Someone help me to understand this chart to Lemmy – 492 points –

Honestly, I've had the light green after taking a vitamin supplement that I did not need. You can get red by drinking a lot of beet juice (the juice in the jar of sliced beets), but if you haven't done that red is very bad.

You can get bright orange pee after taking certain UTI medication, too

Urogesic blue, same kind of thing, but it turns blue.

My old vitamin gave me neon orange pee first thing in the morning. Like, iodine color.

I take something else now and it does not do that anymore.

When I was in high school there was a kid who died of spinal meningitis. The school district distributed preventive medicine to all students. It turned my pee super orange. And from what I heard it turned guys' pee red!

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Just eating beets for me. Always scares the hell out of me for a second the next day when I forget that I had them in something.

That's the lowest amount that I have heard of for the effect.

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I prefer this one:

If my pee is lager-colored I know I'm not drinking enough (unless it's first thing in the morning). Pee should be mostly clear with only a slight yellow tinge!

I know, but I didn't have a fun illustration that reflects that fact 🤷

Ahhh my bad, I'm always taking things too literally lol

thats a good thing, innocent stuff like this can snowball into widely believed misinformation

Shades of blue happen when you are taking the medicine Methylene Blue.

I found out about that in college. Initially I thought it was some cleaning compound in the dorm toilets. I found out later that someone had put methylene blue in brownies they brought to a gathering as a prank.

It wasn't that great of a prank because it relies on people talking about the color of their urine well after the prank was done.

Chart's missing white/colourless

2/10 would not pee again

With blood diseases pee can be black, like bloody black

Green is from Gatorade and Mountain Dew.
Blue and purple are from prune juice, a warrior's drink.

alcoholics be looking at the second orange one the wrong way

I had to take zinc supplements before oral surgery back in my late teens and they made it look like I was pissing Mountain Dew...

One of the greens just means you’re in New Orleans and have had too many hand grenades. Actually, several of those right colors just mean your near bourbon street