Marjorie Taylor Greene claims ‘bullshit’ as expert says Covid vaccine saved 14m lives to politics – 284 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene claims ‘bullshit’ as expert says Covid vaccine saved 14m lives

Responding to an expert’s statement that “about 3.2 million” American lives have been saved by vaccines against Covid, with “over 14 million lives” saved globally, the far-right Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene said: “I’m not a doctor, but I have a PhD in recognising bullshit when I hear it.”

On Capitol Hill on Thursday, Greene attended a hearing staged by the House oversight select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic.

The expert Greene responded to, Dr Peter Marks, the director of biologics evaluation and research at the Food and Drug Administration, also described how at the height of the pandemic in the US, “about 3,300 [people], about a World Trade Center disaster a day”, were dying of Covid-19, contributing to a death toll of more than 1.1m.

Marks later apologised to viewers, after Greene claimed children should not be given Covid vaccines.

Greene, from Georgia, is a former CrossFit gym owner, conspiracy theorist and controversialist who entered Congress in 2021 and has assumed an influential position in a House Republican caucus controlled by the far right.


She claims “bullshit” because she doesn’t believe 14 million is a real number. Or any number above 6,000, the age of our Lord’s holy, flat Earth, amen.

(Lmao, /s obvs)

“I’m not a doctor, but I have a PhD in recognising bullshit when I hear it.”

I guarantee you that she thinks this makes her sound tough. And not extremely stupid.

We need more people to start yelling at her through the mail slot in her office door

We shouldn't sink to her level.

However, if someone were to press up and fart through her mail slot, I'd be okay with that.

We absolutely should.

There nothing wrong with political eye for eye

It's right in that book they all love to quote so much... I think after the incest story, but before the part that says she has to leave the city during menstruation.

I think they're suggesting political white eye for political brown eye.

She sees bullshit everywhere because she brings it

Le sigh.

Reliving the hits, now? Gonna go for getting more of your base killed by shilling medical conspiracy theories? Because COVID still kills people, especially the unvaccinated.

Experts: Using rigorous science and data gathering, we've come to the conclusion among us that the vaccine was effective in saving lives.

MTG, a genius: Nuh-uh!

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a walking joke. she gives hill billy's a bad name.

Expert with years of experience and spent decades studying the subject vs second-dumbest woman in Congress

Qanon Jewish space lasers has a great radar for bullshit. Totally.

Noted epidemiologist Marjorie Taylor Green

Why do we care about Nazi Barbie's uneducated opinion on anything? Quit giving the idiot headlines and eventually she'll go away like the idiot who could see Russia from her snl sketch.

Somebody should attack her for doubting the vaccine Trump developed took credit for.

I find her continued existence to be bullshit.

"He's Dr. Tran, and He's got a PhD in KICKING-YOUR-ASS"

"I'm not a doctor"

what a classic.

I hate my state for allowing this foul thing to be anywhere near power

You know I just realized I've never had Georgia BBQ so I figured I'd ask, it's good, right? Y'all have at least contributed some deliciousness to the world and that make y'all OK.

True. Just be sure to try the Hispanic food here too. Nothing slaps like tostones with mac n cheese, barbeque chicken, and a tall glass of sweet tea. 🤤

Tell me more 'jewish space lazer' lady.

Well, I do at least believe she has a PHD in bullshit. She spews so much every single day, that she must truly be a professional in the field.

That's why her degree is in recognizing bullshit. All she had to do was take a photo of herself and present it as her thesis.

but, if she had a PhD in Bullshit then she would be a doctor!

If we lived in the world she wants us to believe she says we live in, she'd be given the Nalvany treatment.

Taylor Greene said: “I’m not a doctor, but I have a PhD in recognising bullshit when I hear it.”

Wrong, Majorie, you have a PhD in producing bullshit.

It says a lot about the stupidity of her voters that she has an office.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

On Capitol Hill on Thursday, Greene attended a hearing staged by the House oversight select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic.

The expert Greene responded to, Dr Peter Marks, the director of biologics evaluation and research at the Food and Drug Administration, also described how at the height of the pandemic in the US, “about 3,300 [people], about a World Trade Center disaster a day”, were dying of Covid-19, contributing to a death toll of more than 1.1m.

Greene, from Georgia, is a former CrossFit gym owner, conspiracy theorist and controversialist who entered Congress in 2021 and has assumed an influential position in a House Republican caucus controlled by the far right.

Touting herself as a possible vice-presidential pick for Donald Trump, she is set to act as a manager in the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of homeland security, a process Greene drove in the House.

Speaking after Marks answered questions from the Maryland Democrat Jamie Raskin, Greene first dismissed the doctor’s comments as “bullshit”.

Then she used her allotted five minutes to deliver rambling remarks about “all kinds of injuries, miscarriages, heart attacks, myocarditis, permanent disability, neurological problems” that she said had arisen from “people being forced to take vaccines”.

The original article contains 572 words, the summary contains 202 words. Saved 65%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

She thinks she's so smart but she couldn't hide her hand gestures and mannerisms when she planted those "devices" on the night before the insurrection.

Trashy horse face bitch. When are we gonna see her taken out?

I'd really prefer she just not get reelected.

I want her out of office. I want her to lose everything she gained from her stupid, evil, ways. I want her to have to make amends to all the people she harmed.

But probably none of that will ever happen. The most likely thing we can hope for is she loses reelection and fades into obscurity. Or she gets hit by a bus or some other freak accident. Honestly I'm surprised she's smart enough to recognize the difference between the "Walk" and "Don't Walk" signs, so maybe that'll happen.

Our system is so bad at removing evil actors who managed to weasel into it, the fantasy of those evil shits getting struck by lightning or having a fatal stroke or some other spontaneous death, feels more and more like the best case scenario that carries even a hint of possibility of actually happening.

The folks wishfully thinking about that aren't necessarily cheering at the possibility of her dying; but rather the possibility of evil being removed from the system that shapes how we live our lives.

Less extreme methods are ideal, but also disappointingly absent from the reality we're stuck in.

I’d love to find out she had to resort to OnlyFans.

Not that I want to see … uh… that

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Hey, I dislike her as much as the next person, but can we please avoid attacking her appearance, using gendered insults, and calling for violence? That's, like, not good for any of us. We can attack her policies and stances instead, the things that matter.

Right, just call her "Margarine 'I can't believe she's not boebert' Green" and be done with it. Let them fight each other, point their anger inwards, etc.

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