Narrative of Trump snoozing in court takes hold — much to his annoyance to politics – 330 points –

Sleepy Don. Sad.

They accepted "sleepy Joe" and "hiding in his basement" at face value but then Trump actually falls asleep repeatedly in public they wringing their hands about it. "Well MAYBE the guy who can't stay away is 'sleepy,' too."

"Liberal press" my ass.

Any press that is publicly traded is yellow journalism at best. When the bottom line is to shareholder value. Facts are truth are the first things discarded.

At first I read your last line as "liberally press my ass" and I thought that was an odd way to end a rant.

Hiding in his basement was trump trying to turn around his bunker down accusations during the upside down Bible fiasco.

What's unclear about it? Numerous reporters have noted he nods off regularly every day of the trial.

"trump in court today wearing pajamas, a sleep cap, a c-pap mask while reclined in a bed under covers, drooling on his pillow and snoring violently, wearing a Fitbit that confirmed through biosensors that he was sleeping and with a nightstand next to him that held a small note that read, 'shush, I'm 100% sleeping"... was ALLEGEDLY sleeping today."

He looks tired, don't you think? Lacks stamina.

You'd need an afternoon nap too if you ate two Big Macs, two Fillet-O-Fish, and a chocolate shake for lunch every day.

And just in case anyone thinks that may have changed since that news originally came out in 2017.... It hasn't. He was still getting McDonald's delivered to court every day as recently as last October.

Not only a nap, stents and maybe a heart bypass. How is this shitsack still breathing?

Adderall before the speeches. Will to extract money from others.

What a pathetic loser. I cannot imagine eating garbage like McDonald's with that kind of money. But he loves it. He is a fat ham at the slop trough.

If I was that rich, yet so addicted to junk food, I'd at least get higher quality junk food. My patties would be made from organic beef, in buns that don't fall apart, with vegan cheese from that one brand that I found exactly once, can't remember the name of but really loved (I fucking love cheese, but that one kocked out any real cheese from the cowmpetition)...

The food would come in reusable containers with non-porous surfaces that are easy and efficient to clean, delivered fresh and hot, made to order and delivered by students (cheap labour) on bikes (saves gas money), generously tipped for their express service (to incentivise continued quality service).

It'd still be cheaper than a decent meal, still be a pig move, still just as greasy and unhealthy, but at least it wouldn't be so embarrassing. And if it really had to be McD's, I'd pay to have it packaged into those generic foam containers that don't make it super obvious and delivered by unbranded delivery drivers (like generic DoorDash, Uber Eats or something).

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It's all projection with them, it always is.

I'm sleeping on the job a lot, so my opponent is probably doing the same. And since I'm so awesome, he must be doing it worse than I am.

Trump denies everything, then turns out to have done it.

In trump’s defense I’ve never seen him napping while he’s totally winning at golf.

Made me think of this

Can’t seem to find that picture, it’s like its been scrubbed from the interwebs

Nice to see the fact that "Sleepy Joe" was a classic projection verified in court.