Stephen Miller’s Legal Group Suing Target Over LGBTQ Pride Merchandise: ‘Propaganda To Children’

Flying to politics – 271 points –
Stephen Miller’s Legal Group Suing Target Over LGBTQ Pride Merchandise: ‘Propaganda To Children’

Stephen Miller is what you get if you take Steve Bannon and change his blood from 80 proof to concentrated formaldehyde.

Stephen Miller is what you get if you eat a ton of Taco Bell burritos and then shit in a bag.

Let's outlaw indoctrinating children into religion as well, then.

Yeah, I'd love to see them play the uno reverse and say "all right, we agree, no christian products, no jewish, no muslim, no jesus christmas items, not even a kosher pickle" for like a day or so, search and replace lgbtq with religion, then counter sue him and the "investor" he's representing with the same suit.

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I don’t think they are remotely equivalent.

One is about acceptance, equality, loving thyself and thy neighbor, and isn’t making anyone something they aren’t already. The other is disgusting, evil, vile, and actually harmful for young brains.

I'm amused that you wrote that in a way that each side will assume they are the accepting, neighbor-loving side you're talking about.

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He is going after churches next, right? Propaganda to youth and all.

Silly liberal. The word of God can’t be propaganda because .

So ... the shitty people are seeking damages because they say Target failed to recognize how shitty they are?

Shitty people are seeking damages because a company failed to sufficiently insulate itself against the shitty things that those same shitty people were doing.

He's like 35, isn't he?

Sad to see all that hate twist him into the Wish version of C. Montgomery Burns

Holy shit that guy is in his 30s?? I would have guessed late 40s.


i've seen way more beautiful and/or well adjusted with multiple fold more hate in them; the only difference w him is his relative lack of privilege.

OK then, if that's so important to them then do churches next.

Let's give this a more reasonable title: "Stephen Miller Launches Advertising Campaign / Fundraiser Using Meritless Lawsuit"

When did the little Nazi prick stop using spray-on hair?

The problem, exemplified by Rudy Ghouliani, is that the spray-on hair and cheap dye jobs will run down your face when you sweat. Often, sweat runs into your eyes. And as you can probably guess, when that sweat contains dye products, you get dye running right into your eyeballs.

And then you can Nazi.

He only did it that one time, got ridiculed mercilessly, and never did it again.

We all just need to ridicule this little pissant mercilessly.

Everything about his face gives me pedophile vibes.

Ok, but who has the money? The parents, who care what they sell in the store, isn't that what "capitalism" is all about? Let the market decide, stop getting butt hurt about everything and anything.

But the market decided on something that makes me feel scared and weird inside and I don't like it!

Propaganda is ‘biased information to promote a political point of view.’

LBGTQ is not political. It’s just a personal lifestyle preference.

The only people making it political are dipshits like Stephen Miller.

Dude has 216 shares, out of 460.9 million outstanding shares of Target. Even if Target has to pay for the loss of value in share price (they won't), they could pay this dude without breaking a sweat. Also, Stephen Miller is a Nazi.

Assuming he can convince someone that the 52 week high represents what the stock should be worth, that's a (181-130)*216 = $11,016 loss. What a joke. I hope he's laughed out of court and they have to pay Target's lawyers.

Wtf happened to his guy he used to be so cool? Abracadabra and Fly Like an Eagle are American classics. So sad to see how he's been radicalized

Motherfucking forehead reserve

Plenty of legitimate criticisms of this guy. No need to villify baldness.

Downvotes on this comment remind me why the political discussion on lemmy is dead. It's only an echo chamber.

If you don't like someone's politics, attack them politically. insulting things they have no control over is superficial and only makes you (the antagonist) feel better

Lemmy is still pretty small, went you on the other thread defending white supremacy?

So attacking white supremacy is now defending white supremacy?

but they are ok with the 'thin blue line' pedo merchandise.

Remember: Only by submitting to Rapist #1 can you be protected from Rapist #2!

So the crux of the suit appears to be a claim that the Board of Target lied when it said it monitored social media, by "only monitoring one side".

All Target has to do is demonstrate they monitored social media in a side-agnostic fashion and this is done in like, summary judgement.

Good. Let this dickbag waste his own and other’s money on a suit they obviously won’t win. To quote the Great General Hux: “I don’t need [Target] to win, I want [Stephen Miller] to lose.”

I can't wait to be sued for kissing my fiancée in public lmao (for legal reasons that's a joke)


First they caused an uproar protesting rainbow “LGBQT” shirts that have been sold for many years now…

Now they’re pissed off their uproar caused their shitbag friends/investors to lose money?

A sad number of people in the deep south agree with this guy. Like all of my coworkers - they were talking about it today.

I wonder if this thread is gonna be a bigoted shitshow like the last one.

Unless you call hate for Stephen Miller a form of bigotry against gaping assholes, it seems to be going okay so far.