Donald Trump Falsely Claims Taylor Swift’s Endorsement with Garbage AI-Generated Posts

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Donald Trump Falsely Claims Taylor Swift’s Endorsement with Garbage AI-Generated Posts

I don't know why anyone thinks this guy is weird.

Also, is pissing off the Swifties the best of plans, Donnie?


Holy fuck. He's about unleash the full unbound force of the Swifties apon his old, weird, decrepit ass.

Get your popcorn ready. The backlash will be glorious.

I legitimately would love to hear the planning process for their whole AI idea. It's absolutely astounding. Like he's just giving up and now going for "most sued ex-president of all time" to add to his other list of shitty firsts.

The planning process was Elon released an unfiltered image generator that will reproduce real people and Donald has no impulse control.

And meanwhile, here's Dall-E not honoring a basic request of mine...

I mean I think that's something we all deserve to see...

I mean, there is a certain freedom in being completely screwed….

It’s just a couple of chubby, bearded, young incel dudes he hired off 4chan, they all probably look as unimpressive as the “Q-Anon Shaman” looks without his getup. Their planning was “lelelel look I feed the AI thus funny prompt lets use it!”

Does Donald Trump, the convicted felon rapist racist, really want Taylor Swift to publicize again to him about how much she champions for human rights, advocates for the LGTBQ+ community, adovcates for abortion rights, and hates the corrupt fascism and conservatism poisoning the U.S.?

Right before an election, too! Sure, Diaper Don, let's get the Swifties angry again and let's have them vote Democratic in droves. That's a community you should really piss off!

Desperate Diaper Don, beloved friend of Jeffrey Epstein, is desperate once again.

Everything Taylor Swift Has Said About Donald Trump:


Remember to vote. Do not get complacent. Make sure you vote, and tell your friends and family to vote. Say NO to Fascism.

Yes, but now he thinks she loves him.

Remember, he picked a running mate who called him America's Hitler before he started brown nosing. I can absolutely see this moron thinking that Swift suddenly went MAGA.

Trump lives in his own reality, where he is a billionaire genius, and Taylor Swift and her fanbase loves him.

In our reality, he's a traitor insurrectionist, rapist, racist, liar, fraud, corrupt, sexist, convicted felon, asshole, degenerate, Fascist, and heavily-indebted moron. And Taylor Swift hates him.

He's even stated as much, just not recently. It was about his tax cuts for the rich, and how she would have to love him for all the money he sent her way.

It makes sense, given that he's never known a love that he hasn't had to pay for.

This is strategically dumbest move he can make. Taylor Swift has been relatively quite for a while now regarding politics and now either she or her publicist is basically forced to respond to this. My best guess is Trump is trying to stir the pot to get any kind of attention but this isn't it.

Republicans have already blamed (credited?) Taylor Swift for election losses, simply because she told people to vote. Not for telling people vote for/against any particular issue, candidate, or office. Just to go vote.

She has immense power, but that power may not be easy to control.

I can’t imagine most of the Swifties are already old enough to vote? Aren’t they like 8-16 mostly, with a couple of “young at heart” 20-somethings strewn in? No idea if I’m totally off here, I don’t know much pop culture.

You're totally off. Remember she's been producing hits for about 20 years. So that teenage demographic has grown up, she continually gets the younger demo, but they never seem to leave. My wife and all her friends, at 35, are a bunch of die hard swifties. Her reach is immense

Many swifties are well above that age I'm in my early twenties and she was becoming popular when I was in elementary school.

Edit: She also released her first album the year I entered school.

Yeah I am middle aged, and she has been around most of my adult life. She is less than 10 years younger than me.

Ah so it was projection when he said Harris used ai.

Is that who you really want to fuck with?

Let me get this straight, you think that Taylor Swift, one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in the world, with legions of loyal fans, is not going to retaliate against your public lies?

Good luck.

Here's a thought; I don't see why libel and slander suits cannot be applied to AI generated content.

Sue his pants the rest of the way off.

Came here for this. This has got to result in a law suit. And I can’t wait to see Taylor clean the floor with him. And Kamala, for that matter.

Doesn't matter if it's AI generated, what matters is who published it, I believe.

Ironically this may be the thing that makes Taylor Swift endorse Harris - earlier than she had intended

Maybe, since it was inevitable anyway, that's his goal. Otherwise, you'd get the Convention bump, and later when attention was back on him again you could have the Swift Bump. This way it's all at once and he can try to take the spotlight again after. Not saying it's a smart strategy, but it could be on purpose.

Wow - that was quite possibly the dumbest thing he's done yet.

Piss off a billionaire singer with an army full of drones?

And a billionaire singer who's already such a common target for AI deepfakes that she's quite likely the one person on the planet most ready, willing and able to sue someone's ass off over them.

Haha for sure. I doubt she takes that kind of shit. Or, rather, her swam of lawyers.

Hey, who you calling drones?

People who think it’s okay to worship billionaires of any kind, because it’s impossible to have personal wealth that large and not be a total asshole under the covers.

(Sorry, I know she’s kinda rad, but it’s true)

I’d be shocked if the headline read ‘trump says a truth’

Yeah, but there are lies and then there are lies.

Trump normally just lies. Today, he lied about Taylor Swift. That is a lie lie.

I think you might be round-about almost quoting Mark Twain?

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Not intentionally. I was trying to say the difference between a convenient lie for his own MAGA people and one which might actually come back to bite him in the ass.

He's trying to retake the news cycle, like a week too early. The democratic convention will bury this story, and will potentially cause Taylor to back Kamala this week and I think Trump will be permanently out of the news.

The only way this actually works is if Swift backs Trump. Which I doubt, I hope.

This would be the perfect impetus for Kamala's team to reach out to Taylor and offer her a platform at the convention to denounce this action by Trump. If I was in her team that's what I'd be doing.

Dementia DonOLD the weird racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence is too far gone to realize this is fake. It's sad and embarrassing at this point. He should drop out and seek treatment for the dementia.

Totally normal and definetely not weird.

A lawsuit will not affect him. If he wins, he becomes a dictator. If he loses, he remains Teflon Don until he's forced to flee to Russia.

If Taylor Swift wants justice, she needs to mobilize the Swifties.

New Trump Strategy:

Appear a victim of an "uppity woman" (that translates to a woman that has power & money on her own means) and then transfer that victimization to being from Harris.

Trump's team has gone into syndication.

This goes back to his comment on how he could shoot someone and not lose any votes. He can do absolutely anything to trick normal folks to vote for him because it will not change one single vote from his base and he can count on them to argue that what he does is fine or whatever.

No way is he going to trick the Swifties.

non of his stuff will work on the group at large but he just needs to pull any at all. send me your ignorant, your incompetent, you just plain stupid who yearns for something but does not get what the results of their actions will be.

The problem for Trump is there is a third shadow candidate in the race called "did not vote" so it doesn't really matter than his main base would vote for him regardless.

If he fakes Swift's endorsement and she comes out and roasts him and fires up her base to vote, the amount of votes he gains by trickery will be really small while the amount of people Swift converts from not voting to voting against Trump will be larger.

And there's actually some data to suggest Trump is losing part of his always-red base and the rats are abandoning a sinking ship at the moment as well.

His base is shrinking by the day. He's not winning over any new fans with his tired bullshit, and he's alienating thousands more

There’s something really unsettling about his weird smirk in that thumbnail.

Taylor Swift should write a country song that has subtle attacks against Trump that many of his followers will love and slowly understand the underlying message.

Bold of you to think these people ever listen to the lyrics, or pay attention to the message if they do.

I'm old enough to remember Ronald Reagan using Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. as a Republican anthem when the song is about a disaffected Vietnam vet being treated like shit.

And it was about a real guy, Ron Kovic. He wrote the book Born of the Fourth of July, which was turned into the movie of the same name. He was paralyzed in Vietnam and has been a left-wing peace activist the rest of his life.

And really, all you have to do is listen to the lyrics. Or even just read them: