Revolutionary Bionic Hand Fuses With Woman's Bones, Muscles, And Nerves to – 461 points –

A 50-year-old Swedish woman who lost her hand in a farming accident has been fitted with a cutting-edge prosthesis that has proved transformational.


Looking forward to hearing that the arm stops working after company folds and nothing can be done because the software was closed source

And then someone on GitHub develops 'Arm ReVanced' which allows the user to shoot electric bolts.

Any then google buys it just to soft-lock any users who aren't using the ChromeLimb137-c.

"Unlimited powwa"

-ironically, the only villain in the movie without prosthetics

Prosthetic arm permanently disabled, you didn't renew your glove subscription.

+2 grip for only 3.99/mo!

Surely they wouldn't charge a monthly fee to use something that probably "costs" over $1M. Except car manufacturers do that for stuff that costs $100k so I guess I wouldn't put it past them

Can we have one positive news article without the gloom and doom, please?

Nooo dont mention inevitable outcomes butterflies and rainbows only please 🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑

olay maybe this will dox me so ill be very General

I am missing a limb, a very important and Big one

and the only way i can keep my healthcare is if i stay in poverty

so if i make money, i cant get no more help with my prosthetics, and then cant work, so end up again in poverty

guess where i live guys

I am missing a limb, a very important and Big one

First I thought penis, but then you said "big".

Jokes aside, it sucks that you're stuck in this vicious cycle. Sadly poverty also keeps you from emigrating somewhere better.

Not everyone lives in a cyberpunk dystopia, there are state funded healthcare systems that mandate long term support for medical devices. Clown emoji yourself, buddy.

" My country is perfect and my existence is the center of the world so dont talk about your cyberpunk dystopia scenarios if I am around, you peasants " 🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑

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Looking forward? Maybe you mean expecting

Yeah, that one. Definitely wish it was FOSS so these people won't be dependent on corporate intellectual property existing.

I am looking forward to see the repo man collecting it since it was only a licensed company asset, especially since it is fused with her own tissues.

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This is one of the coolest damn things I've seen in a while, she's a true cyborg!

I think the coolest thing is that she has a limited sense of touch.

There's always lots of jokes about what a shame it is we don't have the flying cars people dreamed about in the past but if you ask me things like this not being more ubiquitous is the real shame! This is incredible and I hope we see more in this space soon.

Totally agree, this makes a lot more difference than all the stuff they predicted in to 40s and 50s.

This one is also pretty cool, couple of years ago. It was the first time I heard they had incorporated touch, but looks awesome.

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

This one

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I'm open-source; check me out at GitHub.

Cyberpunk 2077 here we come! I need me some fucking Gorilla Arms! Lets Fucking Go!! Lol, j/k

FINALLY we are getting one of the cool parts of the cyberpunk future!

Some how I bet it actually cost $6,000,000

you forget that in europe, the insurance probably has to pay all that money.

And you forget that in Europe there's no insurance, but an ACTUAL NHS!
(not to mention that, being a prototype, was probably free)

Wait what? I live in the Netherlands and pay about a 140 a month for health insurance.

Why on earth do you do that? Is it to cover dental or something?

It’s not the up front cost that makes the investors money, it’s the maintenance plan.

I want one

Cyberpunk or Ghost in the shell vibes.

How long has she been using it? It says

  • she's two decades without hand, and now can use this
  • this one used for years
  • she has less pain issues now

So has she been using this for two decades? Some years but less?

Seems like they connected it after using more traditionals for a while?

No, it says she was without her right hand for decades, and that she got this one three years ago. So I assume she did not use traditional prosthetics?

I didn't see it in the article, but that hand seems to be missing a wrist, right? So far "only" the fingers and the thump are driven.