Trump: ‘I’m not an insurrectionist’ to politics – 177 points –
Trump: ‘I’m not an insurrectionist’


He’s lying,..again.

Some of the last words he said before the insurrection were “we have to fight like hell” and “if you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country”.

Also: "I don't effing care that they have weapons. They're not here to hurt me."

As he tried to pressure the secret service to violate their duties and remove metal detectors from the mall that morning.

Trump knew Proud Boys (bitches) and Oath Keepers (breakers) stashed weapons nearby.

“I’m not an Insurrectionist,” Trump wrote on Truth Social, specifically pointing to his comments on Jan. 6 in which he encouraged supporters to march to the Capitol “peacefully and patriotically.”

And then, when they rioted and broke into the Capitol, like you knew they would, you did nothing to stop them. You could have called in the National Guard. Instead, you told them you loved them. You loved them because they did your bidding.

Not only does his inaction speak volumes, he also tweeted out about Pence "not having courage" and got on the phone to call Senators while the Capitol was being invaded to get them to halt the electoral vote count.

Read the Colorado ruling, it's worth it.

Anyone still have the footage of the Trumps and their accolytes in those tents watching the Jan 6 capital invasion while toasting champagne?

I have the hours of violence recorded in the main archway where they were using siege tactics and human battering rams to try to break through the main doors and the officers blockading it with shields, weapons, and massive amounts of teargas.

One of the people in the White House wrote that he was transfixed by the tv coverage, refused to do anything to interrupt their momentum, and was angry they weren't more aggressive (and also very annoyed that they weren't better dressed / more classy).

hmmm. Sounds like something an insurrectionist would say.

Sounds like something an insurrectionist would did say.

Fixed that for you.

I guess he wants us to get it right and say it was a failed coup.

Insurrection: The act or an instance of revolting especially violently against civil or political authority or against an established government.

Coup: A sudden decisive exercise of force in politics and especially the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.

It was a violent revolt against political authority. Specifically, congress.

It was an coup attempt via insurrection.

Umm... It was also a coup attempt by him cold calling his Rolodex and demanding they break laws against the federal election process.

Trump also claimed Biden is an insurrectionist and a threat to democracy, continuing a pattern in which the former president accuses his opponents and critics of the same thing he is accused of doing.


Curse you, Biden, and you're insurrection via... an infrastructure bill and forgiving some student loans?

"no u"

"No puppet! You're the puppet!"

Jfc, forgot about that.

It's been like a decade of this madness. Also, as bad as all the impending autocracy sounds on paper.. taking a breath the last few years, I feel like we've forgotten what it felt like when he was prez, and nobody will show up to vote

Did he put his hands up with two peace signs when he said it?

Trump also claimed Biden is an insurrectionist and a threat to democracy

It'd be funny if his supporters didn't take this nonsense seriously.


Clinton: Trump is a Russian agent.

Trump: NO U


Biden: Trump is an insurrectionist.

Trump: NO U

Truly nothing says wrongfully accused like the "I know you are but what am I?" defense 🙄

Trump is an insurrectionist and everyone who supports him is a traitor

The fact that the supreme court didnt immediately say the president doesn't have immunity for attempting to dismantle our government system is tip toeing treason. Seems clear that insurrection is performed by an enemy of the state. How would delaying such a ruling not be considered giving aid or comfort?

He's an insurrectionist and he stinks like shit. Most important part is to remember how bad he smells though because this shit he's saying now is clearly just to distract from the shit in his pants.

'Diaper Don': Internet celebrates 'Trump smells' trending on social media

My favorite thing about that is that after Kinzinger told everyone Trump stinks, one of Trumps' people responded by saying that Kinzinger once farted on live TV. Which, you know, is just as bad as a persistent shit smell. Everyone knows that once you fart, that fart stays with you for life.

My god that’s an awful website. I think my phone is going to get cancer from all the ads covering screen.

Expect that soon MAGAcons will be calling for Biden’s impeachment because he smells.

He says a lot of things.

He's a sore loser. The very bigliest of losers!

He is the best loser ☝️ There is nobody that lose as YUUUUUUGELY as he can 👌

And on the 6th day, he insurrected.

Insurrected sounds like a penis pill

Don't give him braiding ideas.

So peaceful that one person was shot and killed, 138 police officers suffered various injuries, and 4 others committed suicide in subsequent months. And that’s not even all of it…

Seriously…. Is just entirely incapable of telling the truth?

But it's not an insurrection, it's a sparkling carbonated government overthrow!

And he's perfectly correct. Insurrections happen from below - Trump was literally the president of the damn country.

No, he's not an insurrectionist. You could make the case that this was an (extremely) bumbling attempt at an autocoup... but it's such an incompetent one that it hardly justifies the word outside of a purely legal framework. He should have asked the dictators from those "shithole countries" he famously disparaged how to do it - they'd show him how properly done autocoups really work.

What I find so strange is that the media in the US doesn't want to talk about what Trump actually did - sicc a white lynch mob on the capitol. That's what it was. Fortunately, it was a very incompetent one - the only people they managed to lynch was some of their fascist besties (ie, police - the institution that protected Trump's fascist enablers from antifa when they were marching in the streets). Yet, for some reason, everybody looks at this and squeals, "insurrection!" instead of calling it what it really is.

insurrection /ĭn″sə-rĕk′shən/


  1. The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.
  1. A rising up; uprising.
  1. The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state; incipient or limited rebellion.

He did all three of those things. He's an insurrectionist.

  1. Trump was the government at the time.

  2. He didn't rise to squat - there was literally nothing above him to "rise" against.

  3. See no.1

No insurrection to see here, Clyde.

  1. Trump was the government at the time.

I'm sorry, did people break into the Whitehouse or Congress? He's the Executive, not the entire government.

Trump was the government at the time.

Big Louis XIV energy there.

just because he's bad at it doesn't mean he didn't try

“I DIDN’T rob the bank! The money never left the building before I got arrested!”

The president serves the people, the nation.

The country is not owned by the President.

The President is not a king.

It is not their's to do with as they please.

It is a job.

The president serves the people, the nation.

Your proof of this is what?

The country is not owned by the President.

No argument from me. It might be a good idea to ask who it is that actually do own it, though.

The President is not a king.

Kings aren't kings any more.