What's an annoying habit your cat has that inconveniences you that you just sorta live with?

cheese_greater@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 71 points –

She uses my garbage can as a perch thejust in time for me to seriously want to dipose of something


The cat has needs, but refuses to communicate them without first performing an elaborate bee-style ritual dance/scream-off

E.g. if she wants to drink from the faucet, I have to stand there while she circles and jumps from countertop to countertop for 5 minutes. If I turn on the faucet in advance she will get annoyed at being rushed and reset the entire QuickTime event

My cat loves to be a bongo, there is nothing in the world he loves so much as to have his bum bomped. So rather than lie in my lap or rub his cheek against my hand when he wants attention, he sticks his butt in my face instead. If my face is inaccessible, he makes sure his butt is by my hand or arm so he's constantly in the way if I'm on the computer or working with my hands. If he's near me his butt is pointed towards me. He's a handsome boy so it'd be nice to see the other side of him sometimes.

We discovered the bongo technique about two years ago, I genuinely can't remember how we gave her attention before that, for now there is only bongos.

Our 17 year old cat (who we've had since she was 18 months old) has never had any interest in wet cat food. At best she would lick it the gravy off then walk away. We recently adopted a 4yo who had gotten used to getting wet food in the morning while he was living with a foster.

Now 17yo lady comes to beg for wet food every morning and won't leave me alone about it. So the wet food gets split between them - he gets briefly shut in a room with his half and she gets to lick her plate in peace. Then 5 minutes later I let him out to come eat the food I gave her.

If she weren't old and suffering kidney disease I might not be so inclined to humor her.

I've got a cat that does the same thing, just licks the gravy, I made the mistake one day of getting the patte, my other cat scarfed it down no problem, but miss priss sat there next to her bowl looking at it then looking at me like um this must be fixed immediately.

One wants to be petted 25h/day. That would be fine but there's a catch: it must be in a specific corner of the house. So she asks me to be petted, then as I move my hand to pet her she runs to that corner, and the cycle repeats until I go there.

The other likes to sleep inside a blanket folded as it was a pocket. She undoes the "pocket" every time that she wakes up, and when she's back I need to refold it, lift one of the sides of the blanket, wait for her milk dance, gently tap her butt as if saying "go, go", then she gets in.

These are really adorable. A bit anoying, but very adorable.

I had a cat years ago that apparently thought he was 'helping' me by gently removing my glasses by biting the hinge and slowly pulling them off of me. I never could fully break him of that habit either, I just had to make sure he never got close to my face whenever I'd pet him.

Silly kitty! šŸ˜¹

Puking exclusively on the carpets

My cat has literally sprinted in order to get to a room with carpet before he barfs. What the hell is that all about?

I think they want to use the nice, renewable inside grass to absorb/hide it and keep it from spreading

She sometimes steals a hair tie from my room, brings it to me, and screams until I take it. It's usually mangled, soaked in spit, and not something I'd want to use, but she's got the spirit if not the brain cells.

She's half-orange, which I thought would make her half as stupid, but she's full stupid half the time instead.

I know all cats like to get under your feet but mine is an absolute jedi master at knowing exactly where to be to inconvenience you the most. I don't know how she does it. She just knows exactly where I'm going to go so she can be directly in the way. You'd think she'd learn after being accidentally kicked a few times but nope.

That's an extra dangerous behaviour they have, especially for old people.

Yeah I'm potentially moving abroad next year and will have to find a home for her, and I'm cautious to give her to certain people for that reason.

LOT. When cats do this "messing around your feet stuff", instead of normal walking, sort of drag your feet.

My cat is a fluffy bastard. He likes to lay in dirt with debris of sorts. Pollen, seeds, twigs, flowers, bits of loose moss.... the leftover stuff after spring. And so he and his fluffy coat come in and leave a trail of the stuff wherever he goes. I spent time brushing it out, only for him to gather it up again the followibg day. He is a walking swiffer.

I had a cat that used to yank all the books off the bottom of the bookshelves, not because he wanted to sit there, just because.

He also used to bang the bottom kitchen cupboards over and over again with his paw just because.

He hated whistling. If you whistled, he would scream at you to stop, and if you didn't, he would bite your face.

When I stand up to stretch after sitting for a while, he will jump on my char and lay over it.

I have almost sat on him a few times.

There was a room in my parents house we would close off before leaving. Somehow our cat would always hide somewhere in that room moments before we had to leave and refuse to come out.

One of my cats will come and yell at me to demand food. He will sit next to me while I am working and meow constantly, in the saddest most pathetic way possible. Eventually I will get up and come downstairs with him, we go into the kitchen where his food bowl is. The food bowl has loads of food in it, he hasn't checked, he's just assumed that there won't be any, and has come to complain.

He does this all the time.

He might just want you in the room when he starts to eat, it's always nicer to eat with company

  • Wakes me up some time between 2:00 and 5:00
  • Goes under/behind the heavy furniture to throw up (or else, on my bed)
  • Doesn't eat her food, but cries for more food

If cats can see the bottom of the food bowl, they think it's empty. Shake it even and they'll eat more.

He has claimed the bathroom sink as his bed. While this is very convenient for petting the cat while using the toilet, he tends to sleep in the morning and evening which is also the most likely times I want to brush my teeth.

Fortunately, the kitchen sink is just around the corner, so it is not necessary to disturb the adorably sink-napping cat.

Our 15 year old has a new habit of coming into the kitchen every time we do, and stretching out directly in the middle of the walkway so he is in the way at all times. We have a pretty decent sized space, but heā€™s a very long cat when he wants to be. I feel like he defies the laws of physics because I donā€™t understand how heā€™s in the way literally everywhere. It makes me crazy.

So when we cook, which is usually 2-3 times a day, itā€™s like, need to open the oven? Cat. Need to get into the fridge? Cat! Sink? Cat. Oh, I need to dry my hands? Cat. We have definitely stepped on him by accident since he started doing this, but heā€™s still undeterred. He has bad arthritis, so I donā€™t mind when he sits in front of the oven when itā€™s on, because at least that one makes sense. (He has multiple heated beds too; donā€™t feel bad for him.) But itā€™s like, I would love to be able to grab water from the kitchen or feed the dog or do literally anything in there without almost stepping on my cat.

Old story, may not qualify. Something like 30ish years ago when I was but a young lad, I had some stuffed animals on a shelf that my dad had won from the claw machine on bowling nights. That takes dedication right there. Anyway one was a small, slightly fuzzy brown dog.

The cat decided to "this is mine now" with it and her preferred hiding place was under the parents' bed. My mother world constantly find it when cleaning, give it back, and tell me to put it away. Cat came back and took it again. Every. Single. Time.

Eventually I just gave up and let her keep it. My mom had to restitch the neck several times because that's where cats grab kittens when carrying them around.

Dumping a N.2 bomb every time I sit down to have a meal

Cat 1 is a reincarnation of an ancient god of chilling and relaxation. He will sleep on whatever place you want to sit. Your nice garden chair? Cat. Desk chair? Cat. Bed? Cat. He's a little burglar that will break into the neighborhoods houses and sleep on their stuff as well. Doesn't matter if they already own cats themselves.

Cat 2 loves scratches and cuddles but will always stand juuuust out of reach, rubbing herself and rolling on the floor. If you move closer, she'll move further away. She's also a cryptid and only able to be photographed like a blurry bigfoot so I can't show anyone how cute she is with her little white mittens.

my cat stopped sleeping anywhere other than my epic gaming chair a few months ago. whenever i want to sit on it, i either have to sit on the very edge to not upset my little princess, or have her get very angry :D

she'll sooner lie down on the floor than ever sleep on my bed again

She loves to ā€œcleanā€ and nuzzle my beard usually first thing in the morning and before bed for a couple minutes, itā€™s annoying but I let it slide because it seems to make her really happy, I think maybe itā€™s a cat family bonding behavior šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

I tried to curb it initially because she eventually bites and tugs out some hairs which hurts like hell

šŸ¤£ at least got her to mostly stop the actual beard hair pulling


Second place: most nights at some point she decides to sleep on my back, which is only mildly bothersome, but she always makes back muffins first which isnā€™t particularly pleasant

We have a rabbit and a cat. The cat has been with us longer. Whenever Iā€™m petting the rabbit, the cat comes up and wants to be pet too. And only with the hand Iā€™m already petting the rabbit with. If I try to use my free hand, heā€™ll ignore it and head bump the hand petting the rabbit.

Two cats, both have their own annoying thing. Black short hair bob tail: will get into any and all food if left out. Has learned to open cabinets and cupboard to get to hidden food. Has chewed through a cardboard box to chew through the bag of dog food, found him neck deep in the bag crunching away. Has chewed a hole in a canvas bag to get to dog food. Oh, and recently started peeing in the laundry. Long haired colorful: gets bored and wants to go outside, will wander the house screaming at the top of his lungs, clawing at every door. Happens anywhere between midnight and 3am, almost every night. Will bolt for the door if you have it open and aren't watching for him. Where does he want to go? Rolls on his back in the road.

Stands directly behind me, yowling. Keeps it up until I pick him up and cuddle him. Does this only when I'm cooking.

My cat would occasionally scratch her left hear so hard that it would bleed then shake her head and spray blood all over the place.

They want me to get up at 5:45. If I refuse, they go on a 45-minute snooze cycle, twice, before giving up and letting me sleep in.

My cat will pick up socks from the dirty sock basket and carry them around in his mouth while yowling. Often this occurs right before he goes to hump something. No idea what the fuck he's doing, but he leaves the socks everywhere.

5am face snuffle. Basically trying to wake me up to feed him.

Mostly refuses to drink water anywhere but from the bathroom sink. Refuses to eat any food that's been in the food bowl for more than half a hour or so. Pees on my bathroom rug if I leave it on the floor when she's around...

Cats are fucking assholes, let me tell you.

My sweet fluffmuffin is adorable in all ways, incredibly sweet, well behaved, BUT BARFS SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK. We've seen multiple vets, tried all of the foods, adjusted her eating situation to sit higher so she doesn't crane her neck and is only allowed so much food at a time, but she doesn't seem to realize she can take breaths between bites and we've had to barf-proof our home

Get her a ridged puzzle bowl. Instead of a flat surface its like an egg carton and fill each egg section like less than level, had the same problem with an anxious one

Thank you for the suggestion! We tried one of those as well as some mouse-looking containers that she'd have to bat around to get some food out of, and those helped a bit, but became a monster when she didn't feel like "hunting" xD

I understand but if she's eating too quickly she most likely needs that to force her to slow down. I wouldnt get so gimmicky with anything hunting or wild stuff, she can most likely adjust to a simple puzzle bowl (maybe grumpy for a few days). Sometimes you have to impose a change for the good of their health ;)

It keeps em slimmer too nominally since its more effort to eat and slower so they realize when they've eaten enough rather than scarfing.

Melon pees in the bath, Snuggles licks plastic bags, and Franny has chronic snot rockets. I love them all endlessly.

pees in the bath

Ooh, I do not like that. Would never allow them to pee anywhere outside their fancy litterbox...

We have an auto feeder for their dry food that has a removable metal bowl beneath the spout. When the metal dish is in place, all the kibble pours out into the bowl. When the cats think the food is overdue, they will tap the metal bowl out of the way to get attention or wake the machine up or whatever cat reason...and the kibble bounces off the hard flat plastic surface and half of it spills onto the floor where the dog will gobble it up.

Sometimes I put the bowl back in place and sometimes I wait and see if they'll learn the lesson on their own.

Beg for food, and then not eating it, letting it go to waste.

My cats won't stop playing in the dirt...

::: spoiler Tap for sadness ...because they died and were buried in the backyard

Edit: I loved my cats, this is just how I process grief. :::