How are you different from the stereotypical "average person" in your country? to Ask – 41 points –

Feel free to define "average" how you see fit. This isn't about debating what is average person. Comparisons to the averages in your age / friend group are fine too.


I care about privacy.

For the life of me, I cannot get people i know to care even a little bit about their privacy when giving it away let's them scroll TikTok endlessly.

I never try. Most people don't care about privacy until something happens to them.

It's nuts to me. Anyone who doesn't care about privacy, I want to ask them in person when they last masturbated.

What? What's the difference? You don't care if Facebook knows.

  • I monitor my personal finances carefully and try living well below my means
  • I have effectively no social media presence
  • I do childish things when out in the woods by myself such as play with puddles, make streams and larp a soldier with my outfits / gear
  • My wardrobe is a bunch of near identical clothes. I basically wear the same thing every day. When I need a clean shirt I grab the one from the top of the pile.
  • I eat once in the morning and again around 10pm. I also skip dinner a few times a week because I can't be bothered to cook
  • I leave most of my lawn uncut. From the street my house looks abandoned.
  • I carry a folding knife with me always
  • I intentionally avoid trends
  • I don't lie, not even white lies. I might not speak the whole truth but I never say something that's untrue.

I haven't posted anything to my personal social media accounts in half a decade.

Similarly, with the popularity of short form video booming, I basically don't consume any of it and instead find myself watching 1h+ video essays about some old piece of equipment from 40 years ago.

I'm a lot more left-wing than most people I talk to.

I'm tall enough to bang my head on some door frames.

What kind of old equipment videos do you watch? I found that I like old computers after watching Dave Plummer's pdp11 video's

If you've not come across them here are some of my favourite creators in that category, in no particular order: LGR, 8-bit guy, cathode ray dude, techmoan, technology connections, nostalgia nerd

  • I don't wear plaid or denim
  • I'm not a lumberjack
  • I'm not wearing a toque (right now)
  • I don't have a (full) beard
  • I don't play hockey (anymore)

I should probably change my username and avatar.

When I was growing up, one of the first questions someone would ask a kid was what team they supported, and not even if they liked football in the first place. So I guess I was in a big minority there.

I'm not carrying a gun made of bacon and watching young Sheldon

I'm Texan by birth. I don't like guns, meat, or driving. I think Mesoamerican history is way more interesting than the Civil War.

I feel like I'm the least Mexican dude in Mexico:

  • I don't drink any alcohol, at all.
  • I hate to eat hot sauce on snacks. Everybody pours Valentina sauce on everything, but I hate it.
  • I hate most common forms of Mexican food (nopales, tunas, etc)
  • I can't eat Chile or spicy things (like mole, or spicy chilaquiles/enchiladas) because of stomach issues.
  • I don't watch football at all.
  • I hate most Mexican music (corridos, banda, mariachis, reggaeton, etc)
  • I'm not religious at all, while most of the country is catholic.
  • I hate big family gatherings, while it's a common tradition to make big family parties to celebrate everything.
  • I have a PHD. Unfortunately the average education level for Mexicans is low, so I'm far from average.
  • I'm not a fan of tv shows that people on my age group grew up with them, like Dragon Ball or el Chavo del 8.

I guess some of the differences are because I'm autistic? Also, this deviation from the mean is only mentally. Physically I'm completely average.

1 more...

I'm an immigrant, so I guess by definition I'm not an average person in the country however you look at it

I'm taller. I'm a man in a female-dominated field (and was in my previous career, as well). I don't own a car and have no interest in doing so. I know a dead language. I eat beans for breakfast. I don't drink coffee.

I grew up in two different countries. Eventually moved back to the one with better healthcare since I'm dealing with a few old injuries. Over here, people tend to be somewhat distant and I'm quite the opposite. Always chatty, always outgoing.

If you mean my country of birth, it's actually a bit difficult since I've been twice in the last ten years and this and some YouTube vids are my only real media consumption. If you mean where I live now, I'm definitely fatter, hairier, and tatooed-ier than the average person. My japanese is definitely a bit worse.

I'm better.

That's an average thinking pattern. People like Einstein tho said he was no different than average other than the effort he put into his work.

Interesting article...let's see how I score.

  • White (1/1)

  • Not female (1/2)

  • Not between the ages of 30 and 34 (1/3)

  • German ancestry (2/4)

  • Not named Jessica (2/5)

  • Don't live in CA (2/6)

  • Married (3/7)

  • Not 5'4" (3/8)

  • I am a brunette, though (4/9)

  • No kids (4/10)

  • Some college (5/11)

  • Not in the healthcare industry (5/12)

  • Drives a Camry (6/13)

  • No commute (6/14)

  • Don't rent (6/15)

  • Depends on how generous "one of" the best countries is taken...but yes to the rest of that paragraph (7/16)

  • Votes Democrat (8/17)

  • Not religious (8/18)

  • Believes mass shootings are a big problem (9/19)

  • Own a gun (9/20)

  • Higher earner, higher debt, and higher net worth (9/23)

  • No longer believe in the American Dream (9/24)

I am fairly below average, apparently.

USA here.

  1. Indifferent to sports. Football, baseball, and basketball are at best insipid. Hockey is at least somewhat interesting, but that's only because my youngest plays. Even then, I do not follow it.

  2. Don't care about guns. Yes, I can shoot. It pissed my right-wingnut, Kyle Shittenhouse worshiping brother off to no end, when I could out shoot him, with his own guns. Did I mention he has 6 years in the Army and practiced with his weapons at least once a week? It took me maybe 10 shots of practice to start being more accurate. My vision is worse than his too. Still have no interest in owning one. I keep a Claymore next to my bed for social occasions at home.

No credit debt. No drug/alc addictions.. Can run 20k+ without stopping. Care about my digital privacy. Never put so much as a scratch on a single vehicle in my life (including forklifts and non-road vehicles). Know how to sail. Couldn't care less about team sports.

Any tips to run 20k without stopping?

Well, generally speaking the easiest way to do that is to stop only once you're past the 20k mark.

Have you tried this "not stopping" technique yourself? Sounds like snake oil, to be honest...

Not stopping would require me to actually start first. I haven't gotten that far yet. Seems to be the difficult part.

I feel like the first week is actually the hardest. Then I start getting excited when I improve my times or distance and it becomes so much easier.

My problem is that vacations and winter really ruin my motivation. Who wants to run for an hour when it's pouring rain or freezing outside?

Bad weather for long runs is shit. Short runs tho? Just beast mode it! Conquer the elements! At least thats what I tell myself.

Incremental training. I started with Couch-to-5K. Highly recommend. Once you complete that program, increment weekly distance by no more than 10% per week until you reach your goal.

It's funny, I used that program several years ago when I didn't exercise at all. Currently running around 9km, three times a week.

I have this unrealistic dream to run the marathon but I feel like even if I could physically do it, I'd get bored. Half marathon seems doable, though.

I'm working on the same goal but I'm sidelined with ankle issues so I've been cycling like a madman instead. Hopefully I can restart my training plan this coming tuesday.

I can bench press 300+ pounds (136 kg for the exceedingly rude Europeans in the thread), which puts me in the top 1% of men strength-wise not only in my country, but worldwide.

That's 135 kg. The weights on the machines in my gym only go to 120. But I guess you just use the barbells

Only about 3% of people worldwide know what 300lbs represents, you daft cunt ๐Ÿ˜‚

You're in the top 1% of 3%

Not really. It's still an amount of weight even if it's described differently.

It's not like this mf couldn't lift metric weights. Although, that would be very funny. Like kryptonite or some shit.

I got 600$ in the bank motherfucker

Visualy, I'm as average it gets. White straight male, average height, common composition. But

  • I' m Agnostic.

  • Believe people are not defined by their occupation and how much they make.

  • I m all for worker rights and fight for them

  • Into politics and trying to have as an objective ipinion as possible. Also try to talk about politics

  • My academic credentials are on the top 10% tier

  • I care about my RL and digital privacy

  • I use FOSS

  • I look after my health as well as my weight

  • Not a fan of Football

  • I make efforts to own my data and software

  • Travel a lot to other countries

  • have my own Jellyfin server

  • host a locally run smart home

  • Run a separate Batocera machine with a lot of games from a lot of legacy systems

  • Don't really care about where other people come from, or what is their religion, or gender, or sexual preference, or politics

I don' like soccer, I don't eat sausages, I'm not interested in cars. I do enjoy Sauerkraut, though.

I'm the type of person who gives money back to a cashier when they make a mistake by incorrectly giving me more money, that's very rare in the country where I was born.

I'm a huge nerd wearing a tinfoil hat:

  • owns many computers, all run Linux
  • GrapheneOS
  • not on social media (other than Lemmy) do not use WhatsApp
  • NAS in the leaving room
  • 3D printer in the leaving room I pass for normal in social settings until some ask for my WhatsApp or Instagram or what have you.

I travel.

Not even gap year. Full on quitting multiple jobs and moving to another country and finding a job travelling.

People talk about it but most people are too scared and find excuses. Other people have legitimate reasons though.

I have 3 kids more than average, plus a handful of step kids. 6 inches taller than average woman in my country. Probably more politically progressive, but that's hard to judge here, with all the gerrymandering and not everyone voting. Apparently also much more tolerant of spicy food than the average, at least according to people who claim to be average.

I hate sitting in the sun, which is the opposite of most of the country. The heat and light make me feel super annoyed and uncomfortable.
In contrast, most of the people here are sun worshippers. Sitting outside in direct sunlight as much as possible.

There is no stereotypical or average person in any country. It takes a lot of delusional discrimination to pretend there ever could be.

If you mean that the average person doesn't exist in real life then you're correct, but to claim that what is statistically average cannot be determined, then that's just a bunch of nonsense.