Angry truck owner hijacks a Tow Truck and cause chaos, damaging multiple cars to Crazy Fucking – 133 points –
Watch Sunset Park Tow truck chaos damages multiple cars | Streamable

Imagine going to jail for a Chevy Avalanche.

I have never seen an intelligent or mannered Avalanche driver. They are a sure indicator of trashy cargo.

Unhinged maniac with priors, but I'm still hesitant to take the tower's side because they're never not total fucks.

So instead of getting towed, now you have, (aggravated) assault, grand theft Auto, Hit and run, reckless driving, reckless endangerment and a civil suit by the towing company. That's only what we can see in this video. That's going to be a rude awakening.

this is what i came here for. dumb move? yes, dumb move. but i like seeing towers getting fucked too. i just feel for the other peoples shit he destroyed.

overall 7/10 would watch again.

Car brain in full effect.

Tell me you spend too much time in the Fuck Cars bubble without telling me you spend too much time in the Fuck Cars bubble.

My bubble is the sidewalk. You know, the thing you people constantly block 1/3 of with your private property, so that wheelchairs or strollers won't fit past them anymore. Because fuck those peasants, right? But thanks for proving my point.

Right, absolutely the same thing as this video, totally no loss of nuance along with an excess of extreme caricatures serving as a straw man.

If you watch this video and think "oh I'm sure the towing service is at fault", then yes, that's your fucking car brain going full entitlement mode.

So basically, a straw man is your answer and seems to be a core aspect of your current and future responses, got it.

Your so called straw man is the literal comment I was replying to, which you then felt the need to personally attack.

Fun fact, I actually went through your comment history to confirm when and how you had participated in Fuck Cars before my first comment. Surprisingly, you hadn't eroded into using terms like "car brain" yet, but I also didn't have to search for long.

You continue with nothing but ad hominems.

Ah, my apologies, your very serious argument of "car brain" was so logically well founded, I had no alternative but to resort to ad hominems.

The complete idiocy of the original comment that I was replying to isn't really my fault, I just called it what it is and you got somehow triggered by that.

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WTF... Do people really think that they might get away with this? Or is the brain just fully shut down as they're so full of adrenaline?

Everyone has a thing that will just make them snap.

One of my best friend's thing is being restrained. He has a bachelor's degree, is a teacher, and is very smart. But if someone tries to restrain him he loses his fucking mind. A cop tried to put handcuffs on him when we were in college and he punched the cop in the face, took off running across the campus with handcuffs around one wrist, jumped several fences, and got away. He reacts in similar ways any time someone tries to restrain him. Idk why he's like that, and he doesn't know either. He said he can't think about anything except for getting away in those scenarios.

My wife one time tried to playfully pin me and I freaked tf out. I totally get not wanting to be retrained. It feels like suffocation

Childhood trauma, dude. repressed childhood trauma.

Not necessarily. It's a phobia that anyone can have.

I can completely understand that. There's a name for that kind of phobia, which I can't remember right now, but I have the same exact thing. I have a Xanax prescription specifically for when I feel "claustrophobic" (it's not actually claustrophobia; it's a fear of being trapped and restrained, but people understand the idea of claustrophobia and I have forgotten the word for phobia of being restrained/unable to move).

It's significant enough that I have thought to myself how might I handle it if I am ever handcuffed, particularly with the cuffs behind my back. I would try to explain that I have a terrible phobia of this and I will have a panic attack, but I know that no cop is going to care about that. So I don't know. Not much else you can do but flee.

Definitely try to figure it out, because like you said, the cops don’t give a fuck. If you freak out then they’ll hog tie you, which makes it even worse.

The latter. Your prefrontal cortex essentially stops thinking in rational ways, and more primitive parts of your brain are running the show. "Fight Mode". Dude's gonna have a hell of a reality hangover when bloodflow and electrical activity return to his front brain and he does a quick audit of what he just did.

He's just one of the millions of nut jobs out there one wedgie or stubbed toe away from violence and chaos.

Or one lost job and impending cascade into poverty, perhaps after a long climb and struggle to escape that poverty.

Getting one’s car repossessed can easily be the a trigger for the total collapse of a person’s life.

Obviously his reaction is maladaptive. He’s fucked, and his hot head has made it far worse for himself.

But having one’s car towed is not like getting a wedgie or stubbing one’s toe. A person getting their car towed is most likely:

  • Unable to make the payments required to keep it
  • Behind on other payments too, like rent
  • Utterly bereft of any cash buffer (else they would have paid the thing)
  • Relying on that car to get to work and hence keep their job
  • Living paycheck to paycheck, hence unable to survive even if he gets a new job immediately (it can take four weeks sometimes for the first paycheck at a new job to come in)
  • Suffering from the cumulative effects of months, years, or even decades of financial anxiety

Not defending his behavior, but please don’t treat this like someone went on a rampage after stubbing their toe. People are trying so hard to survive right now.

If my car got towed right now, I’d end up on the street. I have better self control than this guy (learned in high school that violence is not tolerated at all by civilized society, so I learned to control it).

I myself have meltdowns, but they remain verbal. I’m definitely not proud at all to report that I lose control of my voice sometimes. I hate it when it’s happening and can’t stop it. But I’m not physically violent. The last time I expressed anger with my hands was when I slapped a countertop in 2009.

People think I’m on top of the world because I drive a brand new car. But that car is a rental.

That’s not some deep point. I guess I’m just saying that just because a person’s groomed and driving a shiny car doesn’t mean they aren’t an inch above absolute financial ruin.

I’m just trying to say don’t make too many assumptions.

For some people getting their vehicle towed means taking an uber to a tow lot, swiping their credit card for a few hundred bucks, and then skipping a few visits to the bar with friends. For others, it means the economic ladder they’ve been climbing with arms shuddering from exhaustion for the last five years, as they rise inch by sweat-soaked inch out of the alligator pit that is homelessness, is disappearing from under them, and that they’re going to be living on the street again.

The world is absolutely brutal at the bottom, and sometimes people’s rage is an expression of fear because they’ve been there and they don’t want to go back, and the yawning asshole checking boxes on his paperwork gets to go home and watch American Idol while the paperwork he filed sends you into the gauntlet of terror.

Thank you for spelling this out for those who don't get it. As someone living in their vehicle I can't say what I would do if someone tried to take it from me.

I mean.....I don't see any follow up stories where they DIDN'T get away with this......

So you do see them when they do get away with it?

He got away in the video. He’s the tow guy now.

Achievement Unlocked: Tow to Tow

Acquire a tow truck.

I remember someone joyriding in a tank many years ago. I can't find that video.

I think I remember some cop jumped on top and shot the guy inside.

Happened in 1995

I don't think this video shows it but I seem to remember he got it high centered on the cement highway dividers and a cop was able to get on top and open the roof to shoot him.

Not only fucked his car but left the almost all the row of cars without mirrors...

Had to have hit something also when the truck rolled off. Very lucky no one got killed.

Anger is a excellent motivator, perhaps too excellent

More info

No website clicks to the murdoch cancer new york post from me.

Here's a Yahoo link instead.

Although the source is less than reputable, it is way better than the Yahoo article with the suspect's name, his charges, and a more accurate description of the events.

They even have a quote from the suspect's dad, all of which were missing from the "better" Yahoo link.

Ah, microsoft (nvm mixed that up) yahoo, the totally unbiased grassroots newspaper not owned by billionares.