Infinity for Lemmy to – 821 points –

Hello everyone,

I'm not sure this is the right community for this, but I want to announce my new project: Infinity for Lemmy.

Basically, this is a fork of the Infinity for Reddit application, modified to get it to work with Lemmy.

But I must remind you to temper your expectations as this project is still in its infancy. It has some basic features already in place, but there’s a lot more to be accomplished.

What Infinity for Lemmy Can Currently Do:

•	Browse posts
•	Handle multiple accounts
•	Upvote and downvote posts

What Infinity for Lemmy Cannot Do (Yet):

•	Load comments
•	Handle subscriptions
•	Search for posts, users, or communities
•	Write posts or comments
•	Send private messages
•	And many more

So, while Infinity for Lemmy is in its current state not a feature-rich client, but it’s a promising start.

For those interested, here’s the link to my git repository:

I invite everyone to contribute in whatever capacity they can, whether it be through coding, reporting bugs, suggesting features, or even just providing feedback and insights. Let’s shape the future of Infinity for Lemmy together!

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3


My favorite reddit client, finally

This looks great Infinity is my favorite client and I'm glad it's back again, thanks you for your work can't wait for the official release

Awesome! Would be possible, in the future, to get it from F-droid and not only the Play Store? Like it was for Infinity!

I want to get an F-Droid release first, but I think it's too early for now.

I think getting it submitted to fdroid would be a lengthy process. As an alternative IzzyOnDroid repository could be considered.

Well, if it's not too early for the Play Store, why is it too early for F-Droid? :)

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Oh hell yes, infinity for reddit was my go to so this is great news!

Wow! Infinity for Reddit is the best foss reddit app. Glad to see he made it for Lemmy

Been waiting for this! Thank you so much!

Super excited to see it evolve! I used infinity for Reddit for a while. Big bonus for it being open source! Once it gets some more updates it might be my main app again haha

UPDATE: I have just released the first alpha version of this project. You can find it here.

You can also use the project link from the post to grab the apk with Obtainium as well.

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Is this from the original developer or is this a fork from a new developer?

It's a fork from a new developer, though strangely it seems like the ReadMe hasn't been changed and still points back to the original Infinity GitHub repo from Docile-Alligator. you may want to consider removing the original owner's content from your Readme on Codeberg, especially if you plan on maintaining this long-term.

Thanks. The fact some things weren't changed made me a little confused.

Please post again when it's a little more fully developed... Looks really nice!

As a longtime infinity user, I can't wait to give it a spin!

I’m not an Android user but this looks awesome! I love all the apps popping up everywhere for Lemmy and how good they work already!

Thanks for what you're doing, dude. And congratulations on this project.

That is great! Infinity is my favorite app for reddit and I'm sure it will be great for lemmy also.

This is awesome! I used Infinity for Reddit too so it'd be nice to have that look and feel back.

Awesome, Infinity for Reddit was my jam.

Replying from infinity now. Wow it feels good to be home :)

Great news, can't wait to finally use it for lemmy

Keep up the good work! 👍 👍

Really enjoyed the Infinity for Reddit app, so will definitely keep an eye out for this one... Cheers & good luck 🤞🏻

Java, huh? Is that an inherited tech stack or was that by choice?

Infinity is written in Java. I may port some parts of it to Kotlin some day, but It's not my priority for now.

I didn't know it's in Java. I never contributed to an open source before, do you mind if I take a look and see if I can assist?

Does it have a lemmy community?

Thank you for doing this!

Infinity was my favorite Reddit app and I'd love to be able to use it for Lemmy

Glad to have you here bro...been an infinity for reddit user for forever and absolutely loved it.. <3

I can't contribute much beyond a crisp high five and best wishes. Infinity was my reddit browser for a couple years until the migration.

I'm not going to start raising bugs because this is an alpha and there is no time for bug fixing at the moment.

But sending this comment from the app (editing from the desktop). I'm really happy to be browsing Lemmy with my account and my favourite Reddit app. And the smoothest one.

I basically enable compact layout as default. Then I change post title size to small (so I can fit more posts at once) and I'm good to go! (There are probably a few more configs I change like material ui, etc, but those are secondary).

I think you should create a community for the app. It looks already good. There are probably lot of potential users that would join to discuss.

Thank you Dev!

Sweet, also for some reason Infinity for reddit still works.

Infinity has been my Reddit client of choice for years and this is exactly what I've been waiting for. I'll definitely be following the development progress from now on.

Commenting now from Infinity. It's good to be back.

This is awesome! Definitely going to make the switch to this once it's ready.

send your icon to icon pack makers btw!!

Will it ever be on F-droid? It takes a while to get though the F-droid review process so I would reach out and start the process

This is great news!! I've used infinity for Reddit, super slick app!

Amazing! Thanks for bringing infinity to Lemmy. It was my go-to app for Reddit.

Can I use the backup form Infinity for Reddit to load my settings? All I really care about is my custom themes.

Infinity coming to Lemmy?!?! This makes my week.
Donated, you're doing good work <3

filtered posts only work on home for some reason

Aw yeah! I loved Infinity for Reddit. It'd be great to have that icon back on my homescreen. :D