Reddit rule to – 346 points –

I'll get bludgeoned to death by the barbarians after they realise I can't actually yodel but just give academic lectures about yodelling. So I'm not even useful for keeping people entertained.

I'm either slapping people to death with a broken 40' tv; or i am using screen shards as knifes. Prefer the first one tbh.

Man I'm fucked

Hey I saw you on that post with AI generated usernames. Yours is quite cool, imagine that thing being used as a weapon.

I’m a c-shaped knife, basically a sickle; At least I can go down swinging .

Idk I have no idea what TxzK means

Mine is how I flavored my paladin's Spirit Guardians, so everything within 15 ft of me takes a boatload of shiny damage and walks slowly... Think I'm in good shape, if very lonely

My name is literally just burger but switched, and a funny E at the beginning.

So ig I just have an opposite burger? Idk how that will help XD

Don't worry, I'm a doctor. This is where the weevils are SUPPOSED to go.

I may or may not make it, but Harold is a pretty hip dude. Gonna habe a good time at least.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to live forever in this scenario. I'm basically magic.

my paws can inflict equal amounts of pleasure or pain, so I have that going for me at least

I'll be in high demand for people with calculators 👀

This is gonna get nasty before it gets better

No one wants soapy clothes, even in the post-apocalypse.