Bill Clinton, 78, takes shot at Donald Trump’s age during DNC speech: ‘I’m still younger’ to politics – 685 points –
Bill Clinton, 78, Takes Shot at Donald Trump's Age During DNC Speech: 'I'm Still Younger'

Wow, I didn't realize that they were about the same age. I just assumed that Clinton, who was last elected president twenty-eight years ago, was way older.

Prepare yourself:

Clinton, Trump and Bush Jr were all born in the “summer” of 1946.

Since 1992, 32 years ago, there has been a presidential candidate from the summer of 1946 for 7 elections (trump 3 times now) or 28 years worth.

Additionally, H Clinton was the “fall” of 1947, Romney the “spring” of 1947, Gore the “spring” of 1948.

Obama, McCain, Kerry and Biden are the only exceptions to the core Boomer generation of a 2 year window dominating presidential elections for ~35yrs.

With Biden and Kerry kinda being older boomers, born in ~1942/3 and Obama a young boomer at ~1960. Harris and Walz (and Vance too) mark a generational step change to X-gen and millennials

Can I ask why the seasons are in quotes? No shade, it’s good information (though Obama is still a core boomer, and Harris and Walz are on the cusp- 1946-64 is the range in the US), just wondering

Not everyone lives in the northern hemisphere, or call autumn "fall", or, AFAICT, use the seasons over specific months as much as the US.

the quotes don’t really help with any of that though. people can figure it out from context.

The southern hemisphere is just a bunch of penguins and seals. Who cares.

The Aussies would be mad if their internet wasnt dogshit.

Ouch. That's a burn.

Better go to the hospital for a free fix.

Our national network yes, but we don't have the bullshit locked down devices (paired with a certain sim) you have in the land of the free, we can buy whatever we like and it magically works.

We can do that too, its just a thing with the phone service providers. I can go and buy a brand new unlocked phone at best buy and not even have to think about locks. Also there are programs for cracking those devices.

I think it is fair to ascribe northern seasons to people who have held a job with the de facto requires you to be born on the northern hemisphere.

Just to be pedantic:

You don’t have to be born in the US to be president, you just have to be born with US citizenship, but if one or both of your parents are citizens, you are too from birth.

The only US presidents who weren't officially born in the US were all born in the 13 English colonies that would eventually make up the US. It is still debated if someone born outside the US to American parents is eligible for the president. Birther scandals go all the way back to Chester Arthur, who was first purported to be born in his father's homeland of Ireland, and then Lower Canada, where his parents first met. Those accusations never really took root and were disproven, but there has never been a Supreme Court ruling to determine what "natural born" citizen actually means.

Given the current supreme court, I'd wager it depends on the party affiliation of the candidate.

No way, it also depends on tax deductible donations to your local Supreme Court justice

I figured there was a reason, thanks.

All good!

If it helps, I don't live in the Northern Hempisphere, so I had to think a bit each time.

and Harris and Walz are on the cusp- 1946-64 is the range in the US)

Well, I think that's missing the forest for the trees. If people at the older edge of cusp have been dominant, then shifting to the younger edge, ~15-20 years younger, is still a step change.

Obama kinda marked the beginning of it, but is best viewed as an aberration. His opponents were silent gen (McCain) and old-boomer (Romney, 1947). And the next two elections after him were, in birth years, '46 v '47, '42 v '46. IE, over 6 candidates in 4 elections, Obama was the only one not born before 1948. Both Harris and Walz being born in '64 feels like a step change (where apart from Palin, I don't think VPs were ever typically much younger)

Harris and Walz aren't Millennials by any stretch. Harris is 59, Walz is 60. Spring chickens compared to Biden and Trump, but still 20 years removed from the oldest Millennial cohorts.

I think they were putting them in gen x and Vance in millennial.

I think you missed the point. Not that they are millennial but that it's the first time millennial are seeing someone born from a different time period.

Trump, Dubya, and Bubba were all born in 1946

June 14; July 6; & Aug 19, respectively

One does not get more Boomer than that. 9 months after the war ended. Almost exactly.

They were also best buddies when Clinton was president.

Yeah, Trump was an NYC Democrat. I thought it was remarkable that he managed to legitimize himself to Republican voters.

I think it's nothing. They are a frustrated disoriented group. They'd take anyone.

Maybe so are Dem voters who are excited about Harris, while a few years ago she was rather unpopular.

I've never set foot in the new world, but maybe people should be excited about perspectives of a new major party coming to existence, since GOP is broken. While Harris is just better than Trump, no less and no more.

If the GOP continue on the path they're on eventually (hopefully) the Dems can win in a landslide and open up for another party to beat them. Right now we are still stuck with the two because potentially splitting the Dems is too much of a risk

He has many flaws, but the dude sure has a silver tongue.

Had HP training in Peachtree Dunwoody 20 yrs ago with another reseller sales guy from Mississippi. His mom was in the band with Clinton in college. He fucked everyone and tries to fuck her, as the gentlemen told the story.

Isn't that like a family guy episode or something? I might be getting my cartoons wrong

If he really works on it, I bet he can stay younger than Trump for the rest of his life.

Man, remember when getting a sneaky beej was the most shocking thing a president could do?

Remember the OUTRAGE the right exhibited?? I always knew they were full of shit and hitching their waggon to Trump proved it without the shadow of a doubt.

it's still sexual harassment if not assault and what happened to Lewinsky at the time is a national disgrace. the republicans were faking outrage but on the other side there was none, and that's shameful too.

Oh I think there was plenty of outrage from Hillary. He'd have felt that behind closed doors.

If she'd opened that door, she might not have lost in 2016. Hard to respect the judgement of someone who was still married him after all that. Her loss was a perfect storm of a lot of factors, but I believe that was one of them.

The other thing they could have done is just be honest about their relationship . Their marriage is political and economic, and they may very well have great affection for each other - I don't know. But they clearly don't expect fidelity in their relationship, and if that's what works for them that's fine. Just be honest about it.

I have a lot more of a problem with Bill taking sexual advantage of a 22yo intern while he was President of the United States. That power imbalance makes consent nearly impossible, and I'm still mad at my fellow Dems for defending that.

He should have been impeached for that, not the trumped-up perjury bullshit.

We also would've had an incumbent President Gore going into 2000, which might have been nice.

"can't believe right wingers were outraged at the sexual assaulting president" isn't the hill to die on.

They're hypocrites, but they were right to be outraged over Bill.

getting a sneaky beej

I get that you're comparing it with Trump's flagrant and near constant flaunting of the law, but also don't forget that Bill was an Epstein regular. He abused his position for sexual favors and we shouldn't rehabilitate that.

Trump is way worse, and the "perjury trap" used with separate definitions of "sex" in the 2 investigations (Lewinsky and Jones) so Clinton couldn't answer the question without committing perjury was bullshit.

But in the post "me-too" era can my fellow Dems admit that the President of the United States getting a 22yo White House intern to give him a blowjob is beyond unacceptable. There's such a massive imbalance of power in that relationship that consent is really tricky.

As a Dem, I'm going to say that I don't support what Bill Clinton did given their power level difference. But, I do acknowledge what Trump did was way worse, and I will always compare him negatively to whatever you come up with.

Lying about sex is a tradition that goes straight back to the Jefferson administration.

Dems can have a little sexual assault as a treat?

He looks so much younger/healthier than last time. I wonder if he had covid last dnc, because I remember him looking like SpongeBob with the suds.

Personally, I liked the joke about him talking about Hannibal Lector more.

big dog still has it 💚

bill clinton was my first "vote" in the channel one national mock election when i was in sixth grade and he was president when i visited the white house a year later. i still have my socks the cat comic book i got from the gift shop :)

Bill is still alive? Just die already you old neoliberal rapist fuck.

Yes, wishing death in people really gives you the moral high ground.

Bill Clinton is pretty much the face of corporate greed, manipulation, and exploiting the working class for the benefit of corporate overlords. The world is objectively worse because of his presidency.

He is 78. He is going to die. These are just facts. The sooner he's in the ground the sooner I can stop hearing from his flapping asshole of a mouth.

Wasn't that Reagan? I'm not in the US, so please take this as a genuine question. So far, I've heard nothing as bad about Clinton regarding economics.

Clinton actually produced a large budget surplus the last two years of his Presidency. If this trend of financial stability (supposedly a characteristic of Republicans) had been continued, the US would have become debt-free years ago. Instead our national debt is sitting (and growing) at $35 trillion dollars, equivalent to about six years of total tax revenue.

the person above is an asshole but not entirely wrong. there was a good amount of deregulation under clinton, like repealing glass-steagall for example. not as bad a reagan but still not great.

most of that was the fact that republicans came in and controlled congress

he signed the bills.

line item veto doesn't exist and congress had veto proof majorities....

that's just false. the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act which repealed glass-steagall passed the senate with 54 votes, which is a LONG way away from being veto-proof.

glass steagall can hardly be reduced to a "line item". he could have vetoed the entire bill and told congress to send him something without repealing glass-steagall.

Weird that you just described Trump exactly.

Donald Trump is an authoritarian tyrant who is only interested in benefiting himself. Donald Trump is corporate greed personified. Just look at Mar-a-lago. Its literally revolting and that lifestyle is his entire personality. No one should live in such obscene, revolting opulance while others in this country starve to death and die because they can't afford medications like insulin or epipens. He is a moral abomination and his existence speaks to a systemic abject failure of American democracy to hold these weirdos accountable for their actions.

Bill Clinton is all about schmoozing up to corporate fucks like Donald in the hopes that they will both benefit at our expense. He's all too happy to negotiate with republican terrorists if it means there's money involved. Jon Stewart aptly describes this as the "soft hum of corruption" in the Democratic party. A big part of the unregulated nightmare that is the American economy is the direct result of his anti-worker pro-corporate deregulation campaign.

In many ways Bill Clinton not offering a strong progressive agenda has lead us to where we are today. Donald Trump is a symptom of a failing society. He is not an isolated incident, and others will come in his place if the underlying problems in American society (started by Nixon and hugely accelerated by Reagan) are not resolved.

They down voted you but you got great points g