What is the best star trek moment of all time?

Cap@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 57 points –

Besides Tuvax being eliminated in voyager


TNG: The First Duty, where Picard lectures Wesley. Such a powerful scene.

"The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it's scientific truth, or historical truth, or personal truth! It is the guiding principle on which Starfleet is based, and if you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth about what happened, you don't deserve to wear that uniform."

For me it has to be the end of In The Pale Moonlight

So I will learn to live with it…Because I can live with it…I can live with it.

Computer – erase that entire personal log.

Gives me chills

I love the contrast between these two themes

I was going to post the same thing.

I lied, I cheated, I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But most damning thing of all, I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would.

Just... god damn it hits hard. Also Sisko's change in tone turning the final "I can live with it" into a question.

Best 'best' is hard to me to say; a lot of people don't like, but i say "inner light". As Picard receive the flute back and start playing, the emotional weight of the scene got me good.

That episode hits so hard if you think of the idea that Picard sacrificed basically everything for his career. He never married, never had a family or settled down on some backwater planet.

And then for a lifetime - in 27 minutes - he did. He got to have the life he never got to have.

It just. My soul hurts for him. I still don't know if it's sad or beautiful or both but that episode tears my heart out every time.

The Inner Light was what finally got me into Star Trek.

It's not like I had never seen an episode, in fact I'd seen lots, but it was comfortable background noise I'd change the channel too as yet another repeat I had no context for aired. Always somehow a filler episode or the second part of a multi-episode arc. I'd written off Trek as pleasantly mediocre and wholly dependent on technobabble despite otherwise being an extremely keen sci-fi fan.

Luckily, on some long forgotten forum, someone described an episode which sounded nothing like the Trek I had seen. As you said, the emotional weight got me good.

Toss up between Quark hacking the defiant computer to replicate drinks into his advertising cups or him and rom popping out from a jefferies tube in Sisko’s office… mostly because Sisko had previously just been staring off into space and then immediately goes back to just staring off into space.

"If you don't have these little 'advertisements' cleaned up by the time we get back, I'LL come to Quark's... and believe me, I'll have FUN."

I watched DS9 for the first time last year, and that Rom scene had me laughing so hard!

Don't worry Captain, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh

The needs of the few

....or the one.

"I lost a brother once. I was lucky. I got him back."

"I thought you said men like us don't have families."

"I was wrong."

A Taste of Armageddon

Captain James T. Kirk : All right. It's instinctive. But the instinct can be fought. We're human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands, but we can stop it. We can admit that we're killers, but we're not going to kill today. That's all it takes. Knowing that we won't kill today. Contact Vendikar. I think you'll find that they're just as terrified, appalled, horrified as you are, that they'll do anything to avoid the alternative I've given you. Peace or utter destruction. It's up to you.

Pretty much the entirety of Waltz from DS9. https://youtu.be/R2HY50xw3WU

Dukat usually appears like he's trying to be a good person, despite all the terrible things that happened under his watch. But this episode breaks that down until he finally stops lying to himself.

I rewatched that episode just this evening, and completely agree; fantastic scene. Dukat is a delightful villain throughout the series, but this is one of his pinnacles of bastardy.

Imaginary Kira supporting his twisted logic was a nice touch, too; "Being reasonable only made us bolder"

When Mariner and Boimler show up in Strange New Worlds, played by their actual voice actors. Fantastic episode.

im scarred for life from when dead spock was sent to the genesis planet

they killed spock

i have to think anything that can effect me like that had to be great

This is my personal favorite moment. It's a distillation of pretty much everything I like about Star Trek in one conversation.

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To me it was when the episode ended with Picard having been assimilated by the borg. When I was watching it it was way too late, and I had a flight that I needed to catch in the morning. I pulled an all nighter because I needed to see what happened next, despite knowing that the next 24 hours would be spent in transit.

To this day, Picard turning towards the camera all borg'ed up right before the end credits is the biggest cliffhanger I've ever seen.

Now imagine having to wait until next year for that next episode! Worst cliffhanger since Boba Fett flew off with Han Solo!

When that tear runs down his cheek. Just imagine how helpless you'd feel while your mind is being taken over by some program.

Man, now you just trollin'.

I get a laugh out of Sisko doing a silly child's dance in Lethal Candyland, in that episode of DS9 when they make first contact with a bunch of gambling aliens. "Allamarane! Count to four! Allamarane! Then three more!" It's those little moments in Star Trek where respected actors humiliate themselves for the sake of the plot that are just so great to watch. See also Armin Shimerman as the silvery announcement box in one of the early TNG episodes.

The court room scene in Measure of a Man when Picard turns around to the viewer "do you?"


The scene with Guinan in that episode was also quite important


The black and white vs. white and black faces in the TOS episode "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" were quite brillant too.


I just love the DS9 episode "In The Pale Moonlight", it shows that the federation can be just as capable of being bad guys as the other factions.

In the episode Natural Law Seven is stranded on a planet with Chakotay. She's anxious about getting stuck there with the natives and she goes off alone to find a part of the ship they need in order to be rescued. In contrast Chakotay trusts the situation and is fascinated by the local people.

On her mission she accidentally loses her tricorder and reality suddenly sets in. She's a control freak and now she's all alone in a dangerous jungle and it's getting dark. In her despair she regresses back to her childhood self, which is all she truly has left. She's a helpless 7 year old girl who's going to die.

A native girl finds and saves her. Seven manages to get her to understand her mission and they continue together.

However the girl takes her to see a beautiful waterfall. At first Seven is confused and upset because she needs to find the part. However the girl is adamant about it and eventually she starts to see the beauty. It's exactly what she needed and the girl knew that all along.

I think this moment can teach us a lot about ourselves and our relationship to technology and beauty.


Ilia, returning to study the carbon units. I thought that was the coolest thing when I was young.

People. Put spoilers on your posts please

If you don't want the greatest moments of a series spoiled before you watched it maybe don't read a post that asks people what the greatest moments of a series are?