'Shark Tank' star Kevin O'Leary says pro-Palestinian student protesters are 'screwed' because employers can identify them through AI

jerryh100@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 94 points –
'Shark Tank' star Kevin O'Leary says pro-Palestinian student protesters are 'screwed' because employers can identify them through AI

Whenever Kevin O'leary says anything, everything comes into context if you know how he got to be as rich as he is today.

The short version of the story is Kevin O'leary destroyed the entire educational game industry by buying everyone out and took on massive amount of debt, misrepresented his company's financial condition so Mattel was left holding the bag when they acquired The Learning Company in what was called one of the worst acquisitions in history, was subsequently fired and almost took down Mattel with him, and he has been coasting on that money he took from Mattel ever since.

This has lead directly to the resignation of then Mattel CEO Jill Barad, the woman who made Barbie what it is today.

I find it incredibly ironic for him, of all people, to be talking about conducting employment background checks.

Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary still trying to distract from close association to FTX.

Also, he says that like future employers will care... and that all of us don't have awful pictures out there that aren't equally problematic.

And from saying everyone does fraud like trump when it comes to property valuations

Blacklisting people for exercising their first amendment rights is going to get you sued.

The first amendment prevents the government from restricting your speech. It doesn't say anything about other organizations.

Question (for anyone who knows the answer), lots of universities and other orgs get federal money. Could this make first amendment more applicable?

That depends if they’re state or private universities. Private universities, like businesses, create codes of conduct more restrictive than constitutional rights as part of agreement for admission. Willful violation of the code of conduct is grounds for dismissal.

So you’re saying all of these people should go work for the government at some level? Great!

Exactly. Historically the left cancel culture has been in the private sector, which is protected. A company can fire you for saying racist shit, and you can be shunned by your community as they are individuals exercising their right to shun.

Right wing cancel culture exists in Congress and local governments, where they pass laws to silence teachers, make it illegal for trans people to exist, and send the national guard to beat up protesters.

This is an instance where a left wing group may experience the other side of the former.


It seems I didn't communicate my idea clearly and people think the exact opposite of what I meant. I meant left wing folks tend to cancel people through social means, like when no one wants to see a film with Kevin Spacey, whereas the right wing folks cancel people legally, like how you can't be a communist in office or it's illegal for an atheist to hold office in 7 states.

My last statement is how students having trouble getting a job is part of a "social canceling".

I was super confused as to why I was getting down voted since I was trying to agree with what was being said and add to the conversation.

Brother did you know it's currently a crime in the United States of America to be a government employee and identify openly as a communist?

Oooooh I see the misunderstanding.

When I said "right wing cancel culture" I meant how the right wing cancels people. So the right cancels people through legal means while the left cancels people through social means.

What you said is a perfect example of what I mean.

Happens all the time though, authorities don't give a shit

There are 50 states, at least one of them will not look kindly on this. It is easy to tie your anti war protest to religious believes, a protected class.

Smart companies don't fuck around with hiring. Anyone that has taken hiring training knows how thin the line is.

Your search history on a corporate network is logged.

1 more...

Don't stand up for what you believe in because corpos don't like it.

If a company wouldn’t hire me for my beliefs chances are I don’t wanna work there anyway.

When these students/people in general are searching for somewhere to work, a company’s values should align with your own.

Amazon's got this system for ratcheting up pressure on new hires and then rapidly firing everyone who misses a quota. As a result, they'll often churn through an entire town's workforce looking for people they haven't hired and fired in rapid succession. This leads them to hire you, fire you, and then call you back up to see if they can get you to take your old job back... and then fire you again, and then call you back again, and then remember who you are and blacklist you but then need to fill quota and try to hire you again.

This is modern corporate AI. Six different Rube Goldberg Devices operating in a tangle, while individual workers have no clue whether they'll be employed tomorrow.

Oh man he’s gonna be pissed when he learns plebs know his name and own sharp objects

The things about stochastic terrorism is the person doing it is too much a coward to do it themselves.

I'm gonna ask you some questions and we'll need you to assign either a happy face or a sad face in order to asses if you are burger king material.

First question


The protestors should include this civil engagement on their resumes. Find employers that agree with their stance against genocide.

Any company that would go out of their way like this to exclude candidates who stand up for what they believe in and be on the right side of history is not a place that any of these protesters would want to work for anyway. I can’t imagine anyone besides the extreme far right wanting to work for such companies.

The protestors should include this civil engagement on their resumes. Find employers that agree with their stance against genocide.

That's going to be hard when the government makes it illegal for companies that take federal money to boycott, divest, sanction, and now even criticize Israel. Just hiring someone with that on their resume could be a problem.

Unlike the NAtional ZIonists who wore masks to assault them.

Things like this continue to show how people don't understand AI at all. Facial recognition does not work to this degree, it isn't a 1:1. The way employers would know is through police records.

You just need to look at all the false police arrests around facial recognition systems and the like to know that you can't get that level of fidelity.

A: Yeah! How fucked up is that?

Kevin O'Leary: Oh, no, I was saying it's a good thing

A: ... What?

Kevin O'Leary: What?

I don’t know. There’s plenty of evidence that trump consorted with known sex traffickers and he was elected president. It would seem like quite a specific search. If AI is going to background check us all, it’s likely that they will find dirt on everyone.

If my life has taught me anything, it's that the rules no longer apply to you when you're rich.

And if the last few months have taught me anything, it's that the greatest crime any American can commit is criticizing Israel about anything ever.

Oh no, employees with empathy and morals… but how will we build our ever-collapsing shit box companies with those?

To which i say, can't he drop dead already?

You mean like AI identifies papers written by AI? Like the US Constitution?

Is this news tho?

O'Leary likes to insert himself into everything he possibly can.

So no, it's not news per se.