We Rejected Monarchy in 1776. The Supreme Court Just Brought It Back.

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 733 points –
We Rejected Monarchy in 1776. The Supreme Court Just Brought It Back.

The illegitimate Supreme Court brought it back. Don't forget that Republicans stalled for a year to get one of their Justices, and we have two known perjurers, two that have openly accepted bribes, and an insurrectionist flying fascist flags outside his home.

There's no court with authority over the Supreme Court. There's no systemic means to operationally define their means as illegitimate.

So, if the system is to be preserved, the rules must be respected, and We the People must tolerate corrupt Justices until they choose to resign or die. But, such is intolerable! The system must yield. But, if it ignores its core rules then it deserves no respect!

It's important that we recognize that various systems are scams and learn how they work. But, often, just like this example, what we find is that the system allows no means of recovery that We the People would find adequate.

They'll always tell us to be patient, to wait for a more convenient time for change, praying that enough of us don't reason our way into enough systemic impasses to do more than cast a meaningless ballot. Most of us have very little and trust each other even less. But, sacrificing for our neighbor is the only way forward.

The government is allowed to impeach them. Legally speaking.

The right will block such an action though because they too are corrupt.

The government is allowed to impeach them. Legally speaking.


The right will block such an action though because they too are corrupt.

I encourage ignoring the present day situation for a moment. Instead, think along the lines of systemic design.

If our system exists as a two party system, if one party takes a strong position using whatever legal means, they know the other party will soon also use the tactic in greater magnitude. If they impeach Justices, the vote certainly along party lines, then the composition of Congress changes, and their Justices will surely face impeachment. If one party wisely expands the court leaving room for future expansion, the other party will in the future certainly expand the court to the limit.

Neither party actually needs to fulfill promises to anyone but those that donate money for the propaganda. The propaganda keeps the vast majority from killing all the would-be kings, money lenders, and politicians.

The initial designers of our system predicted that the greatest weakness is the possibility of devolution into a two party system. They thought it'd take much longer than "immediately".

Coming back to the modern day, and he last several years, I think some protesters said it best:

Fuck Donald Trump and fuck Biden, too! Neither of them give a fuck about you!

America's combination of First-past-the-post and presidential democracy makes a two-party system all but inevitable.

You guys need to write a new constitution yesterday. The US constitution is an old relic and it's hardly surprising it's so disfunctional.

Been saying that for years. It's been a quarter millennium, how about we get the best and brightest minds from every field of academia, science, philosophy, and yes, even *shudder* religion, to get together and literally hold a constitutional convention? Just toss that old scrap of parchment out and re-write it from scratch, with modern language that is unambiguous and straightforward. If the rights enshrined in the Constitution that we hold so dear to us are actually that important, I'm sure they'll make the cut for Constitution v2.0. But while we're in there, we might as well clarify some stuff. Let's clarify that 14th amendment, let's define what a "well regulated militia" is, and so on.

Of course, the people in power like the ambiguity. It means that as long as someone somewhere could interpret the constitution in some way that is favorable to them, they can have it mean whatever they want when it suits them and as long as they keep the populace at each other's throats with an unending culture war they know we'll never organize enough to change that. It's a bit of a pessimistic outlook. Our fates are controlled by people who like the dysfunction and that sucks because we could very easily fix a lot of the problems by unifying, but I don't know if that's possible at this point.

Thank you for the compliment. But, lucky for us, humanity has much better choices.

Pack the court, or order the CIA to assassinate the conservative justices.

Of course neither of these will happen.

Time to get your passports current.

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please do not elect Donald Trump for fuck sakes

Republicans like this right now because it benefits Donald. It's going to come back and bite them in the ass when it helps their opponents.

But they are the disenfranchised and the poor. They have the right to vote for someone who will gut regulations for corporations that will happily increase to looting and pillaging in the quest for profit.

The fact these people reason that it would be better for them with less regulations and oversight is beyond comprehension.

Republicans have learned that there are millions of votes on one particular issue that will allow them to do whatever on all other issues. Abortion.

You're assuming reason is involved here. Most of them vote R because that's how they were brainwashed into voting.

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The Democrats love it because is lucrative for donations. It's a terrible storm of pure evil and ineptitude.

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I'm gonna start growing veggies. I need to get all the gravel out of my back yard first. I need to spend money to practice at the range, ballistic tubes is the most expensive hobby. Today I'm organizing and helping John Brown breakfast club. What other actionable goals should I focus on to dismantle our newly founded monarchy, comrades?

If you have close friends with similar views make sure they get armed. Make sure they still vote and don't head down the path of extremism either. Go to your jobs. Make sure you family is still taken care of...

But remember that feeling in the back of your head saying get prepared, and do it.

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They've created an Emperor with themselves as Popes.

248 years of democracy, it was a good run bois

Saying the USA has been a democracy for 248 years is a bit of a stretch. when:

White men who didn't own land didn't get to vote everywhere in the USA until 1868.
Main-land Native American males who left their tribes and lived like white people could start to vote in 1887.
The above but for Alaska in 1915. In 1925, they needed to also be able to pass an English literacy test to vote.
Women were allowed to vote in the 1920's.
Black people were allowed to vote in the 1960's.
The act that prohibits racial discrimination for voting rights was passed in 1965.
Alaska Natives were able to vote without taking an English literacy test, a language which they may not speak, in 1970.

The cons have been upset with the founding of America ever since its outset.

“We” didn’t do shit. People in 1776 did, today’s Americans wouldn’t reject it out of fear for consequence to personal comfort.

Y'all won't do anything.

What in your opinion should we be doing? Besides voting and shitposting.

The logic follows that the people who should be doing something are the ones that we elect. While it's true that they aren't doing anything either, the shit won't really hit the fan until a republican gets the white house and actually starts abusing that power.

We still have time to resolve this without bloodshed and destruction. Most people see that and aren't going to jump the gun on what could very well be the end of their lives in the most heavily armed per capita country on earth.

Say “death to amerikkka” to your boss and then tell me we don’t live under a fascist dictatorship. It’s been like this since 1492.

How do you guys not see this is obvious propaganda? Seriously, please tell me when any president has been held accountable for the things they did in office that were not directly person?

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