In Howard Stern interview, Biden says he's 'happy' to debate Trump to politics – 139 points –
In Howard Stern interview, Biden says he's 'happy' to debate Trump

It would be an epic shitshow.

Edit: Biden literally has nothing to gain from it. There is zero chance that as soon as the mics go live it doesn’t turn into a degenerate shitstorm from Trump, and he’s never going to out shout down a dimentia addled 5yo.

Even if Biden manages some good zingers in there, or some “serious” talking points, the people that need to here them never will.

You never know, maybe we get to see Trump's heart explode live on TV. That would be memorable

"So, you all saw my son's dick, right. Yeah. He takes after me. I hear you have a tiny dick." might do it.

“Lots of people are saying it, even the gals you paid!”

I think there's a chance that if he's able to stay energetic enough throughout it, it may stave off the "yeah trump tried a coup but have you considered biden old?" crowd. This election is very likely to come down to some tight numbers in a handful to states, things like that may very well matter.

It could just as easily absolutely backfire if he has a fuckup though, so it's risky as hell.

The Biden old crowd has moved on to Gaza. Every so often they replay the hits though.

Apparently the NYT uses it as an old standby, mostly because of their petty butthurt.

I've never cared about Biden's age. Centrists were ageist as hell during the 2016 primaries, and I don't go there.

Biden supports genocide and he should stop. No matter how much it would disappoint centrist Democrats.

You're not going to find many people here that disagree with that. We're just well aware that as awful as Biden is regarding it, there's a 0% chance Trump isn't miles worse. Anyone who doesn't want to accept that is delusional.

You're not going to find many people here that disagree with that.

You'd think so, wouldn't you.

You go on to insinuate that I'm a trumper for saying anything that isn't flat out worship of Biden and his support for genocide.

Not sure where I implied that at all. I simply said expecting Trump to be any better on the issue is moronic.

So you weren't doing the "you think trump would be better?" thing?

I never said you said that, and I really don't think I implied it. I said anyone who doesn't realize the reality of the situation is a moron. I'm not sure why you're so insistent to interpret that as "you specifically think this and are stupid"

Because I didn't bring up the orange shitbarge.

I was providing the primary reason a lot of us are holding our noses and voting for Biden anyway. Not everything is a personal attack against you.

And we don't have some magical moral choice here. We're getting these 2, no questioning that. That's why ensign crab connected the toddler. Because he inherently knows those are the choices. So having wet dreams about Biden not being a Zionist isn't doing anyone favors.

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Biden doesn't see it as a genocide and neither do a lot of people.

A lot of people don't see the Holocaust as a genocide. Those people are stupid.

7,000,000 > 30,000. You sound overly emotional. Check your figures.

Are you saying that 30,000 is acceptable to you?

No of course not but things don't happen in a vacuum. On balance, the alliance with Israel and the West is more important because it contains Iran.

There is no area more critical to global security than the Middle East for the next 100 years, and Iran is a time bomb of far right religious insanity. Iran has 90,000,000 people living in it, man. I'm talking about 90,000,000 people. 90,000,000. You want to talk about 30,000 as if its the end of the world, as if it matters more than an alliance that protects tens of millions of people, even from themselves? There are floods that kill 30,000 people in an afternoon. Hamas has allies all over the region that kills 30,000 civilians every year. The world isn't going to cede any democracy, flawed or not, to Iran, or any other religious dictatorship, over a small town worth of people.

Preventing a larger war between Israel and Iran is how life and human rights will be secured and protected for new generations in the middle east, it will absolutely not come from any Imamate or Caliphate, or from any far right system of violent religious autocracy, such as are wildly popular and deeply entrenched in Gaza, Iran, and Yemen.

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but again.... the people that need to see that won't. the conservative-aligned outlets will trim anything that makes biden look good, and that's all they'll see. there is pretty much nobody that isn't decided between the two.

where biden is going to loose, it's shit like gaza driving muslim/palistinian/anti-genocide voters away. Seriously, it could have been a godsend for his pulling if he vetoed the Israeli aid package. but nope. instead he's going to sanction an unit and actually trust "Naw we're not doing warcrimes" IDF to not just completely ignore.

I love the Biden is old so we have to vote for the other old guy argument.

I really don't understand someone who is so addled/low-info as to honestly come to such a conclusion, but apparently a lot of them exist. So a candidate is old as hell, who GAF? Donnie is nearly as old as him anyway, and it's not like there won't be a VP, a cabinet, etc....

I seriously wonder how long people will cling to that as things like life extension become a reality, I really do....humans can be very, very stupid as a group, even as there is a subset of humans doing absolutely amazing and incredible things to extend our technological reach...I almost wish there was a way nearly all humans could get an IQ upgrade before some of these other breakthroughs, so all the dumbasses don't hold us back and/or end the whole thing due to their blinkered existence.

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We'll never change the minds of MAGAs, they're literally driven by emotion, not facts. And I'll never vote for Trump because I recognize who he is and what he represents.

That leaves currently undecided voters. It seems crazy that some people haven't made up their minds on Trump, but it's the truth. All polling and post-2016/2020 analysis agrees: these people will decide the election. So talk to them and promote Joe Biden and an alternative to Trump!

It's not about changing MAGAs. MAGAs are set. That is the wrong strategic outlook. It's about changing the undecided that lean towards MAGAs. This is how he won the first time. The marketing campaign (along with the Russians) was allowed to find an algorithm to isolate those undecideds and turn them.

They aren't obvious. They are usually the ones that don't partake in discussions. They are the ones that don't have a stance. And there are many of them.

"The Great Hack" is a truly eye opening experience.

We're in agreement. Did you mean to reply to the parent comment?

Just make them swear in under threat of perjury. That shuts the clown up real fast.

I'm not even sure he would shut up with a gun pointed to his head and a clear instruction "Shut up or die. One more word and I'll shoot you in the face!" — he would still say something

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It's insane that it might be possible that Trump is allowed to be a candidate

That's democracy for you.

Well actually the antithesis of democracy, but ig many are taught to believe otherwise

We're not the antithesis of a democracy, we're just a really shitty alpha version of a democracy.

The system the USA has is very far from a democracy, and they're not even attempting to reach alpha, beta or any development of it. Oh actually maybe in some local elections they're on the alpha level, but we don't really hear much on how they work in the rest of the world.

I'd be okay if they do it virtually or behind a screen where the rules are clear and they mute you when it's not your turn to speak.

It should be a debate, not a loudness contest.

Trump would never agree to that,

He can't, even if he wanted to and "agrees*, he'll never be able to hold himself back, to listen to another person, let alone letting someone voice their opinion, without interruption.

Just let Judge Merchan be the officiant. He seems to have a leash.... at least while he's in the courtroom.

The radicalized right wing views very loud Gish Gallops of horse manure to be the very picture of "strong leader".

I’d just bring a spray bottle and every time Trump lied, I’d spray him until they ended it.

He'd end up drowning in that rats nest on his angry lil Head.

Can't wait for the inevitable 'sleepy Joe' comment to get a rejoinder like "Come on, drowsy don, with all those courtroom naps I thought you would have dreamed to a new nickname. All that trump twilight not working out for you?"

Why would Biden debate him? After all he’s the omnipotent president of the United States of America and therefore unilaterally legally immune to all mortal laws, legislation, litigation and prosecution according to Conservative doctrine.

I'd like to see Biden ask him one question. "Mr ex president facing 91 felonies, please elaborate for me, this presidential immunity....In detail...while I clean my gun"

Because if he doesn’t, trumps people will chant “chicken!” And make bwak bwak noises. Powerful argument there.

I think any real debate has to, at a very minimum, involve mics being cut off at very precise times and letting someone speak, uninterrupted when it is their turn. The notion of talking over one another - how the fuck is that a "debate"?

Also, people, assisted by tools, capable of doing fact checking in real time. Maybe even cutting down their mic time based on how many lies they have told up to that point during the debate.

Totally logical and reasonable. I doubt it will ever happen, but it would be amazing.

This would go down just like the proverbial chess playing against a pigeon.

The amount of work campaigners and media are doing to try to keep these two walking corpses to appear vaguely conscience is a real testament to the effectiveness of the modern campaign apparatus.

Most braindead take. Biden is getting shit done.

Trump is under 91 indictments and was found to be a rapist.

Biden is getting shit done

Facilitating a genocide and banning social media apps? You're right, that is shit.

I remember when I was 13.

I don't understand this statement. It seems like you're implying that people grow out of the belief that genocide is bad. If so, fuck you.

You're post just had me remembering that childlike confidence in my opinions I had back when I thought I knew things but actually had no idea about anything, let alone foreign policy.

Well I'm happy to hear you've matured so much in the year and a half since then

I'm not saying they're politically the same, because obviously they're not. Trump being such a danger to American democracy and the health and safety of many Americans is why I'm highlighting this absurdity.

I'm saying if you were in a room talking to either of these octogenarians, you'd probably be uncomfortable handing either of them a loaded gun let alone the nuclear codes and command authority over a military super power.

We shouldn't have to be choosing between two people this old. Age and cognitive decline is an unavoidable fact, but the DNC and raw fear of "changing horses midstream" by democratic voters has us hoping that we'll get an 86 year old leaving office in four years.

Because the stakes are so high and the consequences between Trump and not-Trump are so important, it's insane to be running Biden as the alternative. There basically running at a dead heat right now, and I can't help but think that might no be the case if we weren't running the Crypt Keeper against Cheetolini.

That would be the same as security cam footage from a retirement home. I imagine one of them just randomly walking away at one point.