Former KKK leader David Duke endorses Jill Stein to politics – 194 points –

Hmm.. I wonder why a certain user who’s been posting non-stop about third-party candidates for the entire lifespan of their account chose to ignore this particular article. One would assume it’s important for the voting public to know about this, no?

Here, I'll channel my energy into a representative comment so you don't feel left out.

"I'm not voting for her. You're free to vote for whoever you want."

"I didn't write the article."

Who are you referring to? I'm debating some "Harris needs to earn my vote. So it's her fault if Trump wins." idiots right now.

Unfortunately if I name this person there’s a good likelihood this discussion gets removed since the rules prohibit calling out bad faith actors, even the painstakingly obvious ones. So I’ll leave you with this: you needn’t look far to find that which you seek.

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It's almost like people argue in bad faith on the internet. Fancy that!

Or some people just don't agree with the echo chamber. Just because the don't change their minds and vote differently than others, doesn't mean it's in bad faith. Thanks! :)

Because it's already been posted here and this community doesn't allow duplicate posts. It's also been posted in Politics Unfiltered.

I don't know what user you're referring to, but I've commented in this thread. And I posted another article referring to David Duke and Jill Stein.

I thought it was interesting, so I posted it. Thank you! :)

Ah so you were late to /c/politics. Well I suppose we all have busy days at work sometimes. You’ll get ‘em next time champ.

Wait, I thought Lemmy was under the impression that I post every 17 minutes, 24 hours a day?! And that I'm a team of people. Oh AND that I'm a bot.

So if all that's true, how was I having a "busy" day at work?!

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Hahahaha. Of course he did.

Can we all finally agree that supportingJill Stein is being the 11th person at the table?

Best endorsement dems could hope for, really.

I see this more as a loss of support for Trump, just like the many Republican endorsements for Harris. It doesn't change Stein's chances either way, and who supports someone is more a sign of how that person leans, not the candidate.

What will be interesting (but again, inconsequential) is how Stein will treat this. Ignore? Simple thanks? A rally to try and pull more of those who would follow him? (I think some will see where I'm going there)

Right? Imagine Trump not being racist enough for David Duke. I bet he'd be really mad if he weren't straight vibin

Nothing can hurt or help Stein's chances. She’s not a real choice. I don’t even think she's on enough states' ballots to get the required number of electoral votes.

How long until she drops out now? Jr dropped out soon after Rogan endorsed him.

She won’t. She’s a Dem spoiler. That’s her purpose. RFK was supposed to be that, too, but he wasn’t pulling enough Dems and was pulling too many Rs. So, he dropped and they tried to pull back those Rs with an endorsement.

Aaaaand there ya go. This is all you need to know about Jill Stein right? Because if Harris is a conservative because of Cheney’s endorsement….

Or are the rules different?

Not quite the same impact as endorsements from war criminals.

True, but not many people have lead what used to be the largest terrorist organization in the US.

David Duke ran the Portland Police Bureau!?

The KKK was the largest terrorist organization in the US by any standard.

It does kind of depend on how you classify various police departments and whether they're considered independent groups or cells under a single umbrella organization. But then again, in its heyday, the Venn diagram of the police and the KKK had quite a lot of overlap.

Harris is openly embracing Dick Cheney endorsements, lol. It is nothing for Jill to reject it. This is also the same crowd that "Biden has changed for his segregationist" lmao.

I think you’re misunderstanding the Cheney’s support.

Dick and Liz (and Bush and others) aren’t supporting Harris because she aligns with them or they like her. They’re doing it because trump is so heinous, literally anything is better than a second trump term.

They don’t want Harris; they’ve just reached the conclusion trump will destroy the GOP. And they’re right.

As Lindsay Graham said in 2016:

If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.

This is self-preservation.

I don’t think Bush weighed in this election season, did he? I was pretty sure he sat this one out so far as endorsements and public statements of support go.

You’re right, I misremembered an article I read last month:

# 200 aides of former Republicans, including both Bush presidents, endorse Kamala Harris

Bush’s lack of endorsement makes him somehow worse than he already was, in light of practically everyone else coming out against trump, and the bar is so low, Satan is tripping over it.

I don’t disagree, but I also don’t think he should be forced to weigh in. He is a former President, I get this, but that doesn’t obligate him to share how he votes or to re-inject himself or his family back into politics, which he left long enough ago.

I don't give af what their reasons are Dick Cheney is one of the worst people on the planet. It is easy not to stand by him. But I'm fine with voting third party this point. I don't want to be allies with liberals who will throw anyone under the bus to retain comfort.

Nobody is ‘standing by him’. Hitler liked dogs. Am I supposed to hate dogs because Hitler ‘stood by’ them?

I couldn’t give less of a fuck who the Cheneys support. Their opinions don’t factor into my choices at all.

This whole topic is the same people who make excuses for why the Cheney endorsements are good (or at a minimum irrelevant) saying how David Duke's endorsement should make people supporting Jill Stein think twice.

Jill Stein is a grifter and a spoiler working to advance conservative causes, but the hypocrisy here is breathtaking.

There’s a very clear difference: Stein is a well-documented, intentional spoiler who’s funding comes primarily from Republican mega-donors and Russian interests, and who recently said out loud her purpose isn’t to advance her party but exclusively to block Harris.

Her track record makes that endorsement poignant.

If she was sincere and didn’t already align with fascist interests, we wouldn’t care what Nazis say about her.

LOL, no there isn't.

Horrible person endorses candidate I like: "you can help who endorses you, it doesn't mean anything about their values". Horrible person endorses candidate I don't like: "see, if you support them you're in bed with [the KKK/war criminals]".

If she was sincere and didn’t already align with fascist interests, we wouldn’t care what Nazis say about her.

If Harris was a progressive peacenik who didn't seem open to aligning with neocon foreign policy, no one would think anything of welcoming Cheney into her campaign.

It's the same exact reasoning, just reformulated for whether you like the candidate in question.

This isn’t about like or dislike. Again, it’s about her track record. If Duke had come out to support Cornel West, we’d have collectively shrugged. I’d still strongly recommend nobody vote for him because he’s a spoiler, too, and I don’t like him as a candidate, but a Nazi endorsement for him would not make any difference.

The entire reason Duke supporting Stein matters is because of her history supporting fascists. How is this difficult to grasp?

This is literally the argument for why the Cheneys endorsements raise concerns for Harris. Her history and current reticence to break from Biden (whose foreign policy is not obviously different from Cheney's) and more directly criticize Israel indicates they might, at least to some degree, have some issues they agree on. If the Cheneys endorsed Cornel West, we'd also have collectively shrugged, but Harris has been explicitly tacking to the right and supporting a destructive war in the Middle East.

No, it isn’t. The Cheneys aren’t supporting Harris, but rejecting trump and trying to pull more moderate conservatives away from him. Not towards Harris – their platforms are not aligned at all – but to try to bring the GOP away from self-immolation.

Again,their motives are purely self-interest.

On the other hand, Duke is saying he supports Stein because her interests align with his. Huge ass difference.

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Yep! Insane hypocrisy around these parts.

And anyone who doesn't agree with the echo chamber, is a "Trumper" or works "for the Russians" or my personal fav, "posting/commenting in bad faith." lol

Yeah having his daughter who defended all of his bad actions on your events isn't standing by him and he going on about how honored she is. Liberals will literally work with fascists. Malcolm X was correct long ago. Vote for who you want best of luck.

No, this is a situation where the dems need to get as many votes as possible, and you’re underestimating the voting power of old people.

The dems are accepting the Cheney’s support specifically to wake up some moderate, old conservatives who would otherwise vote reflexively for trump simply because of the R after his name.

This isn’t an ideological move, but a purely political one. Politics is not always tasteful. Ideological purity is useless against actual, real-life fascism, and it’s a strategic move. Reality isn’t always rainbows and unicorns.

It isn't ideological purity. The only people who give up ground is Dems that is why the GOP can dog walk them while going on about space lazers and weather control. There should be some limits when it comes to people like Dick Cheney getting a pass. I've done the whole vote for the lesser evil. I'm good. I'll do what I can locally and vote down ballot for in local elections.

When Trump can come out call Harris for adopting his policies and she has nothing to say back. I'm good. I don't support right-wingers even with (D) next to their name.

We all know who you really want in power. Transparent as fucking glass.

A person who isn't backing genocide and with an agenda for working class and poor people. Pretty lowbar.

genocide jill is perfectly fine with genocides except for the one that's hot in the news right now.

by the way, those people are who are being genocided in the genocide hot in the news right now? they support kamala harris.

you don't care about genocide. especially that one. because if you did you would be voting for her. it's either you hate israel or you just refuse to vote for a black woman or you want to vote for trump or some combination of the 3.

This is not giving up ground. The only people looking at this and thinking it means Harris somehow supports the Cheneys rather than the other way round are ideological purists. Nobody sane is giving the Cheneys a pass. They’re slime and we all know it. The only thing this tells us is that he’s* so unabashedly heinous that even old school Republicans can’t stomach him. It’s not a difficult concept.

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“I don’t like that one of the worst people in the world is advocating for a candidate, and I’m not going tk vote for that candidate because of this- even though *the other candidates is objectively far worse than the guy I hate”

Is how I interpret that.

Throw your vote away if you want. Just don’t whine here when trump wins because of you.

Trump's rise is literally because of Dems lack of action results for poor and working class people. Harris is closer to him on Policy than anyone else. Even Trump said so at the debate, and she is still building the wall. You guys don't have Trump as much as you claim.

cheney is evil but he doesn't support the kkk.

I still like her though. I didn't vote for her, but I love how much drama she has caused the Democratic Party. :)

Yeah all of this is clear. And it tracks that you agree with David Duke on this.

Hi friend! What an interesting article. I too agree with KKK grand wizard David Duke that democracy has got to go. That's why I'm voting third party!!

What a cringe edge lord.

Yes, David Duke is a cringe edge lord!

Purposeful misinterpretation, just reinforcing the cringe.

So you don't think David Duke is a cringe edge lord?! I certainly do.