Pelosi says interim House speaker McHenry has ordered her to vacate her office in the Capitol building to – 392 points –
Pelosi says interim House speaker McHenry has ordered her to vacate her office in the Capitol building | CNN Politics

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday said the newly named interim speaker, GOP Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, has ordered her to vacate her office in the Capitol building.

She does maintain her regular office in the Cannon House office building.

An email sent from McHenry’s office to Pelosi’s office just after 6 p.m. Tuesday evening that was viewed by CNN, stated, “Going to reassign h-132 for speaker office use. Please vacate the space tomorrow.”

Pelosi said in a statement that she was not in Washington, DC, to immediately move her belongings.


So what do we know about McHenry so far? He's a petty little bitch.

McHenry is a piece of shit. Also he was running campaign ads on YouTube back in June, fucking 11 months before the primary.

Calling him a little bitch insults all the great girl Chihuahuas in the world. ;)

You know, I'm tired of this one. Every insult being an insult to blank is getting too predictable here.

How dare you insult blanks in such a manner!

Sure, they don't have a soul, but they are none the less an asset to the imperium

Everything on the Internet is predictable or boring to someone. Downvote and move on if it's important to you. My pet peeve is, "tell me you're X without saying you're X"

I can't downvote without downvoting chihuahuas. My hands are tied. But you're right I've devoted over twice the effort I should have with this comment.

You can downvote my comment if you want. I won't be offended. Authentic conversations are more interesting to me than Internet points. It's easy to feel good when you're upvoted a lot and easy to feel bad when you're downvoted. It's better to choose to not have an opinion on it either way.

This is my first ever lemmy comment and I just wanted to share how much I enjoyed the wholesomeness of this exchange. A lot. Thank you.

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The North Carolina GOP have sort of flown under the radar but are busy passing unconstitutional laws and usurping power following Donald Trumps playbook. These fascists are not hiding what they’re doing, and if they’re given complete control they will be scrolling through the rise of nazism Wikipedia page to see what they should do next.

Nah, its not Trumps playbook. Back when I was in college they tried to pass a constitutional amendment that would annul same-sex marriages for simply entering the state. NC GOP has been wild for a long, long time

Trump's playbook is the same as any Conservative playbook, from Nixon to Reagan to Bush to Gingrich to Cheyney to Boener to Trump to Gaetz. It's the same plays, but Trump had less tact and no filter, and he proved you don't need tact or a filter because conservatives will vote for anyone they think will help them.

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This. I grew up in single-party Republican Texas. It's only now that people outside the South are really paying attention to what they have been doing to us.

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CNN, did McHenry order Pelosi to vacate or not? Here's an idea, do about 7 minutes of investigative journalism and find out one way or the other, then make a definitive statement in your headline instead of hedging with 'Pelosi says this thing happened, but who knows? We report, you decide!" So lazy/cowardly.

They have to get the article out first for SEO or else some other news source will do actual reporting and become the top result.

Endshitification and the algorithms driving it have ruined so many things.... Gotta be the first, no one reads, just need a clicky headline and a couple pictures.

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American media is legitimately just extremely unreliable. British, Chinese, Russian, French, German, Middle Eastern, and Southeast Asian sources all got the detail that the recent Indian moon mission landed near the South Pole, but most American media picked up that they had somehow landed on the South Pole and put that in their titles.

They were 21 degrees of latitude off, for reference.

Now this has me curious. What's considered "the pole"? Is it literally the line coming out from exactly center (or whatever relative features for the specific shape of the moon)? Or if you're within like 10 ft can you say you landed there? How far off can you be and still be on the pole?

Usually people would consider within a few degrees (1? 2? Certainly less than 5) to be an acceptable margin, but the pole itself is a well-defined point along the axis of rotation.

The American language is reductive to the point of being inaccurate or at worse, downright wrong. Born from this nature is the reason they use the phrase "deplane" whereas the rest of the world uses "disembark".

I have never heard anyone use the word deplane before I read your comment. I've heard disembark plenty, but it's a little formal usually it's just get your ass off the plane.

sorry did you say something about US?/s 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 our military is already in your nation bro 😎😏😔 /s

i did not know india had a space program until i read youe comment thanl you kindly

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But if they kick her out, whose office are they going to vandalize when the next January 6th happens?

They’re just going to have so smear poop in every congressional office just in case one is Nancy’s

Implying these guys knew where they were going or anyone in the building. Trump is the only one they can reliably identify.

She tried to give the laptop to russians? Why isn't she in jail for ESPIONAGE?!?!?!?!

They also tried to attack some of the Republicans though. It's easy to know Pelosi by name even for them and her office must be identified, I bet most wouldn't be able to tell it's her if they crossed her on the street.

Pelosi had one of the "hideaway" offices. They're intentionally kept secret so no name on the door, no open registry of who has what office. The location would need to be leaked by someone in the know.

Not to mention the removal/disabling of panic buttons not that long before the insurrection, the gallows, trying to move Pence to a 2nd location, etc... This shit was planned and they absolutely knew. The insurrectionists are stupid, but they're not so stupid they can't follow a floorplan leaked to them by an insider(my money's on boebert).

What an asshole, there is no way 1 day warning is reasonable. Republicans are a bunch of sociopaths.

He also doesn't have the authority. He's not Speaker of the House. His one and only duty is to chair the meetings to elect a new Speaker.

I agree with pelosi.

Who cares. It's just an office and she doesn't own it.

You're of course 100% right. It looks like a cheap ploy to me though. McCarthy was not a friend to Democrats and he didn't kick Pelosi out of her office. It looks like either McHenry is trying to earn brownie points with the freedom caucus by beating up on Pelosi or maybe he's kicking her out of her larger office so he can use it as a bargaining chip to garner support for his run on the speakership.

McCarthy was not a friend to Democrats and he didn’t kick Pelosi out of her office.

McCarthy seemingly followed the norm of letting the previous speaker keep their office if they wanted. McHenry is pissed at Democrats for helping 8 super crazy Republicans oust his friend as Speaker. Watching McHenry gavel out yesterday's session it was obvious that he is very angry at what happened.

He should probably blame the freedom caucus then. Or hey, maybe even his buddy McCarthy for accepting such an obvious poison pill with the rule change that enabled his ouster.

That's definitely a possibility. I really should go back and watch the vote on YouTube or something. It's obviously a little silly to be upset with Democrats in this scenario. Hey McCarthy can always take consolation in the fact that his name will be in some history book somewhere as long as people are interested in American politics. Ozymandias would be proud.

Her office also has symbolic meaning to the J6er fuckholes because of that famous photo of that douchebag teabagging her stuff.

“Office space doesn’t matter to me, but it seems to be important to them,” she said. “Now that the new Republican Leadership has settled this important matter, let’s hope they get to work on what’s truly important for the American people.”

That's the point.

If it's the office with the shit on the desk she should let him have it...

They would eat it if they thought a democrat may have to smell their breath.

I thought she retired, why does she have an office? Or was that just as speaker but she's still in Congress?

Still in the house just not the speaker. Apparently it's a tradition that former speakers are allowed to have larger offices out of respect. But a lot of Republicans just love to hate Nancy Pelosi.

Is there an official office for house speaker?

Probably not, since it's a role for a representative, not a separate job.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't an unofficial office.

Technically it doesn't have to be a representative, but it always has been to my knowledge.

That's a great question and I did a little cursory research but I couldn't find anything.

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Yes, she only retired as speaker, she's still a regular member of Congress.

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It took me too long to realize that this wasn’t a shit post about the dead senator

I've been on the Internet for quite a while (especially if you count bbses) but I still don't quite understand the intricacies of the shitpost.