What's the last thing you do before going to sleep?

eric@014450.xyz to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 61 points –

No one here has said “masturbate” yet and I am highly suspicious.

I came here specifically to say jerk off. It's also what I do first thing when I wake up. I like to play that game where you try and cum before passing out.

The birds are singing,

The flowers are blooming,

My dick is throbbing,

I've been away for a whole 20 seconds and I haven't coomed yet!

Force myself to stop thinking in words and start thinking in pictures. Otherwise I'll never actually get to sleep.

I like to come up with stories like movies in my head. I'm out within 5mins unless I come up with something I particularly like, then I'm trying to keep myself up so I can keep watching.

I sometimes let my mind go on a fantasia-esque dream journey. I always start with the same imagery, and then try to coax my subconscious into taking the reins. It's like tricking your mind into the REM state.

Spoon my wife until she gets too hot and taps my leg so I roll over whilst listening to some trashy young adult fantasy audiobook.

I perform a highly sophisticated ritual known as "struggling to find the most comfortable position", only to wake up later feeling like I went ten rounds with a mattress." It's real art, ya know.

I see you, too, are a master of the midnight monster fights. And it's not that my bed or pillow are bad or uncomfortable either. It's painfully infuriating.

Take my glasses off. I'm the kind of person that needs to watch something to fall asleep to. So I usually roll over, take my glasses off, and then just listen till I fall asleep.

Turn on a video on my phone to distract my thoughts then lie on my stomach

Recently I've been doing a sudoku on my phone with AMOLED Black backgrounds and it's actually been great for getting to sleep

I use Open Soduko from F-Droid

I play this video on YouTube, and program the sleep function on my TV.

Nice, there was a time when I always play rain sounds while asleep, it gave me good quality sleep, but my wife made me stop, apparently it has the opposite effect on her.

And also, apparently some playlist have thunder in them. I wasn't aware because I was very deeply asleep.

Could you listen to rain sounds through headphones or earbuds? So that your wife won't hear it?

When i turn my head, the pods get pushed deeply into my ear, and it hurts. So I turn down the volume of my phone instead, but even with the lowest volume, it's still too loud for my wife.

Put in the R airpod and start a random SEA video on Youtube (Friendly+ app) on 0.75x speed, adjusting the volume to just barely drowning out the tinnitus. Gets me to sleep within 5 minutes every night.

I have a playlist that I listen to every night. I hit shuffle then I usually pick out 10 or 15 minutes of songs and drag them to the top of the shuffled list.

Surprised that no one mentioned ASMR. Listen to it almost every night and it helps with falling asleep quicker a lot.

Set alarms on my iPhone and iPad, plug them in to charge, and swap my glasses for a sleep mask. (It's crazy how much wearing one improved my sleep)

Say 'oof' as the youngest cat stomps across me to cuddle with my wife.

Snuggle with my cat, make sure he's comfy and isn't in a spot where I'll trap him under the covers or something by rolling over.

Last thing I consciously do is listen to a YouTube channel that one's fun at whatever shenanigans the right is up to, and when I realize I'm getting too sleepy to pay attention, I pause it and let the thunderstorm noise I almost always have playing as part of my Assistant bedtime routine finish it off.

Sometimes I change it up for some crickets, or white noise.