Trump Attorney Screwup Means Trump Won’t Get Jury Trial in NY Fraud Case to – 310 points –

Due to an oversight, Trump's attorneys failed to ask for a jury trial within the time allotted to them


The guy with a reputation for not paying his attorneys is having trouble attracting good legal council?

Shocked. I'm shocked.

His lawyers probably didn’t expect to juggle a dozen trials at the same time. That, and, no one even halfway competent would ever work for Trump. Most of his previous attorneys are codefendants in his criminal trials at this point.

I can hear the ineffective assistance of counsel appeal being typed up now.

"OK so what's our strategy here?"

"Well, I'm going to be so incompetent that when you're inevitably found guilty you can appeal on the basis that I'm incompetent"

"Genius. I love it."

Doubtless they will turn it a day late, and a dollar short. SMH

I'll write the order denying it - no prejudice given the mountains of evidence so he can '"get fukt".

So the repeated (ad nauseum) Trump claim "I only hire the best people" isn't accurate?

It's absolutely accurate, we just never asked by what metric "best" was being measured.

"Best" in this case was apparently "someone dumb enough to think Trump won't screw them out of money." :P

I'll let the team over at Legal Eagle answer that one

So, I must have followed a link to one of their videos at some point, because the YouTube algorithm spammed me their shit for months until I blocked it.

What kind of content is it? The thumbnails and titles looked rage baity

It's actually pretty decent legal oriented YouTube entertainment. He's a practicing lawyer that talks about current events and discusses possibly relevant laws or sometimes legal procedures. Sort of a more serious version of attorney tom.

It's pretty good. He definitely has a bias and I don't agree with him 100% of the time.

For example, he advocates that forced arbitration agreements isn't that bad. I don't agree with that at all.

But it's good content and high quality.

He's actually pretty good. I really enjoy some of his reviews of legal movies.

If Trump could hire the best lawyers money could buy, he would.

Problem is he is either stiffed his previous lawyers, so the smart ones don't trust him.

Or those lawyers are now witnesses in his legal battles. So they can't represent him.

Yeah when your lawyers have to record you (believe it's something from Cohen's testimony) to have a backup of what you requested, you don't get the best lawyers. Trump would never hire someone that seems smarter them himself, he has to be the most intelligent person in the room (lol). No one intelligent would really act dumb enough to be hired by someone who is notorious for not paying, mean unless there's other factors but he's not getting a highly regarded and clean lawyer at this point.

Anyone else have fun thinking about how fictional lawyers would represent Trump?

Like I could see someone like Lionel Hutz representing Trump. Maybe Barry Zuckercorn.

Not Bob Loblaw. I think Saul Goodman might pass on him. Kim Wexler I could see doing it probono.

I’m just some idiot on the internet who doesn’t know what I’m talking about, but…

Is it possible this isn’t a mistake? If you’re going to try to win a trial through corruption and wrongdoings, it seems easier to illicitly win over (and have it stay quiet) one person than half of a jury, no?

This judge already appears to have an axe to grind with Trump, so, uh, it probably would have been easier with a jury.

That's their play, they don't want a jury because they're trying to pay the groundwork for a mistrial via judicial bias but that is a high jump and they're stumbling on molehills.

Sounds like he's setting up an appeal to a sympathetic judge on the basis of "the evil liberals were mean to me!"

You only need one juror though, no?

I’m honestly not sure. Does a jury vote need to be unanimous for a guilty verdict?

The jury has to be unanimous no matter the decision. If they can't agree, they either deliberate as long as it takes, or if the jury is hung, then they'll reduce the charges.

I posted this story in politics from another source a few days ago and it was removed because apparently the source wasn’t good enough and people couldn’t find it anywhere else. It was the only source reporting it at the time, but ok then.

edit: guess it was farther back than I remember, here’s that article from ~3 weeks ago

edit2: yep, 19 days ago

Quit being so fast and accurate with your news! This isn’t Reuters!

Did he fire his attorneys? No? Then it was on purpose. He's building up to some political bullshit.

Good. Let's hope that this is just the first of stupidities he stumbles over. Didn't he already piss off the judge that presides over this case?

I'd love to see the judge rule from the bench on this.