Jacksonville shooter who targeted Black shoppers had swastikas drawn on rifle

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 608 points –
Jacksonville shooter who targeted Black shoppers had swastikas drawn on rifle

The shooter, a white man, killed three people after writing messages of hatred for Black people. He killed himself after opening fire in a dollar store.

A white gunman fatally shot three Black people in hate-motivated shooting at a Dollar General retailer in Jacksonville on Saturday afternoon, Sheriff T.K. Waters said.

"This shooting was racially motivated, and he hated Black people," the sheriff said at a news conference. "He wanted to kill n------."


👈 trump effect did this

Violent racism isn't a product of Trump. Trump is a product of violent racism.

I think there's an argument to be .ade for it being a positive feedback loop

Fuck off, trump has done more to bring racism and fascism to the forefront than anyone else in recent history.

Racism, sexism and bigotry have gotten bolder in his wake, we’ve seen violence in his name, pelosi’s husband for example, as well as violence for other conservative beliefs like white replacement theory bullshit which absolutely was pushed by trumps friends like tucker (who famously hates his guts)

But yeah go on, trump is just a product of his environment :(. He holds no accountability I guess

Trump didn't promote or support racism, the media did using him as an excuse

Chicken or egg. One existed before but the other gave it a platform and kept it alive. I hope it changes in a decade.

The list of violent right-wing extremist violence is is growing very long.

All this fanned by right-wing media and foreign agents like Russia.

“This was, quite frankly, a maniac who decided he wanted to take lives,”

Copycat shooter with a manifesto, armed with the usual kit: A plate carrier, an AR-15, and a Glock.

While I can see this is a racially motivated shooting, I think this pattern indicates some deeper... suicidal, martyrdom ideology. The intent includes the suicide. It's suicidally motivated, too. These plans include the repetitive messaging of a newsfeed marching down the list of mass shootings by scared whitr supremacists. Racial killing, suicide, manifesto, and the date makes it a copycat killing. Is he truly a maniac, if so many are falling into this same set of cowardly cries for help?

I feel no sympathy for the dead shooter. But I stare into the abyss, feeling I must empathize with the scared white supremacist who does this next.

Stochastic Terrorism (wiki)

I must empathize with the scared white supremacist who does this next.

Really?! What the fuck?

Conservatives do not empathize with you. They see empathy as a weakness to exploit. Do not empathize with them unless you'd like to become their next victim.

You can empathize with someone without being exploited by them. I empathize with prisoners suffering in solitary confinement because I consider it inhumane. That doesn't mean I'm going to allow myself to be attacked by a murderous psychopath without defending myself.

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Empathy is not agreement or defense, it's understanding. Refusing to empathize is refusing to find a solution. Stop being part of the problem.

I would say refusing to empathize is more akin to refusing to try and understand the person and their plight. That in turn can lead to missing potential solutions that work for all or most parties

Semantics of course

The only possible way to try to prevent it is to try and talk them down before hand.

I mean, aside from the obvious gun legislation that won't happen

Or you stop spying how many times people go to toilet and start using the NSA resources to track down and put in prison those people posting in kiwifarms and other terrorist organisations' forums.

I don't think 'random guy from lemmy' has the power to accomplish that.

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Fuck em. Let them all suicide their way out. As long as they stop taking innocent people with them, they can die in agony in a ditch as far as I’m concerned. The time for sympathy is over.

But the problem is they don't stop. And they're being encouraged to kill.

he was out of his mind with FEAR.. nothing else..

You're probably not wrong. Conservatives have been shown to have a larger amygdala, yielding a greater reaction to fear and disgust.

that's true for "stupid" people in general.. peasants and morons, people like that..

Not sure why the downvotes, I think you're right, fear is at the source of this muderous behaviour. This is the meaning carried by the "phobia" in "negrophobia", " homophobia", etc. These people feel their very existence is threatened by their victims : they've been indoctrinated into thinking their "race" or "culture" are driven to extinction by other people. So yes, it's absolutely fear.

more to the point maybe, it's useless to try to find a coherent idea inside their heads, with the idea of treating it, or heading it off in others or something.. they consume a steady diet of fear inducing media, and look to their gun as the only help.. when they snap, they're just looking for the most convenient excuse to use the firearm finally..

it isn't about anyone's "race" (that idea never makes sense anyway), so much as someone is telling him appearance or culture is a fear vector for him (i.e. people who look and think differently hate HIM).. he's listening for any reason to be afraid, it really doesn't matter..

in fact, trying to assign the problem to his race or a racial idea is just doing the same in reverse.. trying to find a reason to fear someone and create a fear vector in people's minds..

and just to reiterate because it's so important: it is USELESS to try to find a coherent idea of any kind in those heads

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If you ever wondered what you would do in Germany in the 30s, you're doing it right now.

Which is head-in-the-sand, "I can't do anything about it because the other side is the problem."

Fascism takes over gradually, like frogs in a pot of water slowly heating.

fun fact: if you try to actually boil a frog, it jumps out of the pot. frogs aren't that dumb.

Florida is full of Nazis. Pretty much every biker bar in Florida is home to white supremacists. You couldn't get me to visit Florida for anything.

I love it that Nazis are too damn stupid to give their allies plausible deniability and keep covering everything in swaztikas.

The Allen Texas mall shooter was a great example - the right wing media tried arguing he was Hispanic, and that he wasn't right-wing - his huge swaztika tattoos were a false flag... That he wore for years. Even your average Fox viewer isn't buying that.

I have some bad news for you about the average Fox viewer.

That they're morons (I know), or that even those morons see through the bullshit (they seem to in this case, but I may be wrong).

He didn't actually die, it was all staged, and the tattoos were the temporary ink tattoos.

This is sarcasm but maybe I shouldn't give the conspiracy theorists any more ideas.

The most ridiculous part is how self-contradictory the right wing media explanations get. Like he's a false flag to make right wing white nationalists look bad, but simultaneously he's an example of how dangerous Hispanic immigrants are. Firehouse of misinformation - hopefully something sticks, right!?

Poe's law is what it is I guess...

The contradiction is no accident though - it's a necessary element of fascism - the enemy must always be both pathetically weak and an existential threat.

The sheriff just casually dropped the N word in this press conference?

Yes, he’s Black, and he said that it was the only time he was going to say it. I feel like it’s his prerogative to decide when he can say that in response to an attack on his community.

When said by the right person in the right context, that word can go from a word used to attack the innocent to a word used to condemn the racist.

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The shooter was clearly driven to violence by socioeconomic hardship

Also, the gun had nothing to do with it. It was because our country does nothing about the mental health crisis.

What? Government subsidized mental health care? What are you, a commie?

You think you’re clever but you’re just an asshole. Keep defending fucking nazi terrorists, scum.

It's a joke on how white mass shooters are portrayed as victims of society instead of as terrorists

I mean... aren't they both?

Yes yes we're all tragedies of pseudo-random determinism, 7 billion products of our environment, very sad much insight.

That's why you have to put down the rabid dogs humanely.

Yes, but thats's removing responsibility on the perpetrator's part, and we obviously can't do that. We're assumed to be responsible for our actions.

We can hold someone responsible for their own actions while still acknowledging that people are a product of their own environment and try to study and address the underlying societal/economic conditions that led to these situations occurring in the first place.

No, it’s very clearly a “joke” about how the left oftentimes attributes crime in urban areas to socioeconomic conditions.

The original commenter here is simultaneously making light of a right-wing shooter with racist manifestos and also making fun of the left.

Nothing has gone over my head.

Im 100% certain something has gone over your head

Insects, birds, planes, clouds, celestial bodies

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No. The intent of the commenter’s comment is very clear to me and I guarantee he’s laughing at the fact his comment was upvoted while mine was downvoted.

Check his comment history. He’s a right-wing troll.

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Did that fucking sheriff seriously use the n word in damn press release…. What the fuck????

Yeah. I don't understand it even in context.

"This shooting was racially motivated, and he hated Black people," the sheriff said at a news conference. "He wanted to kill n------. "That's the one and only time I'll use that word," Waters said, referring to the racial slur.

Like, what??? Why use it even that "one and only" time?

Imo, he might consider himself and his, different from the victims that were targeted. THEY were ninjas, not him.

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Just save time and give him a urinal instead of a gravestone.

Typical modern conservative. Waffling between keeping up the act or full mask-off racism.

3 fatalities doesn't even qualify as a mass killing.

How sad is that?

The mass killing in Ohio on the 24th qualifies though.

Shit. I live in Jacksonville and this is the first I heard of it. This is insane

DeSantis called it "a cowardly act" which seems like the weirdest way to talk about a shooting like this.

Almost as if he's saying it wasn't brave enough and that the shooter should have done more.

I watched some of the security cam. The kid walks weirdly. Like he looks like he's stomping his feet.

At least he spared the state of Florida his tenure on death row.