Under Meredith Whittaker, Signal Is Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong

Nemeski@lemm.ee to Technology@lemmy.world – 297 points –
Under Meredith Whittaker, Signal Is Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong

Bless the era of technology where Signal and ProtonMail exist.

Signal yes, Proton I have my doubts

I think yours is the first comment I've read that has Proton hesitancy. I'm curious what your reservations are.

I actually don't know what people's hesitancy is, but I've seen numerous people say proton is not good, we'll see if anybody chimes in with a reason.

I've seen doubt of it's push to pack products into it's offering ala Google - however I don't see that as enough to call it not good.

It's also very easy (and suspicious imo) for anyone to call a service not good without any reason to back it up.

The one and only critique I'll give to Proton is how they have it where you can have Google e-mails forwarded to you to your Proton address.

And it's like...why? The entire reason you're going to ProtonMail is to escape Google. Why the hell would you want Google to try and pry into your Proton usage when all you want is to distance yourself from them?

Not OP, I've heard criticism of their recent Duo subscription and their bitcoin wallet.

I use Proton services and my biggest gripe is their mediocre Linux VPN app. No binaries to download/Flatpak, advertised port-forwarding isn't fully implemented and requires playing around in a terminal, and UI feels less polished than it's Windows counterpart.

There's a community made Flatpak of ProtonVPN though, in case it helps anyone

Not OP

There's not a lot of negative press about them.

They complied with Swiss government requests to out the IP of a French activist.

It looks like they're really doing the best they can.

Correct. They comply with court orders, its a business. People still need to be secure in how they use it, which that guy wasnt. So if you're attempting to evade the government, use a vpn. All your data is encrypted, where you access it from and your billing information cannot be.

True but the guy was the one at fault and Proton had to comply. The French Activist was using ProtonMail e-mail for bad usages which is what it boiled down to. You left out the part where they complied with Swiss government yes but they didn't with the French authorities.

Yet it still comes down to people's own responsibility. But people love to throw that out the window and expect everything to protect them when they get up in shit.

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I wish Signal was developed more openly, more like the linux kernel for a "critical infrastructure" example. I wish it had more features, so it could take the place of something like Slack. I wish it supported interoperability like fedi.

But it's good for what it is and I sure am glad it's around. People who disrespect it don't know what they're talking about.

You know, if you want to replace Slack, look into Mattermost. It's foss but otherwise pretty much exactly what Slack does so well.

Isn't matrix more like slack that you are looking for?

When it comes to security, I don’t think it’s close at all.

Why not? I thought it had very good security. It's E2E encrypted and the government of France uses it.

Signal is the best thing going on in tech these days. I’m very glad it’s being led by Meredith Whittaker.

Did you know you can get a cool badge on your profile pic if you’re a recurring donor? $5 a month is far less than the value I get from it, but that’s all it takes for a cool badge (and knowing that you’re doing something active against the awful state of big tech today).

This is a very rude question, but on this subject of being lean, I looked up your 990 and you pay yourself less than some of your engineers.

Yes, and our goal is to pay people as close to Silicon Valley’s salaries as possible, so we can recruit very senior people, knowing that we don’t have equity to offer them. We pay engineers very well. [Leans in performatively toward the phone recording the interview.] If anyone’s looking for a job, we pay very, very well.

So, I googled their tax filing out of curiosity. It's true that Meredith pays herself much less than her engineers, which is great. What I was rather shocked to see is that they pay their software developers enormous salaries. They're listing developers making over $400,000 per year, with their VP making over $660,000 per year. Now, I'm all for the value-creators making more money than the CEO. I just had no idea that software developers make that kind of coin. I was thinking of donating to Signal, but I'm kind of weirded out by those astronomical salaries.

That's inline with Silicon valley salaries. Basic houses cost 2mil there, so it's not completely outrageous.

As an example, openai pays all its engineers 300k flat+500k/yr in some stock based asset. Another example is Netflix, who are notoriously a very fickle employer, but salaries start in the 400k range and go up from there.

Not all SW devs make that kind of money. I don't live in Silicon Valley, and I make significantly less than that amount. I could probably get a job there making somewhere north of $300k, but my expenses would go through the roof and I'd be stuck in SV traffic all the time, no thank you. I get paid well, but less than half what Signal is paying.

I mean, how does a free app with no advertising in it make that kind of money?

A free app with no advertising doesn’t make that kind of money, it gets progressively deeper into debt to a good Silicon Valley rich guy who got it off the ground, Brian Acton.

His biography on the Signal Foundation website:

Brian Acton is an entrepreneur and computer programmer who co-founded the messaging app WhatsApp in 2009. After the app was sold to Facebook in 2014, Acton decided to leave the company due to differences surrounding the use of customer data and targeted advertising to focus his efforts on non-profit ventures. In February of 2018, Acton invested $50 million of his own money to start the Signal Foundation alongside Moxie Marlinspike. Signal Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to doing the foundational work around making private communication accessible, secure and ubiquitous.

Prior to founding WhatsApp and Signal Foundation, Acton worked as a software builder for more than 25 years at companies like Apple, Yahoo, and Adobe.

The Wikipedia article on the Foundation says the loan balance was up to $105M later in 2018. Meanwhile, Acton is still worth $2.5B according to Wikipedia, so things are probably fine for now, even 6 years later.

But you’re right that Signal eventually needs revenue to keep even a small team of high caliber software engineers and devsecops folks around. You very much want excellent engineers to continue to be involved with critical encrypted communications software on an ongoing basis, so it will cost money indefinitely. Presumably Acton does not wish to bankroll it indefinitely.

Again back to the interview:

I wouldn’t imagine that most nonprofits pay engineers as much as you do.

Yeah, but most tech is not a nonprofit. Name another nonprofit tech organization shipping critical infrastructure that provides real-time communications across the globe reliably. There isn’t one.

This is not a hypothesis project. We’re not in a room dreaming of a perfect future. We have to do it now. It has to work. If the servers go down, I need a guy with a pager to get up in the middle of the fucking night and be on that screen, diagnosing whatever the problem is, until that is fixed.

So we have to look like a tech company in some ways to be able to do what we do.

I’m really glad they pay those engineers that much, so that Zuckerberg and his ilk can’t entice them away with oodles of money. One presumes they also believe in the cause, but I think this currently looks like Acton fighting surveillance capitalism with what capitalism got for him earlier in his career.

Cofounder Moxie Marlinspike is clearly a brilliant hacker and coder who was crucial to Signal’s creation, but I think it makes sense that he hasn’t stuck around to try to solve the long term business problem of keeping it aloft infinitely.

So what to do about it? The OP interview is with Meredith Whittaker, who’s entire job is figuring that out:

Since she took on the presidency at the Signal Foundation, she has come to see her central task as working to find a long-term taproot of funding to keep Signal alive for decades to come—with zero compromises or corporate entanglements—so it can serve as a model for an entirely new kind of tech ecosystem.

I’m a recurring donor because I want Signal to succeed and I want to vote now with my wallet, but fundamentally it’s on Whittaker to figure out how to make the long term work. Here’s what she says:

I see Signal in 10 years being nearly ubiquitous. I see it being supported by a novel sustainability infrastructure—and I’m being vague about that just because I think we actually need to create the kinds of endowments and support mechanisms that can sustain capital-intensive tech without the surveillance business model. And that’s what I’m actually engaged in thinking through.

BTW, Moxie has a home made documentary kinda movie out called Hold Fast. It's about sailing and uh stuff .... It's pretty keen, you should watch it.

Hold Fast

"hashtag anarchist yacht club"


I love the idea of signal, and want to use it and invite friends to it. But then I remember I don't really want to message anyone, and don't really have friends because I have no interest in messaging people.

Nobody is going to use Signal when it lacks so many features. Feels like MSN messenger compared to it's peers.

what do you mean? i use it a lot and it works great, photos, videos, phone calls, optional temporary location sharing with friends, and encryption.

what features do you want it to have that it's lacking?

Don’t forget voice calls! It has some rough edges there (my audio doesn’t always connect successfully, etc), but when it works the codec sounds better than a standard phone call and there’s no mass surveillance. I use it in place of phone calls for all the people in my network who have it, including my immediate family.

that's a great point, i use the voice calls daily.

added above.

I'm guessing they probably want stickers or something

Edit: apparently this is available on signal so I have no fucking idea then

Yea we heavily use it in the army

very cool, i had no idea.

free, convenient, reliable encryption.

My guess is it heavily private and does not have channels

does not have channels

except that it does. you can make a public group with a shareable link, and change permissions so that only the admins can post.

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That's not a bad thing. Maybe some of us don't want to be cluttered with a lot of things we don't really care for on using. God forbid we go back to simpler days of communication whereas now we've got things like Discord trying to charge people to pay actual money to have fancy little animations for your profile picture.

Is that what you think is missing? Stupid pointless things that make you feel special because you paid money for it when the true attraction should be focused on how much communicating can be efficient and caring about your privacy and security?

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How much signal and she spend onnthis shameless self promotion.

JFC, if anything she is taking signal the wrong way and going the way of mozilla IMHO

Signal is a good product but there is a lot areas where it can do better... Have gotten any new features over last 5 years? Besides aliases?

What are they working on?

Seen interesting discussions about how signal is farming our meta data to the feds, I was clowned a few years back on this hot take. I am very regarded though. Can anyone pitch on this tinfoil?

Main looking to understand if that is even technically feasible?

I was clowned a few years back on this hot take. I am very regarded though. Can anyone pitch on this tinfoil?


Yeah idk I’ve read it like 4 times and still struggle to find a coherent thought here.

Poster was made fun of in the past for saying Signal gave metadata to the feds. He has a learning disability (regarded = deliberately misspelled R slur). They’re looking for someone else to corroborate the metadata claim.

That’s my interpretation at least.

They did a blog post about how the feds had made a second attempt to get metadata from them and they could only provide two fields of information: the date the account was created and the last time it connected to the service.

It's in the public record as well if I'm not mistaken.

The issue that if they were under FISA order or some other such shit, legally they would have to say what feds tell them, ie they would not be able to say and we give feds your logs.

Question is whether they can technically collect the logs which is tinfoil i am following up on.

Basic opsec thinking, if it is technically feasible, you must assume it is happening. This is game 101.

So here we are trying to prove a negative but nobody also is able to provide anything beyond, trust signal bro.

You sir ain't only a linguist but a regard whisper too!

Thank you for the service!

"Retarded" is not a slur. It's a medical term. "Idiot" is a slur that roughly means the same thing, though not nearly as far.

"Idiot" is a slur that roughly means the same thing

"idiot", "moron", "cretin" and "imbecile" were all medical terms once and described different levels of intellectual disability, but they fell out of use and are now considered offensive. language changes, and context is important.

Signal uses Google Cloud Platform for their servers, for one.

Then I think it’s something to do with metadata.

Wow, this is truly a hot take.

How much signal and she spend onnthis shameless self promotion.

Why would she/they do that? Did you realize they're a nonprofit?

if anything she is taking signal the wrong way and going the way of mozilla IMHO

Oh no, not that awful non-profit Mozilla...?

Signal is a good product but there is a lot areas where it can do better...

The same could be said for literally every product.

Have gotten any new features over last 5 years? Besides aliases?

Aliases is kind of a big deal. They also added stories which, despite what the internet might have you believe, was one of the most popular feature requests on the Signal message boards for many years. They created the first and only private and secure social media platform in existence.

Keep in mind everything they do is 10x harder because it has to meet stringent safety and security requirements.

Check out the handle @SignalUpdateInfo@mastodon.world to see a detailed breakdown of added features.

Seen interesting discussions about how signal is farming our meta data to the feds.

That's a bold claim that I assume has some sort of evidence?

They also added stories which, despite what the internet might have you believe, was one of the most popular feature requests on the Signal message boards for many years

This was weird for me personally. I consider Signal a messaging tool which in my mind is separate from an actual social media app, so it was a bit of a head scratcher for me to see stories as a very popular feature request. I don't really care about sharing "stories" in that format to my contacts or seeing theirs, but then again that's just me.

And I don't care about what you think about it. If you don't like it, disable it, and it'll be like it was never there. Simple as that.

Like I said before, they created the first and only private and secure social platform. Nothing else like it exists or has existed. Personally I find that super valuable.

Lol calm down, no one's trying to fight you over Signal being the best private messaging platform. I was just sharing that it was weird to me how stories was one of the most sought out features from users.

In the future please be sure to get your opinions approved by the comment thread captain before sharing them publicly.

And I just don't understand why so many people feel compelled to share their feelings about it any time it is mentioned.

You made a post in an open, public forum and you’re confused why others would like to discuss the things that you posted?

I don't understand why people feel the need to derail the discussion every time it is mentioned.

Does signal meta data allow for signal to time stamp witu who you communicate using their app and servers?

Side note, PR like that costs about 15k fyi

Does signal meta data allow for signal to time stamp witu who you communicate using their app and servers?

No. They use your phone number as your identifier (unfortunately, probably for spam evasion) and the only piece of metadata they keep is the last time that # connected to the server.

We know this because Signal has disclosed subpoenas publicly.

Side note

No its not.

PR like that costs about 15k fyi

...and? My question remains.

  1. @yogthos@lemmy.ml what you got to say for this one?

  2. Verge doesn't run flulf for free. This is PR 101. But I trust you bro

Verge doesn't run flulf for free.

The Verge makes money the same way almost every modern media publication does; advertising to their readers.

(almost) anything is possible with a CIA black fund budget. I've moved to Simplex chat and not looked back.

I feel that but people can't just move since we need somebody to talk on these super duper 69 layer quantum resistant protocols.

Looks simolex is gunning for the crown nowadays tho but there other viable contenders baking.

Once new leader arrives, going to need to tell my group we migrating again 🤕

Why? Just stay on Signal. For the time being it is one of the leaders in private communication.

Though, if you truly need secure private conversations, you would want to move around a lot anyway.

For now it is the gold standard but I don't trust the leadership and their PR approach.

I won't move until I can justify moving my friends over and right now there is no alternative