Multiple state Republican parties are going broke to – 313 points –
Multiple state Republican parties are going broke

Going broke, or having all of their money embezzled by senior leadership?

por que no los dos?

I don't know why this phrase seems too long in Spanish. Isn't there a shorter way to say it?

In this particular case, you have two of the few words in English that are two separate words in Spanish by mere coincidence. I guess you could say "¿Por qué no ambos?" which is a literal translation but it sounds less colloquial.

1 more...

In Arizona, the state GOP has just $14,800 left in the bank at the end of August, as reported by the Arizona Mirror.

They should be a lot more broke then that!

Remember the faux election audit in AZ, the one that hired fucking "Cyber Ninjas" to do the work, the company that had zero experience doing so?

Yeah that company was responsible for going over time and budget, grifting $6M from trump donors (good!), but also illegally corralling/storing/examining all of the largest county's voting machines (bad!):

Maricopa County also has sued the state to replace voting machines used in the audit, saying it would cost the county $2.8 million to replace the machines.

And that's just some of it. Here's a good timeline of how fucked up the AZ senate made things, and at the end of it all, the GOP ignored the results.

I smell a 'poor us' fundraising ploy.

Unrelated curvy lady?

It's someone walking by a Trump merch table.

And it was mandatory to use that picture because.....?

Because it shows someone ignoring the GOP fundraising effort.

Bit of a stretch for reason to post some random woman's ass who probably didn't even know they were taking the picture

Did they really have to use that creepshot in the article? lol

TBF, this was probably a picture from a GOP event. Respecting a woman's consent and autonomy isn't exactly their forte.

There's no shortage of rightwing billionaires that will be willing to donate money to keep them afloat.

Well, even sociopaths can recognize that subsidies and tax cuts only go so far when the entire country becomes unstable and they definitely wouldn't want to be under the thumb of an actual dictator.

Don't worry,they can just pull themselves up by their bootstraps!

Did Trump siphon off all donations or have the donor class abandoned Republicans?

The MAGA crowd has taken over, so they will just put the money in their own SuperPACs and candidate committees rather than risk it on crazy. But they will still support Republicans.

Sheldon Adelson died. Whoever has the keys to his estate is quite likely not nearly as malevolent.

But what about all that fiscal conservatism and hatred for wasteful spending they've been so loud and proud about? /s

Lies, of course! But please, buy my strong pp pills. I need money!

Could they be under-reporting funds to get a larger funding drive going?

This was my first thought. How do you get people on the fence about donating to donate? Tell them their party is so broke that your $100 will actually make a significant difference

Actually, I'm more concerned with this state driving these people to make hasty deals with foreign states, large corporations, etc. If I'm right, we'll see a lot more money funnel in from PACs all of a sudden.

More likely that they relied on thousands of small donors at the state level, but those small donors are all giving directly to Trump instead of to the GOP as a whole.

Are they actually going broke, or are they still sufficiently useful to far-right dark money to be kept on life support indefinitely?

This is more like a mountain of pennies is still a lot of money. Basically the small donors add up, but now they give to Trump directly instead of the state party.

The official state parties are going broke. That doesn't mean there isn't money being spent in politics, but it isn't going through the state parties.

This is awesome. The rich folk they've fed up have finally become too greedy to even spend their money on destroying the country more. It was inevitable, the entitlement, the arrogance and self-importance. So contemptible.

I wouldn't be so smug, this just means they feel so secure in their position (via gerrymandering and the like) that they don't feel like they need to spend more.