Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears to – 374 points –
Trump spirals as bond deadline in fraud case nears

The eye-popping judgment against former President Trump

First of all, what the fuck is that doing starting the article? "The eye-popping judgement" is a direct and proven result of his crimes for goddamned fucks sake. That was the whole fucking point of suing him. It was the crimes that were eye-popping you idiot fucks. "ewwwww can yewwww beleeeeev the juuuuudgement agaaaaiiinnst hiiiim" jesus christ.

Goddamn, I thought I could read one fucking article without seeing some idiot bullshit but NOPE. Later they give prominent article space as to whether or not he "made it big in NYC" from a Pace university professor. Who might be the smartest guy in the world, but when I go for a generic quote that Ricky from School would know I don't typically dial into Pace university. I'm . . . not even sure where that is, actually. Whatever - nothing wrong with it at all, just . . . y'know. Try calling, I dunno, Stanford or Penn or something. It's just very random.

Pace University is a private college in NYC for people who can't get into NYU or Columbia and don't want to go to CUNY. That's why they asked that guy.

Although you could just ask any rich socialite from a nice building on the Upper East Side and they could tell you the same: people have hated Trump for years because he's boring and fat. It's that simple.

Don't forget arrogant, self-absorbed, and rude.

I only use criticism that will sway his supporters. They like the arrogance, self-absorbtion, and rudeness. Those are positives for them, or only minor issues.

Don't even mention them because they like that he annoys Democrats. It's as if a Republican told you they didn't like Pete Buttigieg because he's openly gay. That wouldn't sway you right? You might be more likely to vote for him to piss off Republicans.

It's eye-popping in the sense that I never expected him to have to face any sort of consequence proportionate to the magnitude of the heinous shit he did. That's not normally how we do justice in America.

What's with this constant attitude that Biden, in much better shape and not significantly older than Trump, is on the verge of death?

It's all gaslighting and foreign interference to get Trump re-elected

No, most people are not happy about voting for an old Republican of a Democrat.

No, insulting Biden does NOT mean I like Trump in any way nor want him to win.

People can be and are unhappy about both choices.

better a progressive republican that an extremist republican, and those are your choices. reality sucks; deal with it or be prepared for the consequences

You cannot "deal with" something you accept as status quo, dingdong.

You know things are bad, when both sides of US politics rely on desinformation and populist narratives.

Biden is 81 years old and regularly showed in public appearances that he is mentally declining. Trump shows the same.

The fact that both sides of the two party system band together to claim that the age and mental state of their candidates should not be a clear reason to exclude both canidates is insane to look at from the outside. How can the US still delude itself into being anything but a nuclearly armed corrupt oligarchy, when these two candidates is the "best" the nation has to offer? How can you still delude yourself into believing that this is not the result of an oligarchy that will never allow a candidate to actually bring the economic change necessary to protect the poor people and make the rich people contribute fairly to society?

One party is rapeing you from the front and the other party is rapeing you from behind and you argue about which way around it is better instead of seeing to end getting fucked over.

bOtH sIdEs

Which is indicative, or rather painfully obvious shoving it into peoples faces, that the US political system is systemically broken and needs systemic reforms.

But instead of growing past "your team vs my team" people cheer on the further decline that makes them suffer.

If the US would just bring demise to itself i wouldn't mind, but since it is causing pain and suffering all over the world it needs to be adressed.

Right wing propaganda designed to look like far left socialist rhetoric.

Fascists view the enemy as simultaneously weak, decrepit and pathetic.. while also being sharp minded machiavellian mastermind strong men.

and which it is depends entirely on the moment and argument at hand.

“I currently have almost five hundred million dollars in cash… The often overturned political hack judge on the rigged and corrupt A.G. case, where I have done nothing wrong, knew this, wanted to take it away from me, and that’s where and why he came up with the shocking number which, coupled with his crazy interest demand, is approximately $454,000,000,” Trump wrote in all caps on Truth Social Friday morning.

I can't live off of the millions of dollars that would be leftover.

People who live paycheck to paycheck buy this crap. I mean, what's he supposed to do with his "millions" in the interim? Just starve to death?

It's all bullshit anyway as nobody with $500M would just leave it sitting around liquid/as cash. That'd generate around $40M a year in interest by just investing it in basic shit and getting an average return.

Well I wouldn't say "nobody" it matters how many billions you got...

For example Bezos keeps 5% of his wealth (currently 9.5B) in cash. I assume that's cash and equivalents... but who knows.

Most likely bonds (as you said, cash equivalents). When you get to a certain level of wealth, instead of paying taxes, you lend that same money to the government and receive interest on it.

And/or because it's hidden away in some tax haven under somone else's name.

I wouldn't trust a word of it myself.

I think I would too. He could live the entire rest of his life on 9B making zero interest and losing value to inflation.

Right now $9.5 billion in Treasury Bills can make you $484 million per year. Enough to buy a yacht or pay a massive civil penalty, depending on who you are.

That's the best thing about Trump not being able to scrape together $460 million. Any real billionaire would just get a loan and pay it off with the income from their investments over time. Never sell good assets unless it's for more money.

Trump has no good assets that he hasn't already mortgaged. So no bank will lend to him. He's probably fucked. We'll see on Monday.

Think it's bad now, wait until they pop him with a criminal conviction.

Then, instead of "24 hours to come up with 1/2 a billion dollars" it's "24 hours until you report to prison..."

Oh I’ve been waiting. It’s been a long-as-hell five minutes.

He'll leave the country

You say like that is a bad thing

It is for Brits, he'll probably come here to hide at one of his shitty golf courses

He'd go to Russia, where he'll fall out a window because his usefulness is gone and he won't have the half a billion to pay back their loans.

Idk... hed be an infinitelt usedul propaganda pawn.

"Look here, we have the former US president whos been treated soo unfairly by the American dictatorship."

And youd still have Dr. Facismo tweeting all his latest brain farts for the 20% of the country that will double down on his glorious eminence no matter what.

PAC sending funds as we speak. Why just vote for a dumb criminal when you can pay to keep him out of jail?

That's fine. Give all that money to the State of New York instead of buying commercials and helping down-ballot candidates. It's been wrongly declared before but this time might actually be the end of the Republican party as we have known it. Trump should sell popcorn.

Never underestimate the ability of the Democratic Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Even if the recent polls turn around, they are still betting the country on the health of an octogenarian. The only person who can keep this country from descending into totalitarianism is not Joe Biden; it's his cardiologist.

Motherfucker just needs to last 8 months and I'll be good. I mean I'm hopeful he lasts his term and beyond, but 8 months is the minimum.

10 months, to be safe. We certainly don't want him croaking before the election, but if he wins and croaks before the EC votes are counted we'll be in the middle of an unprecedented shitshow. We saw Republicans challenging accepting the certificates for made-up reasons last time. "We can't accept these because the mofo up and died on us" might actually get some traction.

Again, assuming he wins, he needs to last right up to the point where he takes his Oath of Office again. Once he says "So Help Me God", he's off the clock, and can kick off anytime he wants without plunging us all into the abyss. (Although that might end up being our pet name for the Harris Presidency....)

Never underestimate the ability of the Democratic Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Truer words are seldom spoken. It's like they're just controlled opposition paid by many of the same people who pay the Republicans.. 🤔

because Trump will throw the entire RNC under the bus if they don't give him what he wants.

Maybe it's just me but I don't think he'd make a good James Bond.

He wouldn't even make a good villain. Stormy Daniels chasing him with a rolled up magazine would make him squeal. Game over! That took 15 seconds.

I absolutely love watching him squirm and rage. It makes up for all the delays and bullshit during the trial.

I love how every time his lawyers say something, he gets in front of a crowd and says the opposite.

If Trump gets immunity on election interference, he can become president and work himself out of this mess. I still don’t understand how Clarence Thompson is still allowed on the case for this decision!? Why haven’t the other justices refused to hold the hearing till Clarence recuses himself?

Sorry, maybe a tangent but I can’t help but think of this upcoming ruling in light of all of this.

Because they're also complicit

James can begin seizing his assets, which include iconic New York properties such as 40 Wall Street and Trump Tower.

Is Truth Social based in New York? She should take that toy away from him too.

The thing about truth social I'd that its worthless without Trump.

Its so weird to me that it's worth so much money when the guy could up and die tomorrow.