Facebook now wants to write your posts for you with AI.

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 364 points –

Please do not give me shit for using Facebook. It's how I keep in touch with relatives, most of whom live abroad, and my brother, who is has ASD prefers to communicate with me that way.

I would rather not use it, but I would prefer keeping in touch with my brother.

That said, I would not let AI keep in touch with my brother for me.


"Facebook, it's been a long day. Just tell everyone my experiences for me."

And it works because they track everything you do already so it actually knows

"Feeling tired? Buy this massager from our Marketplace. On special discount today."

"Hitachi Magic Wand - slightly used - $199 - No low ballers I know what I got. WILL NOT respond to "is this still available" serious buyers only"

You say that as a joke but I'm sure there is probably some camgirl is out there selling their "slightly used" toys for more than they bought them for.

Social media going full throttle with dead internet theory.

I just hope they don't come up with dead fediverse theory next.

The fediverse is alive and active, but unfortunately every single account is just an alt of The Picard Manouver.

As a totally real human being, my account most certainly is not an alt of The Picard Manouver. Nope. Of course not.

Considering the quality of posts from the majority of people on FB, AI posts will make your feed much better.

My feed is highly curated so that I only see a handful of people I know in person who post things I care about and a couple of groups involving cartoonists I like and one about a TV show I like, all of which are 100% argument and drama-free. It makes it a far less unpleasant experience.

My feed is highly curated

A few years ago I did this, too. By deleting my facebook account. Best curation of it I've ever achieved.

How do you even curate a fb feed. When I tried that I got an algorithm that shoved "recommended" posts down my throat that got worse the further down I scrolled. Not to mention looking for posts older than a day is a pain because they're not chronological. AND the cherry on top is when you finally reach the place where that post might be and the page just decides to reload. Awful, awful user experience.

Yeah, suggestions killed FB, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Reddit for me. You can't even have your own feed anymore.

I use a Firefox addon called "FB Purity". It blocks all sponsored and recommended posts. You can even configure it to hide posts like "Your friend commented on this" which would also put random public posts on your page. My main page is very clean and takes 10 seconds to scroll down every few days to see the most recent pet photos or any important news from my family.


Yes, lately I've been getting a ton of local police department posts from cities on the other side of the country and I'm a firm ACAB person.

3 more...

Just cut out the people and let me live in a fictional world where other "people" aren't mostly idiots. Plug me into the matrix already. Let's get it over with!

3 more...

Soon social media will be entirely automated, requiring no human input!

But fr wtf is the point of this 💀

As infuriating and abusive Facebook is, this just feels sad. It hits in a different way. So dystopic

Next; we'll automatically share that you're interested in products. But noone cares because it's just stupid language models reading content from other stupid language models. People stop buying things because they've detached from social media with posts becoming parodies of themselves and irony doesn't really lead anywhere new.

People stop buying things because they've detached from social media

What do you mean by that? Social media is quite popular.

I think they meant "all of this is what might happen next"

But yeah even then social media will still continue to somehow have an ever increasing number of "users"

This kind of reminds me of the state of the mobile gaming space with respect to these sort of "idle" games that are out there. I'm not sure if most are like this, but I've been experiencing one lately for shits & giggles. I started playing one a few weeks ago that's almost like a tower defense-ish game, you've got waves of enemies coming at you and you need to erect various defenses to stop them, comprised of heroes from various roles.

The basic gameplay itself is ok-ish, BUT the developers have inserted so many goddamn currencies and roadblocks and things to slow the game down, I guess to make it a fucking grindfest. You're basically required to grind and level up your heroes in order to advance past some levels, BUT they give you the option to do "Auto-battles" where you just let the game run on auto-pilot. So, in order to get arbitrary amounts of experience to level up my people and to proceed past some gameplay roadblock, you can run through X auto-battles and level up that way, so I just let my phone run this stupid thing for ~10 min just so I can advance. Or you can pay money for shortcuts, that's their business model I guess.

Are we eventually going to get to that point with social media? We won't really be maintaining friendships with people, we'll just have our AIs maintain relationships with other people's AI, and we just sort of let it run on auto-pilot while we're off doing whatever. Then you'll run into a Facebook friend IRL and have no idea who they are, despite your AI's being best friends with each other. I'm just wondering how they'll eventually transform it into the Freemium business model.

Auto-battles? You might as well watch gameplay videos on YouTube.

To be honest the best use case for Gen-AI is people using Gen AI to generate professional messages from simple sentences and the recipient to use Gen-AI to translate it back. I can't wait for all my interactions to be made for me. It's going to be terrible

I'd love if it could apply to jobs for me. Just take my resume, figure out the job position I'm applying for and go through their dumb application site, pull all the same data off of my resume and use it to fill in the duplicate fields that they have that are in my resume. Just let the AI handle all the applying for me and it can tell me what jobs I have an interview for so I don't have to waste all my time with the application part.

I tried to get LLMs to write a cover letter for me. It could either lie about my credentials to match the job or write a generic one about my credentials. They are so dumb. This should be useful for us workers but won't get better since it doesn't help businesses.

If anything, HR depts will use AI to pre-sort candidates based on some algorithm that looks at arbitrary measures, the presence of certain buzz words, and whatever else, anything to cut down on the amount of work HR needs to do screening candidates.

2018: It feels like everything on the Internet is bots now

2024: Facebook has an app that AI generates photos and writes posts for a vacation I've never been on

Far-away family are the only reason I use FB too. My sister and some of my nieces use it to a disturbing degree, "checking in" when they're in restaurants etc, posting "memories", pictures of their kids. My sister has a special pose for her FB selfies - head tilt, fake smile. I hate it all with a burning fire, even when I'm clicking the heart button on a puppy photo.

AI just seems like another step closer to the abyss, the death of true creativity.

I am reminded of the words of Martin Pearson from many years ago:

"I don't know why I even bother to show up for these gigs. You lot seem to be perfectly capable of entertaining yourselves!"

I like AI tools and helpers, but I'm starting to feel like we are making the fake bot content part of the regular experience?

It's social media, I want people not bots.

My dad now uses AI to write all his texts to me.

He's autistic and dyslexic and texting was always a massive struggle for him, so he'd leave voice messages, or just call me, and they'd be rambling and non linear, but it was my dad and his voice, his personality.

A few years ago he'd use dictation to send texts, and it was pretty funny because he hadn't no way of proof reading them and dictation is never great for people with accents or speech problems.... but now he will just use the microphone to ask whatever AI assistant is built into his phone the same rambling question he would have previously just voice messaged me.

And Copilot re-writes his rambling question and spits out a message that sounds like some formal business email. So now there's an extra level of misinterpretation, an extra level of being removed from communicating with the human being.

I've asked my dad if he finds AI easier than just leaving a voice message (because I personally think sending a voice memo is easier) and he says he likes it because it makes him feel like he's "normal" and can do the things everyone else has always been able to do with ease, even though he knows its not perfect.

I can definitely see the value in AI as an accommodation tool, and it has helped my dad a lot in his professional life where previous accommodation tools haven't been adequate to "keep up".

But I do miss hearing my dad, or reading his personality come through in the poorly dictated texts. My brother has gotten really annoyed at dad for this because my brother it's also autistic and it's actually harder for him to communicate with dad with an AI middle man, they've lived together for almost 30 years and they basically have their own language, so the AI texts my brother gets from my dad drive him nuts, when he and my dad have never had issues communicating.

I'm also worried that it's effecting the limited literacy skills he does have, he's getting rusty because he no longer has to try at all most days.

I sympathize with this. People on the spectrum already have a hard time just living, then they have the extra hurdle of having a hard time communicating their hard time. It feels very human to want to hide the struggle, it makes you feel more like you belong in the world and that you are just one of the other billions out there being "normal" and doing "normal" things. That's a longing that I've felt, but I'm fortunate enough to not have felt it to the degree your father seems to have. I hope you and your brother find a way to get through to him.

That’s a super interesting perspective on this stuff. Sorry you’re going through that internet brother - I hope you can communicate to your dad that he’s loved the way he is. Definitely seems to be true

I take it you've already expressed to him that you miss feeling like you're actually communicating with him? I doubt it'd be a magic pill that would solve the issue away, but it would likely help if he could interiorize that his loved ones appreciate him for being who he is. I wish things get better for you.

Oh definitely, he knows, but I also know and understand his perspective. For him, masking and unmasking when texting his boss then texting his family is exhausting and incredibly emotionally taxing. While I don't meet the clinical criteria for an autism diagnosis, I do struggle with a few of the same things my brother and dad struggle with, particularly around processing, emotional regulation, and burn out, so I've been in his shoes where I know I'm doing something the hard way, or I know we'd all be happier with another method, but changing the task or changing the routine or process is even harder, even though the process I'd be changing to would be easier and better, initiating that change feels like an insurmountable climb.

Besides, my dad had to try and put up with my hyperlexia when I was growing up - before I had the emotional maturity to understand my dad's needs, I can't even imagine how much he suffered from my frustrating communication style being imposed on him. Now he's older, it's my turn to suffer 😂 (that is, it's my turn to let him explore the ways he wants to communicate, even if it's not what I want.)

It's just the start of bots talking to each other. Pretty soon we will see the start of Cybertron and the bots will take over all.

Reminds me of a scene from some show. The main character was known for being a rich dude that never developed any practical skills, yet had an inflated ego. Someone asked him what his skills were, and he responded, "People say I have really good taste." That guy's inflated ego rested upon the belief that other's like his choices. He contributed nothing to society.

This AI status reminds me of that. A user will have the AI write some status for them, and then the user will choose to post whichever they prefer. Essentially, other users would be liking the statuses that were chosen, not composed, all for the sake of feeling valued. It's like everyone is unknowingly making the decision to live in a joint delusion where they are contributing, but really they are are just choosing which AI contributions to voice.

I actually quite like the idea of facebook becoming a few billion bots nattering away at each other on Meta's dime.

You can disable your Facebook account and keep using messenger if you want, that's what I do

Your relatives should stop using facebook.

This may ultimately be a good thing for social media given the propensity of SotA models to bias away from fringe misinformation (see Musk's Grok which infuriated him and his users for being 'woke' - i.e. in line with published research).

As well, to bias away from outrage porn interactions.

I've been dreaming of a social network where you would have AI intermediate all interactions to bias the network towards positivity and less hostility.

This, while clearly a half-assed effort to shove LLMs anywhere possible for Wall Street, may be a first step in a more positive direction.

I’ve been dreaming of a social network where you would have AI intermediate all interactions to bias the network towards positivity and less hostility.

I don't know that is a realistic idea. I don't know if AI at our current level could accurately discern positivity from hostility well enough. There's too much emotion in language that I think would require a deep understanding of emotion itself to sort that out properly.

It absolutely could.

With a reference frame constructed from over 500 adults, we tested a variety of mainstream LLMs. Most achieved above-average EQ scores, with GPT-4 exceeding 89% of human participants with an EQ of 117.

We first find that LLM agents generally exhibit trust behaviors, referred to as agent trust, under the framework of Trust Games, which are widely recognized in behavioral economics. Then, we discover that LLM agents can have high behavioral alignment with humans regarding trust behaviors, particularly for GPT-4, indicating the feasibility to simulate human trust behaviors with LLM agents.

A lot of people here have no idea just how far the field actually has come from dicking around with the free ChatGPT and reading pop articles.

Great! Even more ways to fake like I care about my family.

I actually care abouty family, but doing it with Facebook is just posturing anyway

Leave FB for a better, happier life, buddy