Fucking finally!

ickplant@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 788 points –

My wife prefers the madness of memorizing the offset of the displayed time versus the current time. It's not even an integer number of hours. It's just some random value since the last power outage.

My wife set the clocks ahead of time, because she knows we're always late.

We're always late because she thinks we have time to go, because she sets the clocks ahead of time.

I guess she has to make up.

This valueable observation will help you differentiate her from an AI imposter at some point as the AI imposter would get stuck in an infinite loop with this type of behavior.

Might as well start using GMT. At least you'll get some value out of that.

Jokes on you. My power is so unstable that I'm just waiting for the next power out to reset all the clocks to the correct time.

Here's to hoping that it happens right at midnight for ya! :-D

I absolutely refuse to change time on any of my analog clocks. I hate daylight savings with passion.

I display a clock at work that I proudly label as "Standard Time" year-round. Screw daylight stealings.

The time on my wheelchair is 12pm. Its 6pm. How did it get so wrong

Nothing’s been the same since the incident.

i didnt know wheelchairs had clocks now. though i guess its kind of obvious that they would

well I for one have been dreading this day because now the clock in my car will be wrong for 6 months.

I fucking hate dst so much. I wish we could do away with it.

None in Arizona! It's awesome!

Oh nooo… I guess my alarm clock will be off one hour again for the next half year

Same, or until the next power outage. And then they will be wrong by who knows how much for a week or two until I set them.

All of this iot shit, and all we really need is the ability for everything to just use an ntp server.

This is the conversation via text I had with my wife yesterday morning:

Her: I’ll get [my daughter] up.

Me: Not until 10.

Her: Time change.

Me: [looking directly at the clock on my computer] It’s 9:30.

Her: Did time go backwards?

Me: No. It feels like 8:30. That’s why the dogs got up at 7 instead of 6.

Her: Sigh. I’m so confused.

Daylight savings are so stupid. Savings are actually minimal and it's bad for your health. If everyday you wake up at 7 your body will wake up without an alarm, now wake up at 6 because it's a new 7. I'm sure you will wake up no problem. Now we will change it every 6 months so you will always need alarm. God! I hate it!

My car battery went dead the day before the time change. I was so close.

I feel so heard. I refused to change mine last time, so now they are all "officially" correct.

My car has the correct time again! I just said fuck it and decided that IDGAF and let it keep the standard time when it was Fall back.

I feel justified in my laziness today

My car as a separate clock on the dash and one on the nav screen. I keep them a hour apart and just attend to the correct one depending on the time of year. If you think this is insane, maybe think about how insane it is that we still do this dst bullshit at all and vote for politicians like those in Mexico that are willing to drop this shit. I genuinely worry that as more clocks update themselves we will become complacent and will never be free from this tyranny.

I genuinely worry that as more clocks update themselves we will become complacent and will never be free from this tyranny.

But maybe we could reach a point where the clocks update every night so instead of shifting an hour at a time twice per year we can shift 20 seconds per day. I haven't put much thought into this but I think it's the next best solution after leaving the god damned clocks alone.

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I used to be like that. Then at some point, time became a part of my job and now because of this stupid government, I spent 15 minutes stress-running around fixing everything twice a year.

We just switched to daylight saving, which happens during the summer. You kept it on saving time, not standard time, when you didn't change it in the fall.

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Daylight savings is what caused it in the first place. Screw daylight savings.

Screw the switch anyway. I think I’d like it if we made daylight saving time just be permanent, instead of staying on winter hours year round.

It's the cooker that gets me. I end up just switching it off and on at midnight because fuck knows how you're supposed to set it.

But now you’re running early since you mentally shave an hour off out of habit.

If only. They are falling behind with time.