What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?

egitalian@lemm.ee to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 220 points –

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sorry this is gross:

i do not understand american's aversion to the bidet. why would i want to wipe my ass with dry fucking paper rather than water? why why why. like it's somehow 'gross' to use water. but scraping at wet shit with fucking tissue paper is hygienic and normal?

American with bidet for 2.5 yrs. I hate shitting anywhere else now. Need a shower to get a new ass. Day is ruined.

Installed one for my Filipina wife. Never used it myself. I have shit on that pot for months, still forget it's there. Old habits die hard.

Dude. Do it. Go. Right now. Don't even need to drop heat. Just go freshen up.

Yeah I gave it a go. Not a fan. Took a lot of drying and I'm not very messy.

I love how you're being downvoted for having a personal opinion that harms no one but dares to go against the circlejerk.

Yeah 2 of my close friends told me it was the greatest thing they've ever bought. I was very disappointed to say the least.

Because dry wiping doesn't actually clean your ass, it just picks up most of the shit and smears the rest into you.

I understand why you like it. I don't understand why the other person isn't allowed to dislike it. Does it harm anyone if he "smears shit into the rest of him"?

OK guys -- Think about this -- What if you got shit on your hands or anywhere else on your body. Would you make this argument? Would you think that would be OK if someone told you they just wiped it off with a paper towel and went on about their day? no.

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Somebody once said it to me like this: "If you faceplant into a pile of shit, would you rather wipe your face with a dry paper, or use water for cleaning"

Bath tub. With soap. My SO washes his dick every time he pees and his ass every time he shits. After he wipes.

Ok that's too far. You don't need to get into the bath just because you pissed wtf.

People don't wash their ASS after they SHIT??

Sorry let me just wash my ass in the public sink when I gotta take a shit and I'm not home?

I don't understand this either, toilets already require running water and have plenty of room to integrate bidet function. It's not fancy tech or anything... in North America that's sort of how they're marketed though, with an emphasis on the settings, like its something you have to learn to use.

This is also gross. There's a lot of men in the US that thinks touching there ass is gay so they never clean them.

It's not a problem to touch there ass. It's touching here ass that makes someone gay.

I'd argue anything past the first knuckle is on the spectrum.

Completely agree. I was raised with bidets/ water cleaning. TP That's just a dry off or catch those last few drops

Pretty much every thread we have in this community, someone comes along to say "you should pressure-wash your asshole". I'm mildly bemused that this is what Lemmy obsesses over.

It's not just Lemmy, the sentiment is on Reddit and such as well.

I've always heard it explained like this (which I wholeheartedly agree with). Imagine you're hiking a trail in the forest, and you trip on a rock and fall. By chance, you land on turd of excrement, luckily it only smears part of your arm and elbow with shit. Would you be fine just taking a piece of toilet paper and scraping it off? Or, would you feel compelled to wash it off with water, perhaps also soap?

Why wouldn't you just use paper, if you scrape hard enough it wouldn't even smell and be just as clean, arguably?

If you would at least use water, why do you extend to your elbow a courtesy that you don't extend to your anus?

The point is that there's a lot of people who walk through life with a dirty asshole, but then try to act morally superior regarding personal hygiene, and I think that that's not right.

Dude, you think I haven't heard that explanation before? Did you forget where we are?

They've become increasingly common in recent years. I don't think there's as much of an aversion as you appear to imagine.

Water coming from the nastiest thing in the building in contact with the part of my skin that's got a low barrier to things passing through it? Get fucked.

Are you just fucking stupid? All water in the building comes from the same fucking place, the water in the toilet and the kitchen sink are the same until they fester.

There is nothing more hygenic than a bidet

Yeah bruh, it's fine until it's at the toilet. Then it's not fine. Get over yourself.

Motherfucker, you just shat out of your delicate asshole. Tap water ain't gonna hurt it.

I don't understand why you're so angry. Do you not get how bidets work?

I used them while visiting Europe. They made my ass incredibly itchy. I'm good with the paper and washing my hands.

Uhhm, I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice, but. You should talk to a proctologist about hemorrhoids or other blood circulation issues. Anuses are not supposed to itch when lightly sprayed with water, or ever for that matter, and that sensation might be a sign of tissue inflammation. Don't ask me how I know this.

It's like having a second toilet seat. Takes more room.

Not from the US and live in a condo, so I'm speaking from a purely practical standpoint. My condo is not that big and having a bidet would mean that I have no place to put my washer and dryer at.

the bidet is an attachment to your toilet, not a separate thing

That's not really traditionally true. Modern ones are integrated into the toilet seat, but they used to be a standalone fixture.

Yes, I was thinking about the old designs, haven't brushed up on new designs.

Sure, in that case, I would consider it, why not.

Oh... well, it was a sparate thing back in the day, haven't looked up new designs.

I suppose there's also a mini electrical boiler in there somewhere, so the water's not cold when it hits my ass.

Cool though, will look into this, seems like a nice soltion, toilet paper is getting more and more expensive.

there’s also a mini electrical boiler in there somewhere


Some of them have it, but that complicates the installation. I bought one without a heater ages ago, thinking I’d hate it. I actually hardly notice the cold water. Your butthole isn’t great at sensing hot vs cold.

My butthole is pretty good at sensing temperature. During the winter I have to try and use the bidet fast with the room temp water before the cold outside water gets to my turd cutter.

Here, it was below -25C (-13F) last night, and it has generally been below -20C at night for weeks now. Our water is now very cold. Believe me when I say your asshole will notice that.

I will say tap water at this temperature is fantastic to drink though.

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