Skull and Bones’ price has been slashed by $25 after less than three weeks to – 186 points –
Skull and Bones’ price has been slashed by $25 after less than three weeks | VGC

Wow, AAAA game for AAA price!

lol, but lets be real. Ubisoft game prices tank super fast.

Yeah, I feel like most Ubisoft games get a discount within at least a month of release.

The game that spend 10 years removing things from AC Black Flag

I'm not usually one for reductive comparisons, but having played the open beta... This feels about right

It's actually the Ubisoft way.

Far cry 6 dropped to $30 pretty quickly too. All of their games do. Hell, wait a year and watch it drop to under $20.

You have to be someone special to buy anything Ubisoft on Day 1, with their draconian DRM, their always on BS, their many many problematic statements and very anti-gamer behavior.

When the chef blames the customers relentlessly you know they wont be in business long.

Except South Park Fractured but whole. The damn thing is 7 years old and still 59,99€. I refuse to buy it, even on sale, until they reduce the base price.

Interesting considering "record engagement." I can't imagine that was just a lie, was it?

It has an 8 hour free trial on pc so i imagine a ton of people tried it out. Engagement doesn’t have to equal enjoyment after all

On point, it had a demo free to play before release and alot of people tried it out. Problem is it only has 8hrs worth of content.

Maybe it was record low if they didn't specify which kind of record.

To be fair, a record low is still record engagement

My interpretation is that it sold poorly, but that among the people who did buy it it's got high retention.

Not low enough. Keep dropping well below $0 where it truly belongs.

Let's make it live service! If ubi pays me 20$/hr, I will play it a bit

Resist my brothers.

Only you can help make 2024 the year of the live service graveyard.

Right before it launched I started seeing a ads for the game featuring Michelle Rodriguez. As soon as it launched the ads kept running but Rodriguez had been cut out of them. Someone must have given her management a heads up and they pulled the plug on that shit.

She should give them a raise. Dodged that bullet like Neo.

The game loop is god awful. I played through the demo and loved it right until the game loop restarted and I immediately noped out, uninstalled and let my friends know I wouldnt be playing unless it hit the serious discount bin.

It is half a AAA game sadly, so much promise. A AAA Sea of Thieves would have been amazing

I don’t know much about this game. Why do people dislike it so much? I can already play Sea of Thieves on Game Pass.

It's been in development hell for like 11 years so people had low expectations, and it ended up being reasonably accurate.

It's just Black Flag, except notably worse and multiplayer. It was also on the expensive side @ $70, and someone at Ubisoft defended the price increase by calling it "the worlds first AAAA game." which was just stupid.

As someone that very much does not enjoy Sea Of Thieves I was kinda hoping it would scratch my pirate game itch, but nah I'll just replay Black Flag lol.

Digital Foundry also pointed out that Black Flag looks better on PC today than this new game. In particular the water, which seems like a big deal.

"the worlds first AAAA game."

Wow. I've never heard anyone use "AAA" as a measure of value before. Maybe as a stand-in for "polish," but that hasn't even been true in ages; and even still, polish makes a game more pleasant, but you have to have a good game first.

just stupid.

No kidding. He really thought he had something there, didn't he? Probably thought it up in the shower and everything.

It was originally basically a shorthand for budget. A list actors, A list director, a list studio = a AAA movie. I think? All of those things cost money, so...

I don't think he was aware of that, to be clear, because even if he was it's still an idiotic response. The game doesn't show that it had that kind of budget at all.

And nobody uses it for that in the gaming industry these days anyway. It's just "AAA = Big studio." Or honestly at this point "big marketing budget."

Thanks for the rundown! Yeah, I really want to love Sea of Thieves and it scratches that itch sometimes, but when my ship gets raided by other players like 20 times during a session, I gotta turn it off. I know a lot of that is “git gud” but I just wanna cruise in my sloop, dammit!

Yeah, that's always been one of my issues with Sea Of Thieves. I'm just tryna dig up treasure and fight some skeletons, man. I don't need Chadbeard boarding my ship and spawn camping me and my homies.

The spawn camping is the worst. My ship is sunk, I respawn, and I’m immediately trying to escape them again. 😭

I used to have the same issue in GTA V online. The game will spawn you really close to where you died. So if your killer is nearby, they can watch for your dot to reappear on the map and immediately go kill you over and over again.

I think they're either releasing soon or just released an update that allows for private sessions.

Ubisoft has talented people that it wastes on junk titles.