Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’

pleasemakesense@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 314 points –
Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’

Are... are they the Nazis now?

They're not the Nazis. They're the Nazis if they had absolute freedom to act in their region. They're Americans.

Lots of downcopes from angry fascists and historically illiterate liberals

Whom among you can speak your disagreements? Don't just sulk.

Fun fact: The Nazis were already writing wild west style stories for their children about the lands they planned to take from the Slavs.

Can you link this image, the boost app won't let me open it larger or select it for download.


This is interesting, I haven't read it, but I think I might try to find a copy now


Abbas quotes historian Raul Hilberg to support his allegations that fewer than one million Jews were killed.[13][14][15][16] However, Rafael Medoff of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies denied the assertion that "The historian and author, Raoul Hilberg, thinks that the figure does not exceed 890,000", and said this is "utterly false". He wrote that "Professor Hilberg, a distinguished historian and author of the classic study The Destruction of the European Jews, has never said or written any such thing."[12]

In the book Abbas raises doubts regarding the existence of the gas chambers, quoting Robert Faurisson, on the nonexistence of gas chambers.

So he doesn't deny that the Holocaust happened.....just that it was millions fewer deaths than reported, the Jews were a pivotal and willing part of the plan, and also there were no gas chambers. Cool.

@NounsAndWords yikes what a piece of work. According to your link he also claims the gas chambers were just "crematoriums" which is a ludicrous assertion to anyone who has seen them. Structurally they would be useless as crematoriums.

Holocaust denial is a terrible thing to perpetrate.

He's the crazy bully that hangs out with the group, has all the fun sadistic ideas, everybody goes oh don't listen to him He's crazy. But they're really listening to see how other people react to that crazy idea. The crazy outspoken guys testing the water, and if people don't argue too much....

It's like the racist making a joke not joke in a conversation to test you.... Schrödinger's douchebag... Except on a global political scale

It's known as a trial balloon. "Oh, I was only joking! Unless you're fine with it, then I'm serious."

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Point is that if this had happened anywhere outside Israel and the remark would be towards Israel, there would have been a huge outcry, and this guy would have been arrested, but now I am not even sure he will be removed from the government or returned silently after some time.

Justice for me but not for thee.

but now I am not even sure he will be removed from the government

He has now been removed from the government.

There have been Russian politicians defending using nukes in Ukraine, though not actually wanting to nuke a city of 2 million people.

Then again, the Russians are nowhere as racist towards Ukranians and actually want those in the occupied Ukranian territory to become Russians, whilst the Israelis want all Palestinians to die or to leave their land, not to integrate.

Ireland is a weird choice given that the Irish are not being allowed to leave Gaza.

Ireland is one of the few western countries that have criticised Israel's response to the Hamas attacks, so they're being punished now.

They remember how it is to have your homeland occupied by a neighbouring nation that thinks you are an inferior people.

@jonne collective punishment is so evil.

But on brand for Israel. I guess when they say 'never again', they're not talking about genocide in general.

Never again to us is what you should interpret it as. A group taking steps to ensure that their near genocide can never be repeated doesn't burden them with a moral crusade to end all genocide.

@Apollo good point.

Regardless of our histories I would hope we all have, if not a crusade, at least a strong moral desire to end genocide.

Not committing it is a good start.

They got criticized by Michael D. Higgins. This guy is unreal. He is so charismatic and positive and though I don't know him personally he looks like an amazing human being.

...am I misunderstanding the distance between israel and gaza or am I misunderstanding how nukes work? This sounds like a really bad plan unless I'm wrong about something.

Tactical nukes exist, there would be fallout, but depending on the nuke itself, and the burst configuration, that could be limited, and with favorable winds go out over the sea.

Not to mention neutron bombs which are "cleaner" and just kill organics.


But none of this really makes sense, given the fact that gaza's completely surrounded, and total air and military superiority exists there's cleaner ways to kill everyone.

One could argue this politician is trying to anchor a really bad idea, so the people agree with a terrible idea that's not as bad later.

(western) neutron bombs were made for single and very specific explicit purpose: to kill crews of soviet tanks quickly while not generating too much fallout over friendly territory (west germany). neutron bombs are still nukes and still have powerful blast and so on; but while everyone outside of tank is fried anyway no matter what nuke you use, neutrons specifically ignore heavy metal shielding. neutrons are however also stopped by things like air, concrete, and especially water, fuel, plastics and such; most importantly, when first DPICM and then antitank PGMs deployable from considerable distance (think CBU-97 or BONUS, not ATGMs) became a thing, these things just stopped being necessary and were withdrawn from service

against a city you don't want a neutron bomb. other than tanks, it's a thing to be used against other nukes, but nuclear anti-ballistic defenses seem a little crazy today so it was phased out too. if you look at actual doomsday arsenals of actual nuclear states, the things stockpiled are plain ol big dirty thermonuclear devices, dial-a-yield from below 1kt to somewhere around 500kt with guidance kit added. even against other nukes neutron bombs aren't expected to be used today, turns out just bending them out of shape while still in silo seems to be easier

does israel have neutron bombs? probably, would it be effective against a city? not more than regular nukes, and at any rate, just like you say, tons and tons of PGMs are just simpler, easier to deal with and much safer diplomatically

See, that's what I was thinking but you're a whole lot more technical than "yeah I'm pretty sure that is dumb" like I said lol.

Not an expert by any means, but nukes can get smaller than one would think. The fallout would be the most dangerous thing for Israel, in both the physical and political sense.

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And this is what western leaders throw their "unconditional support" at..

It's crazy every country used the same term "unconditional support". 7 October was literally this moment


But instead of American news agencies it was the leader of every country in the Western world.

Bye bye job. Good riddance.

I feel like it’s a temporary formality to avoid backlash. I’m sure this is one of Bibi’s top staff.

He’s there to test the waters.

That's gotta be the most pro-genocide comment section I've ever seen. I know it's an Israeli publication, but goddamn there's some disturbing shit there

It's better than r/worldnews. But that's a very, very low bar.

It's almost like there are paid bots there to defend whatever atrocities Israel is doing.

He has been censured by the Israeli government and stripped him of his ability to be in briefing meetings. Many in the Knesset are also now working to have him removed. The prime minister immediately released a statement that this was completely inappropriate and contrary to the way in which the IDF operates in accordance with the rules of armed conflicts.

They don’t like people saying the quiet part loud.

As far as nukes go you are right. Israel has long had a neither confirm nor deny stance when asked if they have nukes.

Everyone knows they do but they have never admitted to it.

This guy is getting shit for confirming that Israel does in fact have nukes.
Thats the real reason they are pissed at him.

Not for the idea itself.

The Isreali Minisitry of Intelligence had literally drafted up an options plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza and deport everyone.

Let's not congratulate Isreal on drawing the line at nukes.

...and would be completely self-destructive. This would be like New York City nuking Hoboken.

Or like uptown Manhattan nuking downtown Manhattan.

Is Gaza not considered desert? Should they move to the Negev?

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Prime Minister of reality suggest Israel should move to fuck all. So when someone suggest nukeing Israel and killing every last one, I don't wanna hear shit.

...or hear me out, we agree that "nuking them and killing every last one" is something to always decry, regardless of who "them" is. The right response here is disgust, not "alright so antisemites get a pass".

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