How to stop eating junk food? to Ask – 55 points –

I am eating too much junk and processed food while watching movies and youtube videos. I want to stop as it affects my health. Any suggestions.


Stop buying it. That's how we slowed down / stopped.

This is the way. It's easier to have will power at the grocery store. Stop buying that crap and you'll have a harder time binging.

Also eat before going grocery shopping. It helps with the impulse.

And once you've stopped, listen out for the voice that says "just this once, as a treat, I've been good" because that voice lies

Agreed. Perhaps buy/prepare healthier options and have them conveniently available. Like popping your own popcorn for example vs getting microwave popcorn. I have an air popper. After popping some I add olive oil and salt. Store it in a ziplock for the wk. or I’ll buy Skinny Pop, ingredients are the same: popcorn, oil, salt..I really like popcorn.


I'm a little overweight and I avoid buying any kind of chips and snacks because I know I have almost zero willpower.

Also, eating a bit less than usual on each meal, like knowing when you're feeding and when you're just eating for pleasure.

Maybe I won't lose any weight but I hope to gain as less as possible.

Like others have said one of the easiest things to do is simply don't buy the junk.

Personally I found that the real game changer is finding a healthy snacking alternative. For me this is almonds and dried apricots. They're still quite a 'dense' energy snack but it scratches the sweet tooth itch and is much more filling. Plus you get the added protein, fats & micro nutrients that you would usually miss in processed items.

Try out some different alternatives (my wife loves to snack on dates and Greek yoghurt for example) and try mainly just to focus on finding something you enjoy so you can swap the habit.

Good luck!

  1. Stop buying it. Starve yourself of it by just not having it around.
  2. Keep a tall glass or bottle of warm water with you when you’re junking on content. Keep sipping it. Slowly. Over time you’ll finish the bottle and get up to pee. That’s there number 3 comes in.
  3. Recognize another harmful pattern here. Is your approach to watching content affecting your mood or causing you to spiral into junk food addiction? Maybe cut down on the YouTube videos. Or if you enjoy them a lot, combine them with some other activity you can do with your hands - drawing, writing, lifting weights, anything. Basically understand that your hands are idle while your brain is engaged and that’s causing you to reach for that packet of food.
  4. Recognize that junk food is an addiction. Deal with it as you would an alcohol or nicotine addiction. You can go cold turkey or taper down. But you have to commit. You have to hold yourself accountable. But do not let yourself get bogged down by failure. Addiction is difficult to deal with. Deal with it anyway.

Make a shopping list and be strict with yourself about what you add to it. Then restrict yourself from buying anything not on the list so that you stick to it. Best way (that I know) to be deliberate about what food comes home with you.

Stop buying it.

It's a lot easier to stop yourself from eating a bag of chips while watching YouTube if it's not just sitting there in your pantry and you have to go to the store to buy it.

You just have to resist the urge to get the junk food during your grocery trips, not every hour you're at home and bored.

don't buy it. ever. and if people bring it over make them take it back. make grocery lists before going to the store with healthy snacks you like on it or meal plan filling meals. and eat before you go to the store so you shop with your head, not your stomach lolol.

and if people bring it over make them take it back

Forgot to mention it in my post, but absolutely this too. People loooove pawning off junk food to friends. It's an easy gift.

Drinking lots of water or brushing your teeth might help you resist the urge.

I read somewhere that often when we are feeling slightly hungry we are actually thirsty and our body knows there is moisture in healthier foods. But we tend to aim for salty dried out snacks that really have no benefit. So I suggest getting a large water bottle and make the effort to drink when feeling hungry. That's what I do.

  • don't buy the junk.
  • don't snack, you're not 6 months old to need to eat at 3 hours interval.
  • during the transition period try to find alternatives like carrot sticks or whatever.
  • don't eat at TV or equivalent, eat only at the dinning table when you decide and without distractions.

Good luck

Lots of stop buying it comments in here. How about: Stop watching so many videos? The best way to stop eating is to occupy your mind and hands. Got any hobbies? Get one that involves using your hands and concentration. You must find something that you personally enjoy. You can't eat if you're busy concentrating on something you like doing while occupying your hands! Bonus points if it's something physical that helps get you in shape.

Also, it might take time.

For completely different reasons I started to draw, like 5 minutes a day (that was tougher than most things I have done, weirdly) and keeping at it for a couple of months.

Thats the way to go from one(less good) thing to another, reliably doing it every day, and quickly (well they say 90 days) it becomes an easy and pleasant thing you like to do.

Did it with jogging too, took longer (as I wasnt in shape for it, had crap shoes, back and muscles) but eventually it became a nice thing to do too.

And it all ads up, helping. I mean life is hard.

Pro tip, one day check out keto, and the idea about stopping eating all kind of sugar (potatoes, candy, snacks, processed food...). Don't rush it but know that it's really good for both your physical health(who would have thought eh) but also for your mental health, it's quite the thing. So maybe one day eh!

Last words; everyone can do it, it just takes time. If you dont have the mental, just take it slower and it'll come around.

I suggest board games. Helped me quit video games. And if you think that takes off physical activity, well...takes 1 season and one movie to catch up with me on it but Firefly is the best board game (hell...set of board games even) I have and is a lot of work to set up and build for play.

Don't have it in the house. Don't buy it. Don't even go down those aisles in the store.

I love me some salty food so I feel the pain. I'll echo the sentiment of not buying it in the first place. Will power is an exhaustible resource.

I find that it almost doesn't matter what I snack on I just want to snack. I will literally buy a huge bag of carrots and just eat those. Or my other favorite is toss a couple of strained cans of garbanzo beans in an air fryer, spray a bit of cooking spray, toast those suckers for 25 min, and salt/season them for a protein heavy snack that actually has fiber. Cheap, easy, and gives me similar vibes to a potato chip in an incredibly more healthy way.

Popcorn. Home made not bought.

Now if you want to go super healthy, air popped with no butter is so low calorie that you can basically not count it. Oil popped is a little higher, but still much better. Its only once you start drowning it in butter that it gets not so good for you. Also if you like it SALTY theres that...

But once you do a little digging into infusing oils and flavored salts and spice mixes, you can make some mind blowing shit. Popping the kernels in chilli infused oil and then hit them with a lemon and garlic salt... fuck yeah.

Think about how much it costs in total for a month's worth of junk food for you. Then figure out all the things you could do with that money instead. Helped me a lot when gas is high and I can't drive to work and also afford junk food

You could try to start replacing individual things with better alternatives. Its much harder to just suddenly change your diet

Basically we all need to learn how to hack ourselves.

Whatever that may look like for you is fine, so long as the hacks don't cause secondary problems then whatever works works.

Your Ritual = sit, watch, snack on crap, repeat until ??

So maybe try and replace each bit, one at a time, and see what you can bear to white knuckle long enough for it to transform into an enjoyable habit:

  • Sit -> walk on treadmill / exercise bike / whatever while you watch, or go outside for a walk while you listen to podcasts etc

  • Watch -> listening to podcasts and music or video audio frees up your eyes to be doing a crazy or hobby while you listen. This also means your hands will be occupied and not snacking.

  • Snack -> swap in fresh sweet crunchy veg (carrots, sweet bell pepper etc) or popcorn (no butter ya sneaky bugger) etc

  • Repeat until ??? -> Portion control. You don't take the whole bag of chips out of the kitchen, you take out a small bowl full and that's your limit

Pick whichever one you want.

Change is hard. We kinda hate it. But it's worth it.

I just want you to consider one more aspect of it. I've seen this discussed and backed up with scientific articles but I'm too lazy to find and include them in my post. Basically, all your cravings originate from your gut and your gut is ruled by the bacteria that have made your gut their home over the years. You've colonized your gut with a particular set of bacteria by giving them what you eat.

Now, if you change that food pattern, these bacteria, that control the gut, will make your body release chemicals that will make you crave for food that will keep them alive. Realise this and act accordingly. Being conscious about it has helped me overcome many food related 'addictions' i had like that of soda, of wafers. I still fall prey when I consume sweets continuously for a few days during festivities. Everytime it is the same struggle against the cravings, but I realise I'm just fighting against the settlers in my gut, brave it for a few days and notice my cravings become dull over time. Probiotics like kimchi, saurkraut, kefir, kombucha etc. help to some extent but ultimately it is more of a mind game.

Make what you will from my advice, but it does work for me. I wish you all the best in your fight against your gut settlers.

I said this in another comment, get a water bottle. Our bodies use hunger knowing real food has water in it. But if the water isn't working out for you, try switching the snacks to something that might be up your alley. Instead of a chip dip or cheese, try salsa. Someone suggested carrot or celery sticks, get a jar of peanut butter just to dip them in. Carrots and peanut butter is amazing. And to make meal time better, start cooking yourself. Watch a ton of cooking videos on YouTube and try making some easy recipes.

Are you hungry or just bored and looking for extra stimulation while enjoying some entertainment? Have you considered a fidget toy or something to keep your hands occupied? A puzzle? Knitting? Chewing gum?

Get lazy enough not to get up and get it, then it's easier to go longer without it and eventually (I think 1-2 weeks) you'll probably not even feel hungry for snacks.

Most people here recommend stopping something not taking into account that it may not last long. One slip and you're back. No addiction is cured by stopping immediately. You cannot simply get rid of a habit in one day. It has to be steady and progressive so that there's zero stress during transition.

First, start combining junk food with healthier meals. Like once a week, have something semi-healthy. Find something that tastes right for you. It may be not completely healthy, but the main thing is that you should enjoy it. Then start expanding it to more days per week. Repeat until the week days are all "semi-healthy" food. Next step, do the same but lean towards even healthier food, repeat the same process. Start marking cheat days on your calendar, when you can eat whatever you want. At this point you want to make eating healthy food a habit, and cheat days (1-3 per month) as an exception.

I used to drink lots of Lipton Ice Tea. First I switched to some other drink but with less sugar. Then I switched to Cola Zero. Then I started drinking mineral water. Now I basically drink just water and occasionally some Coke Zero. Same scenario also worked for smoking.

TLDR: steadily find better alternatives. Never make sudden change. Make it a habit. Rinse and repeat.

I was able to curb my nervous/bored eating and drinking with bitters and sours. Instead of reaching for food I now reach for some tea (with just lemon), coffee (decaf black), a glass of water with lemon, or just suck on a lime wedge. The lime thing is mostly to curb alcohol cravings.

PS: My wife's answer was Kombucha. Everybody is different.

Just stop buying that kind of food if you can't control your consumption of it. If that's too extreme for you, buy less of it, and when you do eat some, put one serving in a bowl and eat it out of the bowl. When the serving is gone, no more, no refills, you're done snacking on that food.

This is ultimately about your willpower.

You have what is called an “addiction”. An addiction is a self-destructive behavior you can’t control. Or rather, that you can control but not with the normal ease at which you normally control your own actions.

There’s two ways out of an addiction. One is far more effective than the other.

The method that’s more effective short term, but less effective long term, is willpower. Just force yourself to hold off on those treats. Wait five minutes, then dig in. Next time, try waiting six minutes. Just brute force your way out of the behavior.

The method that is less immediately effective, but far more effective long term, is to heal your psychological trauma so that moment-to-moment consciousness is not painful. This will remove the base motivation for pleasure-seeking, making that junk food mildly attractive, but nothing more.

In my own experience with addiction, brute forcing an addiction merely leads to another addiction forming. The only lasting addiction relief I’ve gotten in my life is from deep psychotherapeutic work, with men’s groups, with zen training, with individual therapy, and with native american healing ceremonies.

If your addiction were to alcohol or crack or something else that debilitated you, I’d recommend starting with the brute force method just to get breathing room. But a junk food addiction is more subtle, and doesn’t immediately debilitate you, so my recommendation is to go for the trauma healing strategy.

However, if your job is at all in danger, then I recommend the brute force method to begin with, because the inflammation caused by junk food will affect your job performance and if there’s any danger of losing your job then you need to take immediate action to protect it.

A friend of mine stopped their addiction by developing the habit of putting junk food in the freezer. The freezer makes it taste better but forces you to wait out the craving because it has to get cold.

Don't buy it, or switch to things like nuts or popcorn that you can eat a lot of without it being too unhealthy.

This is just bad advice. Nuts are very calorie dense, so you can easily put yourself in a calorie surplus for the day.

Try to replace what you currently eat with something else that is snacky but healthy like carrots, nuts or grapes.

After reading over the comments in this thread, it's plain to see a common theme:

Stop putting the bad food in your mouth.

It can be tough to break from habitual behavior in the moment (i.e. when you're reaching for a snack). Instead try putting some effort on making it harder or more inconvenient to indulge in that habit, while also giving yourself alternatives so it doesn't feel too torturous and make you want to give up.

For example, I'm guessing it will be a lot less emotionally "painful" to resist buying those snacks when you're out grocery shopping than it will be to resist grabbing them when they are already in your pantry. Use that to your advantage and stop buying the worst ones and try replacing them with a few healthier alternatives so that when the urge to snack hits at least the worst options are not available to you.

I'm hardly the healthiest eater, but a good apple sliced up satisfies a lot of my urges to snack. Baby carrots with hummus also keep your mouth busy and fill you up with relatively few calories. Try a few fruit/veggie snacks to see if any scratch your itch to snack. You don't have to change 100%, if you can break the junk food habit even 1/4 of the time, that's a step.

Another thing that's worked for me is portion control. Instead of bringing the whole bag of chips with you, pour a bowl and leave the rest in the kitchen. You might go back for seconds sometimes, but it still creates a barrier to eating more.

I think the most important thing is don't try to make it all or nothing. That will just set you up for failure and frustration. Take steps that are meaningful but achievable. And when you have the motivation, try to think of ways to set yourself up for it to be easier to make good choices when you have less motivation. You got this 💪

  1. Make sure you don't have any mental disorders that you aren't aware of. Watch actual doctors (like Dr. K) on YouTube to figure this out. You'd be surprised how subtly a disorder can impact the rest of your life.

  2. Do something more fulfilling. A decent chunk of the stuff you watch isn't helpful and doesn't satisfy you, so it's probably better to watch some really good movies/videos/shows so that you give it your full attention. If that doesn't work, find hobbies that do capture your attention.

Find hobbies or projects or do stuff with friends to the point that you don't have time for movies and youtube

When you're at the store, don't buy junk food. If it's in the house it'll be extremely difficult to say no to, but while shopying it's easier to make a more rational decision. Also, plan your meals for the week and maybe meal prep

I stopped eating sweets by not buying them any more. It´s just takes a second to walk past a product in the store and when you don´t have them at home it´s easy to not eat them. This applies to any kind of food

Talk to a therapist. Work out what's really bothering you, or at least how to be more mindful.