Idaho bar celebrates "Heterosexual Awesomeness Month" with free beer for straight men

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 164 points –
Idaho bar celebrates "Heterosexual Awesomeness Month" with free beer for straight men - LGBTQ Nation

Someone's feewings got hurt. I would probably go grab a free beer though.

Grab a beer, kiss a dude and then shout "this fucking bar made me gay!"

Then leave a bunch of positive online reviews and make videos about how this bar makes people gay and you've never been happier.

You need to wear tear-away clothes with the (pardon the phrase) gayest possible outfit on underneath. It needs to be a show! Make it loud and fabulous! šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

Seriously though, this sounds like a terrible idea in a bar full of homophobes and free beer.

None of these posers are old enough to drink.

Homophobia sucks, but the level of cringe in these comments is off the chsrts

All it takes it one sip and BAM! FABULOSO.

"Hi, I am a very straight man who... loves looking at red meat and eating... hooters. AT Hooters, where the straight men are. I would like my free beer now, dollface."

Yep, grab the free beer so they have to absorb a loss, avoid the place like the plague the rest of the year.

I think this was the invitation flyer:

Every once in a while it looks like a bicept. I know the joke is penis, but I don't see penis. I see chicken leg.

Does anyone else see chicken leg?

I see an elephant. What does that mean, Dr. Rorschach?

"The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no.""

Oh wait, sorry, wrong Rorschach.

The comic is obviously an all time great work of literature, but the way Jackie Earl Haley delivers that line in the trailer made me think the film would be world changing

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I think we all see what we want to see in it. I also think you may be hungry?

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Two men come in: "Hi, I'm straight, give me my free beer and one for my buddy here who's also straight."

Bartender: "Here are your free beers."

Man: "Thank you, and now here is our beer celebration"

The two men proceed to make out.

Iā€™m tempted to go in there as a trans woman & try to convince them to give me free beer because they think Iā€™m a dude. Given that I like women, by their logic, that just makes me a straight guy dressed like a woman, ergoā€¦ FREE BEER!!!

Please never imply temptation to go to Idaho again. I live in the deep south and even I'm afraid of that hellhole

I would just generally avoid Idaho if I were in your no doubt chic shoes.

And how exactly do they determine if someone is straight? Do they have them jack off to a woman before they enter?

How is this legal? Is bro gonna throw up a "No Darkies" sign next?

Charging different prices for different people isn't illegal. It's the basis of ladies night.

What I want to know is how can you tell if someone is gay or not. People think I'm gay. I'm not. But there are people who keep telling me I should be true to myself. And I should. And I AM. Which is why boobs are just great. They just brighten your day. Just like "TA-DA!!! IT'S TITTIES!!!" and you make that public domain sound of the asian girl in amazement. WOWWWW!!!!!!

I think some cities/states have determined Ladies Nights to be illegal... after lawsuits from the exact same types of dudes who think a heterosexual awareness month are a good idea.

It does depend on state law. Iirc in California only private clubs can discriminate on gender.

But discrimination based on race (or faith, or a few other things) is prohibited nationwide at the federal level.

Iā€™m right there with ya pal. Everyone thought I was gay growing up, but I liked boobs enough, I had a pair installed.

You should try it, theyā€™re great!

sounds kind of gay to me

As a straight, I don't get the "men only" part.

I'd be down with a "free beer for straights" night as long as the crowd doesn't get all homophobic (I'm in San Francisco so even the straights are allies). But no women?

That does sound pretty gay.

I hope the campaign goes so well that literally thousands of straight men go there to have a free beer

"Finally, a place for us straight men. Do you have a jukebox, because somebody plans to put on Bob Srgar's greatest hits.

All right, fellow-cis people. We have a duty to drink this bar out of business. I recently quit drinking, but I can take a night off for the team. Let's go!

I made the mistake of looking through some of the IG comments and I donā€™t want to live on this planet anymore.

I already don't want to live on this planet, but the universe is federated. Problem is, Earth is the only planet with a userbase.

Friday Nights All June! It's "Definitely Heterosexual Mens' Night" at the Old State Saloon!


Yeah, but seriously, fuck these snowflake clowns:

"South California"

Tell me you don't know SoCal without telling me you don't know SoCal

I believe that was written by the outlet. Not a quote.

If I ever hear someone call us "South California" id probably be stuck between laughing at them and wanting to showing them Southern Californian niceness "well moreso Inland Imperial" and convert them from rear drive to front drive.

Apart from the fact that this counter celebration is cringey and time-deaf, that's also a really long-winded and uncatchy name for it. Why didn't they call it Straight Joy Month, or something more succinct.

Joy is gay.

Straight Gay Month! We're taking the word backā„¢

Haha, strong 'proud boys' vibes.

It still cracks me up that a group of bigoted, homophobic men chose the name 'proud boys' for themselves. Surely they knew all the jokes that would bring?

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ā€œAn all-male Monday sounds pretty gay to me.ā€

Holy cow, how do they lead the article with this? It's literally homophobic to claim that a bunch of men together is gay, and men are already suffering for social pressure to not show platonic affection to one another, and they're fanning that flame.

This is bar owner is a stupid shithead, but every time I open a link to this website I'm reminded how absolutely garbage it is. This is like tops tho and honestly leads me to believe they're no better than the bar owner.

men are already suffering for social pressure to not show platonic affection to one another, and they're fanning that flame.

By who? The only people I hear endorsing that old timey John Wayne bull shit are men's rights "activist". Who constantly whine about men being suppressed, but also embrace the conservative stoic beliefs of the past.

I show platonic affection to my friends all the time, no one has ever given me shit about it.

By who?

You kind of answer your own question. But ignore the fact that the author of this article and whoever they quote are doing it too, by suggesting men getting together "sounds pretty gay."

It's great for you that you can show physical affection with your straight male friends, but let's not pretend this isn't a problem in our society.

You kind of answer your own question.

Okay, so straight dudes are to blame for the straight dudes having issues, yet this is society's fault?

by suggesting men getting together "sounds pretty gay."

I think you are purposely misinterpreting the tongue in cheek nature of the author's writing.

It's great for you that you can show physical affection with your straight male friends

Not just my straight male friends, I show affection for my gay male friends too. I feel that the people who feel pressured not to show affection to their male friends are probably dealing with some homophobic tendencies.

[but let's not pretend this isn't a problem in our society.]

Again..... I think you are missing the point of the article. The author proposes that men aren't being suppressed, they are vicariously occurring emotional faults due to their participation in homophobia.

This isn't a societal problem, it's an internal contradiction that needs to be addressed by those who fear being labeled gay by other bigots.

Okay, so straight dudes are to blame for the straight dudes having issues, yet this is societyā€™s fault?

Regardless of whose fault it is, it's exists. And considering the source of this article, it's safe to say it ain't just straight people pushing it.

I think you are purposely misinterpreting the tongue in cheek nature of the authorā€™s writing.

I agree with the premise of the article. I find their method of making it to be counterproductive (pushing homophobia) and also exacerbating a societal problem.

And you're also so close to why this is wrong: why do you think they are calling it gay if they don't recognize that this is a societal problem with straight men? That's the whole point of the "tongue in cheek" nature of their homophobic statement: to leverage this fear of men bonding being associated with being gay.

This isnā€™t a societal problem, itā€™s an internal contradiction that needs to be addressed by those who fear being labeled gay by other bigots.

I see it as almost the exact opposite: an internal contradiction of people who claim homophobia is bad using homophobia to insult people.

Regardless of whose fault it is, it's exists.

How do you solve a problem when you don't know what or who's causing it?

it's safe to say it ain't just straight people pushing it.

Lol, the article is dripping with sarcasm..... I'd hardly say one joke article from a lgbtq magazine is causing all these young men to internalize their homophobia.

Based on your two sources, you are simultaneously claiming that men are failing to make affectionate relationships with other men because they fear being labeled as gay, and that it's partly gay people's fault.

Kinda feels like you are falling over yourself to make excuses for men to scapegoat the consequences of their own actions.

counterproductive (pushing homophobia) and also exacerbating a societal problem.

You are the only person interpreting being labeled as gay as homophobia. It's only homophobia if you are already look down upon homosexuality to begin with.

That's the whole point of the "tongue in cheek" nature of their homophobic statement: to leverage this fear of men bonding being associated with being gay.

Or, it's a common joke. It's not unusual for those who profess to be ultra straight, and care a little too much about how people perceive their sexuality are often deep in the closet.

internal contradiction of people who claim homophobia is bad using homophobia to insult people.

Again, being mislabeled as gay is only homophobic if already you don't like gay people. It seems you may have some issues with homophobia yourself.

How do you solve a problem when you donā€™t know what or whoā€™s causing it?

I'm not trying to solve it here, but point out to you that this article is exacerbating it. For that the origin of it is unimportant.

Iā€™d hardly say one joke article from a lgbtq magazine is causing all these young men to internalize their homophobia.

Why misrepresent what I said? Is spewing homophobia okay as long as it's sarcastic?

that itā€™s partly gay peopleā€™s fault.

Yes, when people, gay or straight or whatever, push this homophobia, they are partially responsible.

You are the only person interpreting being labeled as gay as homophobia.

Claiming that men socialize with each other is gay is absolutely homophobia. Quite literally. Why are you defending this as not homophobic?

It seems you may have some issues with homophobia yourself.

I could be the most homophobic person on the planet and it would have zero bearing on the points I'm making.

but point out to you that this article is exacerbating it. For that the origin of it is unimportant.

So it's up to us straight men to decide what is and isn't homophobic...... Not the people who are gay?

I think if no one else is sharing your interpretation of the article, that may be a clue you have made an misinterpretation.

Is spewing homophobia okay as long as it's sarcastic?

You haven't established that it's homophobic...... Nor have you explained your reasoning behind interpreting it as homophobic.

Yes, when people, gay or straight or whatever, push this homophobia, they are partially responsible.

Ahh, so the men who go to that bar to avoid or devalue gay culture and their fight to achieve equality are totally victims. And the gay people poking fun at them are to blame...... Got it.

Claiming that men socialize with each other is gay is absolutely homophobia. Quite literally. Why are you defending this as not homophobic?

They aren't claiming all men who socialize with men are gay, they are poking fun at specific bigots. How is that homophobic?

I could be the most homophobic person on the planet and it would have zero bearing on the points I'm making.

Lol, are you like allergic to the concept of context?

So itā€™s up to us straight men to decide what is and isnā€™t homophobicā€¦ Not the people who are gay?

Ad hominem.

I think if no one else is sharing your interpretation of the article, that may be a clue you have made an misinterpretation.

Argumentum ad populum.

You havenā€™t established that itā€™s homophobic

Straight men hanging out with each other is labelled as "pretty gay." This is irrational because straight men can hang out with each other without being gay.

Ahh, so the men who go to that bar to avoid or devalue gay culture and their fight to achieve equality are totally victims

Never said not suggested this. I think they're idiots. Just like the author of this piece and the tweet, and the editors for allowing it. Multiple times youve falsely out words in my mouth.

They arenā€™t claiming all men who socialize with men are gay

ā€œAn all-male Monday sounds pretty gay to me.ā€

Lol, are you like allergic to the concept of context?

What does context have to do with this? You tried to attack me, by calling me homophobic, when my level of homophobia has no bearing on the content of my argument.

Ad hominem

Lol, who exactly am I attacking? I'm just stating it's odd that you think you know more about homophobia than a queer author.

Argumentum ad populum.

Only because you haven't stated your interpretation, what else is there to judge? A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Straight men hanging out with each other is labelled as "pretty gay." This is irrational because straight men can hang out with each other without being gay.

You're purposely conflating what the author wrote, and misquoting them. Not exactly academically honest.

The quote was that "All Male Monday" sounds pretty gay. Which it does. That's not homophobic, in fact it would be pretty rad if the context was at an lgbtq bar, and not a gathering of bigots.

Why do you instinctually believe All Male Monday has an inherent negative connotation?

Never said not suggested this. I think they're idiots. Just like the author of this piece and the tweet, and the editors for allowing it. Multiple times youve falsely out words in my mouth

You have, by ignoring the purpose of the article and just interpreting statements taken out of context. You have also stated it's gay people's fault for driving men away from affection from other men.

ā€œAn all-male Monday sounds pretty gay to me.ā€

Yes, if someone advertised for a bar with "All Male Mondays", It would be easy to assume it's a gay bar. That by no means implies males hanging out makes you gay. Nor does it imply that being gay is bad, which would be homophobic.

What does context have to do with this? , when my level of homophobia has no bearing on the content of my argument.

What does context have to do with any arguments........? Every argument requires context so you can't just misinterpret a piece of a body of work.

You tried to attack me, by calling me homophobic

No, your argument implies you are homophobic. Being called gay is not homophobic unless the person calling you gay is doing so as an insult. You are implying that being gay is inherently insulting.

In the context of the article, the writer would have to believe their own sexuality is inherently insulting.

when my level of homophobia has no bearing on the content of my argument.

Well at least we agree that you are homophobic, just apparently not at what level?

And yes, personal biases are important to determining the logical framework of an argument.

Lol, who exactly am I attacking?

Look up the meaning.

Only because you havenā€™t stated your interpretation, what else is there to judge?

Your logical fallacy is not my fault.

Why do you instinctually believe All Male Monday has an inherent negative connotation?

I don't. The one who "instinctually" believes it means something other than men hanging out are the people who think it sounds gay.

You have, by ignoring the purpose of the article

First, that's you inferring it from me not saying something, not me implying it. You're also wrong, in both that I don't think it and I absolutely called out the bar owner in my very first post.

What does context have to do with any argumentsā€¦?

I clarified the question, which you ignored.

Being called gay is not homophobic unless the person calling you gay is doing so as an insult.

The quote was clearly mean to offend; it was clearly an insult.

And yes, personal biases are important to determining the logical framework of an argument

Personal bias and logic are too different things. My points are either wrong or they are right. Whether they come from someone who is biased or unbiased does not change whether they are wrong or right.

Look up the meaning.

I don't think you know what an ad hominem is..... Attacking someone's argument is not attacking them as a person. Who was I attacking?

Your logical fallacy is not my fault.

Lol, I think you need to relearn your logical fallacies.

I don't. The one who "instinctually" believes it means something other than men hanging out are the people who think it sounds gay.

Again, unsubstantiated. And you haven't explained how it would be homophobic.

First, that's you inferring it from me not saying something, not me implying it.

Insisting a pro lgbtq website is being homophobic because one sentence taken out of context...

clarified the question, which you ignored

Because you didn't add any clarity, you just questioned what the point of context was.

Personal bias and logic are too different things. My points are either wrong or they are right.

Personal biases affect how you developed an argument in the first place.

Whether they come from someone who is biased or unbiased does not change whether they are wrong or right.

Yes, and in this point of the argument you still haven't sufficiently explained how a gay person labeling something as gay is homophobic. You know the entire point of the argument.

Your biases are leading you to draw conclusions from information taken out of context.

When you're so terminally offended that even calling out homophobia is now also homophobia

Calling out homophobia is fine. Claiming a bunch of men getting together is gay is homophobia. I'm calling it out.

Who cares? Lol, why does this make people so upset?

I care because just like all lives matter, this is a dog whistle for discrimination and repression of minorities.

Is it though?

All lives matter yes. But I need to see more about hetero day. I can get on board

How? I'm genuinely curious; I don't really have a horse in this race.

You donā€™t see how hosting a non-existent counter-event to the very real pride month is an inherent rejection of said pride month?

Depends on your locale

I live in San Francisco. If the Castro (gayest neighborhood in the world) did a "Straight Recognition Day" I think it would be fun.

Iowa or Kansas or something? Not so much.

It also depends on the context. Having that day not be inside pride month would do wonders as well. It would turn the event into an ā€œAlsoā€ rather than ā€œInstead ofā€

People celebrate hetro love as a whole. The vast majority of society approves of us pairing up. Pride is about the people who don't get celebrated when they pair up.

You wouldn't go to a funeral and start complaining that there are other people in world that also had meaningful lives. You let them have their day.

So when people make these straight pride stuff it's basically saying having 11 out of 12 months a year wasn't enough, we need to have the last bit.

And yes I am straight. I just understand for the roughly 2% of the human race that isn't they should be able to have normal lives.

Not really? It's such a tiny thing compared to pride month that's it's silly to focus on it tbh

So you think that it isnā€™t a dog whistle becauseā€¦ not enough people showed up and too many people are aware of it existing?

I think it's a tiny, stupid, Itty bitty thing, and you are focusing way, way too much on it, yes.

I donā€™t think anyone asked you for your opinion on it. I do remember you asking how it was a dog whistle. Maybe you have a bigger horse in this race than you let on.

No, not really. Like I said, genuinely curious. I do not see how a tiny nothing bar offering free beer in Idaho can be a dog whistle for hatred to gather. Anyhow, thanks for the response! Have a nice day!

Oh yes really. You donā€™t seem genuinely curious at all. You seem like you want to dogmatically defend it. Youā€™re also being purposefully obtuse about it when you say things like

I do not see how a tiny nothing bar offering free beer in Idaho can be a dog whistle for hatred to gather

Like if all that was happening was a small bar in Idaho was offering free beer, then it wouldnā€™t be a dog whistle at all. But thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening, which I think you know full well.

Genuinely curious, I'm just asking questions and arguing against the answers! Just a curious guy, nothing else! No horse in this race...but you're wrong.

I love it when the JAQasses show up.

I mean, the only people getting angry here seem to be you guys. "I don't agree with you, so you are clearly a JAQass" I dropped this because my question was answered, and I got to share my opinion on the matter, but you all keep responding for what?

checks notes

Ah yes, because I was "never asked for my opinion" (welcome to the internet! I didnt realize you dictated if I was allowed to have an opinion, actually), so you could insult me (with an assumption no less), and try to make me out to be a bad person for having the audacity to say "seems like a really small thing, why not just focus on pride month?". Anyhow, now that you all got that anger off your chest, I want you to know that I think it's cool that you disagree with me, and that it's ok. I hope you guys have a nice day, and thank you for the answers that were actually provided.

I think it was designed to make profit off of making people upset.

But more specifically, you almost have to respect it. Target the same audience that still refuses to admit that James O'Keefe stole their money and watch the money roll in.

Right wingers love shit like this and will invent a backlash just to donate even more money to the business owner.

I have no problem with people feeling pride about their immutable characteristics. Scottish and proud? Excellent, go put on a kilt and throw one of those giant poles; looks fun! I have a problem when "pride" is used to organize people against a vulnerable minority. So sure, enjoy your super straight free beer with a bar full of other totally straight cis men and talk about... Idk sports or something. However, given the current political climate it seems to me like this is likely a way to gather people resentful of LGBT pride's efforts to claim equal rights. So it isn't a gathering of proud straight men, it is likely a gathering of bitter hateful men.

LGBT pride exists to fight for equal rights and representation that cis-hetero people enjoy by default; it isn't meant to gain an upper hand or displace cis-hetero people. Far-right extremists like to paint the movement's goals as a way to erase white straight cis culture, but this is just reactionary propaganda to mobilize people against this minority group.