Trump Tells Donors He’ll Deport “Any Student” Who Protests Against Gaza Genocide to politics – 383 points –
Trump Tells Donors He’ll Deport “Any Student” Who Protests Against Gaza Genocide

Deport to where Donny? You can't just boot out Americans.

He has a great system to know where someone is from. Used it on Obama. Very smart. The best I'm told. (/s just in case)

God the whole brither movement was stupid. I never once heard any of them deny that his mother was his real mother just that she went to Kenya to give birth. Which is fucking stupid as shit because she was born in fucking Kansas. They way they were on about the whole thing I assumed both his parents were born outside the US but nope.

If you don't like Trump, you're obviously not a real American! Off to Ruanda with you!

They'll do a DNA test and deport them to whatever area they have the most ancestry in. Guess I'd be going to Germany!

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Hard to avoid these donors when all you read is donors about donors at donor event donor here’s another article about donors.

We deserve names.

Seriously. The original Washington Post article went to lengths not to identify anyone. FFS.

They won't because those donors probably give to both parties and are friends with the owners of the neoliberal outlets such as WaPo, NYT, MSNBC etc.

To quote George Carlin: it's a big club and you ain't in it.

Against the Gaza what? Say that again?

Trump didn't mention Gaza at all. He just said he would deport student protestors, in order to make foreign students "behave".

He purposely uses vague language even when talking about specific things so that 1) he can't be held absolutely to account for anything and 2) his followers can fill in the blanks themselves with whatever they want most.

TIL that Trump obviously doesn't know what "Deport" actually means...

He has a very tenuous grasp on the English language, and politics, and economics, and how the weather works, I'm not quite sure what he's actually good at...?

He's a grandmaster con artist. It's his only skill.

No he's dog shit at that too, he's just got decent pr team and a significant amount of paid cronies.

I get deported back to my own country constantly. Every day, against my will, I find myself here.

8th Amendment, you orange gorilla.

He isn't going to uphold any amendments, he is going full dictator

Yeah, but y'know, both sides are just the same, right? Better not vote rather than vote for the lesser evil, since lesser evil is still evil, amirite?


I would say this is primarily a 1A thing, but, yeah, I don't disagree either.

Right. Can’t “deport” your own citizens, as people have already pointed out. However, it’s just an indication of what they’d prefer to do, which is jail them or send them to re-education camps or something.

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Graduating from cancel culture to deportation culture.

and this is another reason why libertarians rightfully booed him.