Donald Trump Ridiculed for Bizarre Magnet Remarks at Iowa Rally to politics – 180 points –

"Think of it, magnets," Trump said. "Now all I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that's the end of the magnets. Why didn't they use John Deere? Why didn't they bring in the John Deere people? Do you like John Deere? I like John Deere."

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I feel dumber having read that.

I legitimately thought it was a satirical joke when I first saw it. It just comes across as something so nonsensical that you can believe Trump would say it while also sounding so stupid that you can't believe he'd actually say it.

Magnets definitely still work when wet... 🤨 Also what that fuck does John Deere have to do with wet magnets lmao

He was speaking in Iowa but maybe he thought he was in Illinois, where John Deere is located. Or it could be he knew he was in Iowa and someone informed him that Iowa is a farming state...they may or may not understand magnets but they're probably really up to date on John Deere.

TLDR: he's an important IGNORANT nut case talking to his poorly educated base and he's trying to suck up.

To be clear, I don't think farmers are poorly educated, but I do think his base (including farmers) is. He's trying to speak their language.

It's his typical rambling.

He was originally talking about an aircraft carrier that uses a magnetic elevator lift for the planes rather than hydraulic like a traditional elevator.

Then as usual he kinda lost his train of thought and ranted about nonsense. The connection was that many John Deere tractors have hydraulics.

He's finally crossed the threshold of insanity

Just now? I recall him mentioning bleach injections, washing the lungs out with bleach, and hitting the body with "a tremendous ultraviolet light" and "bringing the light inside the body" to cure covid19 a few years back.

He also keeps quoting Nazis and promising retribution to his political enemies, but sure if magnets convince someone not to vote for him I’ll take it.

The story here isn't that Trump doesn't understand magnets, it's that he was transparently told to say something by a donor associated with John Deere and he fucked it up because he didn't understand it.

Yeah the best part is that he jumped from elevator magnets and how they stop working when they get wet, to something about they should have stuck with John Deere. His cognitive decline is very real and accelerating quickly, and likely being fed by all his legal issues and knowing that there is a very good possibility that if he can't get himself into the white house he'll never be a free man again.

It will be interesting if they use his deteriorated mental state as a defence when he is found guilty in any of these criminal cases trying to get him a lesser sentence.

I said it years ago, after it became clear that punishment for Jan 6th was going to be slow. Trump won. He shat all over our democracy and its people, pillaged the country as much as he could. And by the time any real consequences reach him, he will be too far mentally gone as to be meaningless.

It will still mean something to him as long as he is mentally aware enough to have any sense of self, as the narcissist is strong in him. Once his cognitive decline rids him of that sense of self he'll just be a confused angry old man, but he won't have that drive to be a Dictator and rule anymore.

It would actually be kind of interesting if he declined in such a way that with that sense of "self" disappearing, if he would actually feel any remorse for being a piece of shit to anyone and everyone around him before it all just slips away.

He's going for the juggalo vote now?

ICP admitted they don't know, and had no interest in learning because they're happy considering stuff like magnets and basic genetics as "magic"

trump doesn't know, assumes he does, and claims he has intrinsic scientific knowledge because an uncle worked at MIT.

This is probably the only time it'll be remotely relevant so I'm gonna shoehorn in this 49 minute video of a man debunking the ICP song miracles verse by verse. It's truly one of the videos of all time

I absolutely love that someone put in this kind of effort for this. This speaks to me.

Thank you for sharing.

Actually the specific reason cited for not talking to scientists is that "y'all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed"

At least ICP had enough humility to admit they didn’t know how magnets work.

America has the best magnets. Beautiful magnets. Beautiful American magnets.

Everyone knows lying Joe Biden is weak on magnets. Not me. Everyone who works on magnets knows that you want Trump for strong magnets.

When I was president, magnets were never stronger. I cracked down on the border, windmills, and we had the greatest magnets the world has ever seen.

Gravity to magnet: "Let's see you try that across the entire galaxy."

Usually there’s some sort of fantastical leap you can do from something reasonable to get to his level of insanity, but I don’t even see that here. Water has never had any effect on magnets, and I don’t know of any conspiracy theory that says it does.

Pouring water on the electrical components of an electromagnet?

Maybe that’s what he meant. But he’s talking about a magnetic elevator for an aircraft carrier. I’m pretty sure it’s designed to work while wet.

Yeah, I was just taking the challenge of trying to rationalize it.

maybe he saw a gif of cooling magnets with liquid nitrogen to make them seem wet?

At a guess, he just remembers being mad at the Navy about something about magnets, but made up the why.

I guess nobody told him that the ship that was supposedly having those issues with EMALS is not only built but on deployment now

I think youre correct, I found this from memorial day 2019:

Trump, who has been critical of the Ford-class carriers’ new electromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS) system, said he prefers the steam-powered catapults found on the older Nimitz-class CVNs. He again called on the Navy to revert back to the old technology while speaking to naval forces in Japan over the Memorial Day weekend.

Thanks for trying to figure out what the kook was talking about lol, I know hes nuts but he usually has SOMETHING in mind when hes rambling, I was curious what that was