New video shows Philadelphia Police officer shot Eddie Irizarry within seconds of getting out of patrol car to – 446 points –

The video shows that Officer Mark Dial shot and killed Irizarry within five seconds of getting out of his cruiser.


“Outlaw,” which is a fucking incredible name for a police commissioner, is really just saying the quiet part out loud. “It’s very difficult when the details of a case change, and change in such a public way.” Like…difficult for who, you fucking monster?


This isn’t about the individual murders. Of course it is, but in the larger sense, how the fuck can these fuckers just keep perjuring themselves, and then when they get found out just paint the issue as, “oh, well, we are working to get the details straight.” MOTHERFUCKER, YOU ARE THE ONES OBSCURING THE GODDAMN DETAILS.

God fuckin dammit this is so incredibly fucked up. This is so, so, SO clearly a fucking system-wide problem. It’s not just the trigger happy cops. It’s the entire policing concept, it’s the entire concept of hierarchy, it’s legally protected murderers and liars and—honestly, just some fuckin assholes. No one should have this power. Yet here we are trying to figure out how to continue the problematic part without the ultra problematic part.


Go to the cop subs at reddit. They can't get past "everyone hates us because we catch them breaking the law" or "everyone hates us because they don't know what a hard job it is."

No assholes, it's because very nearly every single time there is video of a controversial event what turns out to be true? Cops lied, and would clearly have never come clean about those lies without BOTH the video AND public outcry and/or unsanctioned investigation of one sort or another.

Here's two other recent headlines about exactly that.

Anyone paying attention in recent years can rattle off more names almost without thinking.

There's a clear pattern across a wide number of departments. They are all about the legal power to end life or dispense life-altering injuries, but not whatsoever about culpability when they fuck it up. THAT is what is feeding public distrust of police, and it's not going to stop until it becomes the exception rather than the very observable rule.

Do... do you think all cops might be... bastards?

Clearly enough are that this problem is pervasive accross several police forces. It's clearly the case in the US, and we have a similar problem with the Police National in France (bizzarly, the Gendarmerie who performe policing outside the cities and are a part of the armed forces seem to have far less issues in this regard...)

@Phoenixbouncing Soldiers are more strictly regimented than regular police, I think. Hell, if you fuck up just a little as an MP you are out of that career field. Unfortunately, it's because of a STRONGER hierarchy and if the leader goes bad they all go with him. Which is why when there's war crimes it's usually a whole unit committing them.

Of course, there's also the aspect where the Law of Armed Conflict forbids anyone in the armed forces from doing things that civilian police forces do all the time, like using tear gas.

No. As an example (probably cherry picked granted) there was that video of the guy somewhere in CA that was shooting at cops and they tried really hard to get him to somehow get him alive.

But maybe ‘institutional bastardism’? I don’t want to fault all cops as bad, because then you end up with any good cop deciding not to be a cop… which is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

"any good cop deciding not to be a cop..."

What the hell makes you think this hasn't already been happening for years? Any cop that doesn't fall in line with the coverups is fired or, rarely, murdered.

Fuck the fucking police.

If we weren't living in capitalist oligarchies masquerading as "democracies", a false report like the cops gave would land all involved in jail immediately.

Imagine if you gave this police report for murder... and it worked 99.99% of the time, even in cases where there is video evidence of your crimes AND lies?

So the cops lied openly twice... The two cops need to be in prison and leadership needs to be fired! Also, cop reports need to be sealed and only reviewed by an independent citizen elected panel. If the report doesn't match body camera footage and witnesses then that cop needs to be fired and/or jailed for lying.

Holly shit.

I didn't read the title correctly and thought Philadelphia cops shot Eddie Izzard,

And somehow the full story turned out to be far worse.

These cops wanted to kill someone.

And they did.

Cops seem to get a paid vacation when they murder (leave with pay) so why wouldn't they?

Because a normal human being does not in any way enjoy taking another persons life?

Is it though? I've seen enough of human history to outright dispute that claim.

I was gonna make a comment about the theories on how child raising and alcohol and other factors are often proposed to make a case that half of everyone in history would be considered deeply traumatized and developmentally impaired... But honestly that's too dismissive of the vast majority of human history for a discussion of what a "normal" human is.

Actually that's a good point. I've often thought that the reason the Baby Boomer generation has such a notorious reputation is due to their fathers coming back with severe PTSD. Previous gen before that had the Great Depression. We're still dealing with early 20th century trauma to this day.

Don't forget lead and other heavy metal and environmental pollution having clear and proven effects on peoples aggression.

No wonder that in the days of drinking out of lead cups and using lead for plumbing, murder and general brutality was far more common.

Romans are a really good example of all this. They had so much lead in their system you couldn't take an X-ray of them if you wanted.

If that is all you've taken out of seeing human history and haven't seen a trend directly related to the use and intake of heavy metals and the sort, and in the modern age the difference between murder rates in the US, by population and police, compared to the rest of the western world, you haven't seen nearly enough of human history to understand anything.

Historically, the prevalence of just lead on its own boosted the aggression and sociopathic behavior of the population to ludicrous extents and these days, when that should be very little of a factor, the US still far outranks anyone else on the same developmental level by obscene levels.

It's a combination of the US being sucky about environmental pollution and having a serious societal problem with police being murderous asshats and people being OK with it.

That's a (* mumbles) sumthing sumthing bias! You only read and see it in history and media because it's exceptional. While the mundane just passess as throughout time without even a footnote.

Pictures of crowds of people smiling and bringing their children during lynchings (and taking souvenirs!) would say otherwise.

Is that the human condition or the prevalence of heavy metals in everything ...

Interesting how people chilled down worldwide the more we took those elements out of the food supply and are only more common in areas where the standards about heavy metals and other environmental pollutants are shit.

And for the western world, the US is an outright aberration, from general murder rates to how specifically the police are 10-20x more probable to murder people over absolutely nothing than anywhere else in the west.

Fuck, even Mexico has a lower deaths by police rate per capita than the US. And they are constantly at war with the cartels.

How could someone defend this...? They executed this guy and then lied about about what happened multiple times to make it sound like it wasn't just them getting angry and murdering this person.

If they want to be executioners then they should stop pretending and put the black hood on while they work.

I think they still got their white hoods collecting dust in the closet

We have all had one of those days where you just need to commit a quick murder to let off some steam.

They had to chase him all the way there, what were they going to do? Not kill him?

Did anyone else notice the way he ran and skipped away like a little bitch after shooting someone point blank?

He was still shooting while doing that half skip move like he just saw a spider or a bee. He's lucky he didn't kill more innocent people firing like that.

shots fired

I fucking hate this so much. Every time they get trigger happy they yell it like they're in some epic firefight to save the fucking world.

That's because they actually think they are.

Because they're in full on main character hero syndrome.

I wish a prosecutor somewhere would look at the pervasive pattern of this behavior and bring a Rico case against police departments and union leaders engaging in coverups. Sadly if one did they would probably turn up dead shortly afterwards.

Bring back the guillotines, these pig heads deserve to roll

Defunding the police needs to happen yesterday. Tired of these gangsters roaming around with impunity.

The police murder innocent people, lie to us about it, and get away with it entirely without punishment. They are a street gang that operates without regard to the law.

Very American to have such hatred for police, not surprised that in a third world country you just need a high school diploma to run around with a badge & gun.

You say “very American,” as if just a few months ago the French weren’t setting things on fire after the police shot a teenager and lied about it until the video came out.

In civilized countries the police has to absolve actual training and learn how to deescalate a Situation.