The healing power of crystals to Lemmy – 1037 points –

Uranium will affect your aura by misaligning your chakras

Under the right conditions it will also misalign your skin with your body.

Never underestimate the potential face melting power of angry Rocks.

@ickplant That's completely wrong. Each rock/mineral has a hidden skill. Once acquired, you have less money.

Some crystals like torbernite and asbestos have a special skill too, called "radiation poisoning" and "lung cancer"

Money loss is a very common spell as you have very well demonstrated

There are a bunch of crystals that do shit, like molly and meth.

Also, less fun stuff like salt and sugar.

I was a skeptic but a friend who worked at a crystal shop was ALWAYS around them. Even hauling them by the box then two in a matter of months. He was jacked!

/s just in case

Devil’s advocate time: the placebo effect is incredibly powerful, and for many people it’s all that’s needed.

I'm all for this but it's a slippery slope. People seem to go from using a crystal to get over a small psychological road block to thinking that vaccines cause autism real quick.

In some cases, yes. Hiccup cures are all placebo, but the placebo effect is all you need to cure hiccups anyway, so in that case they're just as good as a real cure would be if one existed.

But for something more serious where the placebo effect isn't enough, it could be actively dangerous if someone chooses the placebo over real treatment.

Hey, some of those are polestones, and are perfectly capable of storing Stormlight! Just gotta wait for the next hightstorm

Kelek's breath man, when is the last time you ever heard of a highstorm outside of Roshar?

Speaking of, when does lemmy get cremposting?

Just started the second book, damn good so far!

It is brilliant but god damn he needs an editor who will stand up to him. I have stagnated on book 2 after about 5 chapters of tangential world building for some future part of the story. By the time I get there, I won't remember those 5 chapters.

I'm around halfway through part 1 of book 2, I can't put it down, I can't say I agree tbh lol.

Wait for it. It's coming. A jump into another city somewhere with no explanation and a whole bunch of new characters you haven't been introduced to. Like a story within a story within a story. I thought my toddler must have been playing with my ebook reader and skipped me to the next book.

What about the healing powers of enjoying yourself with a hobby like collecting a bunch of minerals and just looking at them?

Surely, having a hobby can improve some people's mental health.

That depends. Is your hobby overrun by charletans using your ignorant faith in easily disproven claims to sell false promises of a better life? Because not only is that detrimental to your mental and financial health, but it is bad for society as a whole as it erodes trust in science and knowledge itself.

People who like shiny crystals decorating their homes aren't a problem. People who spend money they don't have on magic because government doctors are trying to put chips in your brain are a real and existential problem.

What about diamond? Those can be traded for large sums of money which can significantly improve your health.

1 more...

Actually, that's not true. Fluorite has a slight healing power for your teeth.

Ok, fuck, you got me. Now I have to admit that crystals do have healing power.

Also Quartz is used extensively in electronics, including medical devices that help people with healing or managing their ailments.

Florite the magic Cristal of dental hygien and quartz the magic Cristal of electricity

Great guide, could you tell me what sort of benefits I might expect from Selenite?

I know it doesn’t do something I just can’t remember what that something was…..

No worries I got you. The something was nothing.

If it doesn’t do nothing isn’t it doing something?

Now now, some powerful minerals, when ground into a powder, have the ability to grant the user silicosis

I have this same problem with Pink Floyd's view on the necessity of education.

You get the benefit of having a rock with cool optical properties! It's clear! It's chatoyant! it's like a natural fibre optic cable!

True, but if you like looking at them and it soothes your stress, that kind of helps. Stress = inflammation after all. Plus, there's the placebo effect, which is surprisingly effective sometimes.

Incorrect. Fluorite is made of calcium fluoride. You can mix that shit with some sulfuric acid and make poison acid gas. Don't do this though, it definitely won't cure autism or help you pray the gay away. Hydrogen fluoride is like the complete polar opposite of magical healing powers.

If poison acid gas doesn't cure my gay, nothing will...

It's magical hurting powers however sadly using these powers are forbidden by the geneva council after the first wizard war

I was in Sedona, AZ, and I witnessed what I can only call a church service about crystals. Interesting place.

Fetid fluorite will sometimes give off pure fluorine, which is the exact opposite of healing, but I think it's cool though as I normally only get to breathe the fumes of the organic solvents at my lab. I would love to have perfluorinated lungs, so I myself can become the forever chemical.

I have a lapis lazuli rock the size of a child's fist on my desk at home. It's a beautiful rock and I'm happy it doesn't do shit

I built my entire base out of lapis because idk what else to do with all of it