Trump Trashes Auto Union Leader After Losing Endorsement to politics – 389 points –
Trump Trashes Auto Union Leader After Losing Endorsement

Fain “is a real ‘STIFF’ who is selling the Automobile Industry right into the big, powerful, hands of China,” Trump wrote Sunday night on Truth Social.

“He bought into Biden’s ‘vision’ of all Electric Vehicles...


Please, please, please let him start attacking blue-collar workers and unions.

Sadly I don’t think that will change any of their minds. Remember his comments on his “preference” of military folks not to be captured? Still has tons of support from the military population.

I read that Biden is more popular among active-duty soldiers but Trump is more popular among veterans. Which doesn’t make sense to me. Trump is a draft dodger and they think he’s the most badass President ever. All he did was golf and tweet. What the fuck

He cheats like a motherfucker at golf too. A decent book called President In Cheat details what an absolute loser he is on the green. His tweets are riddled with typos and nonsense. (My typos are okay because I don't have a PR team and I'm not a "stable genius")

The man is a failure at everything he does except getting away with lying and cheating- and it's not because he's a criminal mastermind. Yet so many people worship him. It boggles the mind.

The possibility that Trump could win is hampering recruiting, to the point that the services are now dropping graduation/GED requirements.

But that’s different! We only hate those that we attempt to bar from serving!

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We'll never convince the die-hards. But the moderates can be swayed.

Yah, one only needs to swing the most moderate of one's opposing voters.

And by-and-large, only to stay home. You don't have to vote for Biden, just don't vote for Trump.

Ok, math is hard, but lower turn out is the only way Trump wins. So you should vote and not wanting Trump to win means you should vote for Biden. Third party votes are unfortunately a waste and actually help Trump by lowering the hurdle to win a majority in the state.

Please look at the broader context of my statement here. I'm talking about getting people who were on the fence about Trump but would've potentially voted for him to stay home, because they aren't super happy about him insulting their profession.

Yes, for people who are reasonable and sensible. But for those who aren't, then yes, I think they should stay home.

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Remember when Tucker Carlson's text messages were released and he called his fans 'especially dumb....cousin fuckers'? Remember when they still revered him anyway?

Trump could probably be at a rally in the deep south in a factory and call them all a bunch of good-for-nothing lazy losers and they'd still vote for him. They'd probably say "He speaks his mind and doesn't care what anyone including us thinks. He's so badass!" or like I've actually heard more than a few times "He says dumb things that I don't agree with but I agree with his politics" which is ridiculous but it doesn't matter.

I don't remember anything Tucker ever said. His face perpetually told me "I am lying with anything I say" and I just ignored anything that ever spewed after.

It's crazy to me how many of my union brothers are right wing and willingly vote for politicians that are openly anti union.

I see the union guys in their maga hats in my store regularly.

I wonder if either they stumbled into their unions through family or if Trump is such a cultural phenomenon in rural America that they wear the hats to fit in around the homies and just don’t give much thought to politics. “I’ve been in this union through 4 Republican presidents and I still got my union. So what? Trump is cooo, he says what’s on his miiiiind. I like ‘at!”

Biden blocking the rail strike didn't help solve any of that sooooo...

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It’ll just make his coward base vote harder. They hate whatever he hates, even if it’s themselves.

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If only he was president in the past we could have some kind of record to judge him on... Oh yeah, he was.

Tldr: Filled the national labor relations board with appointees who worked to roll back workers rights and hamper unonization.

Can't imagine why unions aren't a fan of his /s

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Shawn Fain speaks at UAW 2024 National CAP Conference 1/22/24.

The UAW is calling on all unions to set their next contracts to expire on April 30, 2028 and for a general strike on May 1, 2028 to reclaim May Day.

It Could Happen Here recently published a podcast episode about how this would work. Some people are upset with how far out the date it set, but it's a smart approach and provides the runway necessary for other industries/unions to sign new contracts.

I'm a simple man, I see a Robert Evans podcast mentioned and I upvote.

Seriously though, it's good to see people thinking long term. We criticize the corps for only thinking of the next quarter (at the furthest) and then also criticize a guy with a well thought out long term plan?!

Thanks for this. I created a new post with a clip from the CAP conference and added the podcast link and summary. Should make it a bit easier to share the general strike call around.

selling the Automobile Industry right into the big, powerful, hands of China

This is the speech of a man who is very insecure about his hands. No normal person uses this vocabulary in this circumstance without some strong personal opinions on hands.

Look, his hands are massive for his developmental age, okay. Stop making fun of him for his hands. he's a toddler. those are some huge hands for a toddler.

Does he drink a glass of water with both hands because they are weak or because he’s a toddler? We may never know.

Everything the man does is transactional. Support me and I'll support you (for a little while anyway). Fuck me and I fuck you

The guy is 80. Let him talk his lungs off, he doesn't have much time.

Let's hope that next big Mac is the straw that broke the camel's back

He's probably got plenty of time. That sweet, sweet presidential healthcare has every president since Ford making it into their nineties.

The catch is that those later years aren't necessarily coherent. That's the dangerous part with Trump.