Nazis mingle openly at CPAC, spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories and finding allies to politics – 710 points –
Nazis mingle openly at CPAC, spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories and finding allies

At the Young Republican mixer Friday evening a group of Nazis, who openly identified as national socialists, mingled with mainstream conservative personalities, including some from Turning Point USA, and discussed race science and antisemitic conspiracy theories.


Oh, you mean this CPAC?

That is not an edited photo.

Maybe they mean this CPAC

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They did the same to the bent cross. There's one on the Baha'i House of Worship in Wilmette, IL. It's there because the house of worship was designed and dedicated in 1912, so yeah WWI hadn't quite kicked off at the time,_Illinois)

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Even though it is an Abrahamic Religion, the founding concept is Unity Through Diversity. They forgot that El, aka Yahweh, was a God of War back in The Bronze Age Collapse, and focused on the hippy commune part of Christ's teachings.

Can we take that rune back? I'm pretty big on family, although the patriotism bit I could probably do without

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Hell yeah, loyalty to your local tribe of weirdos(said affectionately)? I can fully get behind that. When I finally save up enough to get my shoulder tat, I'm gonna include Othala into it

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So I finally found some time to read your link and do some general googling found a bindrune created by the "Wayfarers Mark" tumbler called the Initiate's Bindrune that I like. I'll definitely look into this stuff more than I have already, and I thank you for showing me this world

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Yeah, I went and looked up the meaning of all the runes thanks to that chart laying out which ones were in it,and overall I'm happy with each of the vibes conveyed. The only vibe I'm not sure I identify with are the fertility vibes, but eh, I'm not AGAINST fertility vibes xD Its shape is also something I could see easily being incoporated with a "tribal" pheonix tattoo that was already going to be my eventual tattoo. I'm definitely down for further rune chats! Also I apologize for how long it takes me to respond to you, you seem like a cool person, so I've been waiting til I had the energy for proper responses before I respond

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This headline is misleading. It should read CPAC is a nazi organization. Something about dining with nazis.

Are you telling me the group that used a nazi symbol as the shape of their stage is now openly affiliating themselves with nazis?

Quelle surprise!

This year, however, some attendees and former attendees have expressed frustration with the conference’s stronger association with Trump and his wing of the party.

If I was frustrated that Nazis are co-opting my political party, I'm kicking them out or leaving the party that welcomes them.

Anything less, you're part of a Nazi movement.

Just because it needs to be pointed out every time. If they were frustrated by fascists/Nazis co-opting the party. They're 100 years too late.

The father and grandfather of 2 American presidents was implicated. As well as the head of JP Morgan at the time. No one was punished, or called out even. And the history of the incident has largely been completely scrubbed out of existence.

According to Katz, "Prescott Bush was too involved with the actual Nazis to be involved with something that was so home grown as the business plot."

It's ok, Prescott wasn't plotting to overthrow the US with those fringe Nazis, he was too busy working with the real Nazis!

i mean if you look at history, there wete nazi sympathizers and enemies of the nazis.

A lot of things in this world are grey. this is not one of them.

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No that can't be.

Conservatives are always telling us how Nazis were actually left-wing... it's in the name, socialists?!

How quickly they forget, once the racist and antisemitic nonsense circulates.

And if anyone is wondering:

  • Human rights for Palestinians = not antisemitic
  • Nazis at CPAC = 100% antisemitic

But this year, racist conspiracy theorists didn’t meet any perceptible resistance at the conference where Donald Trump has been the keynote speaker since 2017.

At the Young Republican mixer Friday evening, a group of Nazis who openly identified as national socialists mingled with mainstream conservative personalities, including some from Turning Point USA, and discussed so-called “race science” and antisemitic conspiracy theories.

One member of the group, Greg Conte, who attended the deadly 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, said that his group showed up to talk to the media. He said that the group was prepared to be ejected if CPAC organizers were tipped off, but that never happened.

Another, Ryan Sanchez, who was previously part of the Nazi “Rise Above Movement,” took photos and videos of himself at the conference with an official badge and touted associations with Fuentes.

Other attendees in Sanchez’s company openly used the N-word.

republiQans: this is you

How do you spread Nazi rhetoric at CPAC? Sell merch? Because one would think market saturation would already be at 100% for that sort of ideology at an event like that.

come on now, you can't have enough nazi flags. they find room for it on their jumbo trucks

It’s a gay mixer for young virile Nazi men and politicians

In other news:

Skiers mingle openly at ski resort.

Golfers mingle openly at country club.

Trekkies mingle openly at ComicCon

So there's definitely a Zionist wing of the party. What's gonna happen when they come into contact with the Nazi wing of the party?

A lot of the support of Israel is not because they like Jews but rather because many evangelicals believe supporting them will hasten the apocalypse.

A 2017 LifeWay poll conducted in United States found that 80% of evangelical Christians believed that the creation of Israel in 1948 was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy that would bring about Christ's return and more than 50% of Evangelical Christians believed that they support Israel because it is important for fulfilling the prophecy.\_Zionism

Also, shipping the Jews off to Israel means they're away from here. Zionism could be restated as "Jewish removal."

Exactly. They don’t like when some of us say that Jews belong in our communities alongside us non-Jews. When we encourage people to celebrate their presence as an important part of our community and culture

Goddamn we are a bonkers species. Really gives credence to the idea of memetic evolution, at least to me

It seems like a lot of Nazis tend to make common cause with Zionists. Remember that the first plan the Nazis had was to deport all the Jews, so having them all in one place is fine by them.

Ethno-nationalists gonna ethno-nationalist

A lot of racists don't think they're racist because they don't hate "others", they just think they belong in their own place. They're angry that the "others" are where they are.

They're still raging pieces of shit. I'm just sharing some of their thoughts. Being a white drunk in Texas gives me the opportunity to hear all kinds of dumb shit.

They all set aside their differences and appreciate their true goals of enriching themselves through being fascist bootlickers

The Zionist wing of the Republican party doesn't care at all about Jews. They're Christian fundamentalists who believe that the Jews need to control the holy land so that Jesus can come back and end the world. They only want the Jews in Israel long enough to fulfill that purpose, then they want them to be wiped out and go to hell.

They’re the same wing. They believe that the current Jewish state isn’t Jewish enough and that the true Judaism is actually Christianity.

I wish I was kidding, but I actually know people that fall into this camp.

Conservatives and Republicans are synonymous with Russians and Nazis. The CPAC convention is the indisputable proof.

So how long until they just go back to being outright silver shirts

Yeah, that's fine. You can't really stop citizens participating in politics just because their political position is prejudice and deranged.

You can only stop their participation when they make violent threats, or otherwise break the law.

Of course I imagine CPAC are a private organisation, so have their own policy/ruling they enforce.

It's not "fine," because your actions are determined by your beliefs. They're not going to these events simply to share an ideology or philosophy, they're going to gain recruits for an intended purpose.

But, as you said, it’s a private organization, focused on Conservative Political Action. What’s discussed there should more or less fit the agenda of the Republican Party, I figure if someone goes there and starts preaching socialism they’d get kicked.

The fact they aren’t kicking Nazis is at the very least admitting they’re not opposed to their ideas, and if we follow the Nazi bar analogy, they agree too.

Agreed, appealing to groups of disgruntled white men along racial and gendered lines is a long standing part of GOP strategy.

This is not the first time they've been involved with White Nationalist and Supremacist movements. Nor is it accidental.

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