This qualifies as a Sandwich

𝔼𝕩𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕒 to Lemmy – 469 points –



Dear Quora, I ate this sandwich but now I haven't pooped in 23 days. Should I go see a doctor, or will my friend's MLM elderberry quinoa enema rinse help?

Nothing can help you now. You are one with the cheese and the cheese is one with you...

Idk why you had to specify the elderberry quinoa enema rinse’s sexuality, but I’m sure it’ll pass on its own in a few years

This guy would stick two buns on an elephant and try to sneak that through customs.

I actually disagree here, I believe a sandwich has to be thin enough in at least one dimension to facilitate a cross sectional bite with a normal amount of mouth opening.

Nobody should have to unhinge their jaw like a python to get a good bite of a properly made sandwich!

As evidence to the contrary, may I present: The Safeway Lumberjack Sandwich!


I need to find my nearest Safeway

EDIT: the nearest one is two states away. I’m gonna cry.

Haha yeah, I have survived on these things during uh... income droughts.

Sure, it doesnt taste amazing, but its a stupid amount of sandwich for the price.

I feel I might be misunderstanding the scale of what I'm looking at, that looks like a perfectly reasonable example of a proper sandwich, easily held, able to be bitten in cross section without unhinging the jaw, unless you want to eat it vertically like a more orally painful version of the tumblr burrito rant.

The bread is quite soft and compresses a good deal, which also helps.

And like all those prepackaged sandwiches, all the filling is purposely piled in the front to look like it's filled, while the back is just poorly cue sub bread and nothing else.

Let's see a real cross-section of that sandwich, where we can actually see inside. I'd bet $10 that is looks more like this:

If you film a sandwich, umyou end up with soft squishy bread. Not that this one seemed that great to begin with.

Is a hotdog a taco

If you go to the website there's a detailed explanation.

But yes, a hotdog is a taco when its cut down the middle side or top, its a burrito when the hotdog is encased in the bread.


It’s because Americans have shit bread, they don’t know how to estimate its contribution to a meal

I wish you were right. But overpriced restaurants that serve burgers with a vertical height challenging to most intermediate pole vaulters would suggest otherwise.

I actually think Burgers are often the worst offenders here

The point of it being a sandwich is that you can hold the whole thing or at least whole segment you're monching in your hand, those super stack burgers are so big they need to be held up so that they don't collapse under their own weight

That's not a sandwich, that's a pile of meat cheese and assortment with a side of two slices of your choice of bread or roll.

I share your distain for the format. And yet...

that's a pile of meat cheese and assortment calls me.

It can be delicious without having to be a sandwich, let it be it's own beautiful mess of uncontained food that struggles to remain stacked even when laid back into a container

but I do like to think if someone drops a slice of bread in the US at the same time of someone in Australia humanity makes an Earth Sandwich

Man, where's Kurzgesagt when you need them to explain perfect sandwich cut theory

This does not look like it would keep ones hands clean enough to play cards while enjoying their meats and cheeses. The Earl of Sandwich would be dismayed