdom.

Once they're behind bars and abandoned, then bring the terrorism charges.

Edit: or, having read the article, throw him back in prison for the crimes for which he's already admitted responsibility for.

Iā€™d honestly prefer if they were locked up for one of the other crimes they have probably committed.

If you get locked up for ā€œsaying mean things to Democratsā€ (how they would refer to it), you can claim to be being persecuted for being a fascist Republican.

And you don't think they won't try to make those charges political? lock them up for everything you can. including terrorism. they'll claim martyrdom no matter what happens because they have a persecution complex.

If protesters burned an effigy of Trump or Bush, none of us would bat a fucking eye.

But no matter what we think, this is protected speech.

It's protected speech up to a point. Then it becomes an actual threat. The gallows in front of Congress as the insurrectionists violently broke into the Capitol chanting "hang Mike Pence" wasn't protected speech.

Calling for the execution of your political foes crosses a line, especially when you know that there's a large element of your base willing to take your "protected speech" and turn it into action. That and the repeated calls from the right for violence (see Nick Fuentes calling for the execution of all Jews and enemies of Trump) elevate this beyond protected speech IMO.

Bruh it's a christmas tree.

The guy who hung these ornaments was one of the January 6th insurrectionists. He's shown that he's willing to engage in violence and so it's not "just a Christmas tree."

He's since deleted his post and posted that it wasn't a call for violence. Given that he included President Biden and VP Harris in his "noose ornaments," he probably got a visit from the Secret Service. They don't tend to view these things as "just harmless pranks" or "just some odd Christmas ornaments." Especially when there are clearly people (this person included) willing to take the speech and try to make it a reality.

he also posted photos of it on the internet. intentionally. Remove the tree. The tree itself is largely irrelevant. he posted pictures of people being hung in effigy. it's as simple as that.

It's a fucking ornament. You're allowed to want people executed and you're allowed to express it in many indirect ways. You can try to paint it as incitement all you want, but passive bullshit like ornaments are fine.

What is so hard to understand, they advertised their desire for political murder to their constituents. It wasnā€™t ā€œjust an ornamentā€ in private. They made a public statement by displaying it.

Why do republican sycophants insist on removing all context from this stuff? Bending over backwards to present it in a favorable way is so slimy and manipulative.

I'm not a republican I just have principles. I know it's hard to see the difference when you can rationalize calling a christmas ornament a terroristic threat.

Politicians are trash and they all deserve a fucking noose. Every protest should have a gallows and a guillotine. And you'd be fine with that if they were 'your' people. Partisan fucking hack lemmy leftists can fuck off.

I just have principles

then according to my principles, yours are absolute shit. It wasn't a private display in his home. it was posted to social media for the entire world to see. A post that included people being hung in effigy. And is 100% a threat. particularly considering this guy was at jan 6 and is most definitely not a peaceful anything.

you're defending a terrorist.

Why would it matter if it was a private display? People are allowed to have and express their opinions, even if they're shitty opinions.

Legally there are boundaries on speech as well, that ornaments don't cross.

I'm not defending him I'm defending his right to have opinions. He's a worthless, abhorrent piece of shit.

Iā€™m not defending him Iā€™m defending his right to have opinions. Heā€™s a worthless, abhorrent piece of shit.

by insisting he doesn't get to be charged for making threats against elected members of government? he committed a crime. the speech itself might be protected, but those protections don't protect against consequences. insisting otherwise is absolutely defending that worthless, abhorrent piece of shit.

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Why would it matter if it was a private display? People are allowed to have and express their opinions, even if theyā€™re shitty opinions.

because a public and threatening display is a threat.

A threat against POTUS, VPOTUS and several other elected government leaders is a crime. a very serious crime.

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Since you missed it Iā€™ll repeat myself.

ā€œWhat is so hard to understand, they advertised their desire for political murder to their constituents. It wasnā€™t ā€œjust an ornamentā€ in private. They made a public statement advocating murder by displaying it.ā€

Words are wind, your actions show you bending over backwards to excuse this. Also the narrative that all politicians deserve a noose is what authoritarians push to keep their citizens from trying to fix things. Thereā€™s tons of money in reinforcing political apathy, because any person they convince to abandon the process is one less voice they have to care about come election season.

Itā€™s a very terminally online take hyper focused on federal government. You think your local comptroller should be strung up? The irony of you calling me a political hack when your political philosophy is devoid of any nuance.

Yeah, no, sorry. Unless homie said "hey if I do this thing I mean this other thing" and it's insanely direct, I'm not buying your shit. They happen to be freedoms I choose to use as well.

You obviously knew what I meant you're just so focused on rationalizing your bullshit you can't manage a conversation in good faith.

All youā€™re saying here is you have no interest in actually critically thinking and analyzing peopleā€™s actions, instead just taking them explicitly at their word. Which is just gullibility. Do you think youā€™d feel threatened if someone was posting pictures of you being hung? What if the poster had a history of making statements that they thought you were evil or a threat to the country?

The sheer irony of that last paragraph is funny. Youā€™re the one talking past me and ignoring things I say that are inconvenient. Until I force you to face it.

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Youā€™re in the wrong side of history here, bud.

After the revolution message me and I'll let you command the firing squad yourself.

If we're heading toward less civil liberties and limits on political speech, then I'm fine with that.

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yes i would. Fucking hell. speech has meaning. And hanging people in effigy is easily considered a threat; particularly when you look at the history of lynch mobs. Are people allowed to say "I'm going to come for you and your family and hang you?" absolutely. But that protection doesn't mean the government can't lock your ass up for making terroristic threats.

"I'm going to come for you and your family and hang you?"

Bahaha. Are you equating a direct, verbal, actionable threat with a fucking Christmas tree ornament?

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Hopefully this prick gets a visit from the FBI for Christmas.

Before he hung them from nooses, he liked to look under their clothes and make them kiss.

Dark HelmetĀ :Ā Did you see anything?

Colonel SandurzĀ :Ā No, sir! I didn't see you playing with your dolls again.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Derrick Evansā€”a former Republican state lawmaker in West Virginia convicted of participating in the January 6 siege on the U.S. Capitolā€”is facing backlash after posting a photo on Christmas Day featuring tree ornaments depicting Democratic leaders hanging from nooses.

Figures of former President Barack Obama, ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former presidential Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci were also included in the photo.

The former state lawmaker, who is running as a Republican for U.S. Congress in 2024, pleaded guilty in 2022 to felony civil disorder in the January 6 attack and sentenced to three months in prison.

The picture garnered backlash from several users on X, including Jeff Hoffman, who wrote that Evans' post was "downright disgusting and we should never let someone like this hold office."

"Derrick Evans of West Virginia needs to be locked up in prison AGAIN because he failed to learn his lesson about being a seditious insurrectionist," wrote X user Jon Thomas, who also tagged law enforcement agencies like the FBI and Capitol Police.

"The traitor Jonathan 'Derrick' Evans is under supervised release until at least September 2025, yet he continues to make thinly veiled threats to hang people ... Back to jail dips***!?"

The original article contains 483 words, the summary contains 201 words. Saved 58%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Unfortunately this only boosts his standing among gop voters.