Trump rejects Harris call for second debate, saying ‘it’s too late’ to – 421 points –
Trump rejects Harris call for second debate, saying ‘it’s too late’

Tim Ryan, former Ohio Democratic representative, says Trump is avoiding debate because ‘he is scared’


Someone tried to kill Trump at a rally. He still does rallies. Someone tried to kill Trump on a golf course. He still golfs.

Trump would rather be shot at again than have to face Harris on the debate stage. You quickly find out that bullies are actually cowards once you see someone stand up to them and punch them in the face.

She also stepped up when he tried to do that bullying handshake thing. He couldn’t even bully her subtly on the side, so he definitely doesn’t want to face her again.

What did she do ?

He does this thing where he tries to intimidate people by unexpectedly pulling them during a handshake. She was ready for him, to the point that he had to add in another hand to avoid her pulling him instead.

Watch Biden’s face following the handshake (it’s right at the beginning of this link).

As funny as it would be to see somebody smash his dentures down his throat, nobody would be able to stand his horrible hell stench long enough to get into melee range.

The campaign should make a totally over-the-top AI video of Trump in a chicken suit running away from CNN HQ (or Taylor Swift in the US Flag outfit she was wearing in the bogus Trump AI endorsement). Make it totally clear that it is a fake AI stunt, yet spam it to all the social media anyway. Throw in Vance lounging on a La-z-boy for good measure.

Calling these fascists out on their real racist policies doesn't see to work as well as simply making fun of them. They can't stand it when people mock them.

They released a video of him trying to weasel out of the debate last time around with a chicken clucking sound. On TruthSocial as well as Twitter.

I'll do you one better: they should reproduce his likeness like a holograph standin thing and have the debate whether he likes it or not. Grab him by the—well, you know what I mean

Can't they just move it up to like 3PM or something while the other seniors are having dinner??

Hey, that's an offensive stereotype about seniors. I work in elder care, specifically in food service, and I can assure you they don't have dinner at 3:00pm. Dinner is at 4:30pm.

Is there's something wrong with eating before sunset and saving money?

I think that ship has sailed, he's been sunsetting for a while now

Idk where you live, but a lot of the country gets sunset at 4:45 in the winter

In case anybody is curious about the claim that October 23 is too late, I updated the Wikipedia page listing the past debates to include the date.

In general, the first debate takes place in late September or early October, and the final debate occurs in mid to late October with two or three debates being the norm. The first debate occurring in June is new this year as the debates normally start after the nominations are complete.

So, unsurprisingly, Trump's argument has no historical basis and complaining that the debate is too close to the election is nonsense.

She should pledge to show up whether he does or not.

She should. I prefer candidates that actually show up for America.

I picture her showing up and then talking about all the things Trump would say if he were there and then rebutting all of them.

As a candidate, you should be ready to debate any place, any time and with zero notice. Because real life is hardly fair and never works on a timeline of your choosing.

Heck, we should be forcing random debates much like random drug tests. Wake them up early morning on a random wednesday and force them to do a debate. Let’s see who can really be coherent under pressure.

Should take out a full page ad in a conservative newspaper of your choice (NY Post would be good). That just says at the top “So, Trump, we heard you didn’t want to debate Harris again .” And the. Smack dab in the middle of a blank page: “Chicken”

For real, they need to schedule it earlier in the day before his adderall wears off and he turns into a wall-eyed stammering zombie

We need to go back how it was before it was televised...

Now you can just ramble for 90 seconds, and everyone moves on.

Back in the day there was no time limit. Moderators asked a question, and just kept asking it till the candidate answered or admitted they had no clue how to answer. The debate might take an hour. It might take 12.

It's crazy we're still letting the limitations of broadcast television take precedence.

I'd watch the presidential debate

Shit man, we have CSPAN for a reason, but yeah...

Without ads there's no reason not to let literally anyone that wants to run the stream. Especially if they went far enough to require it be a complete Livestream without anyone talking over it.

Lol. The guy got a cease and desist order from The Tom Petty estate for illegally using the song Won’t Back Down, yet here he is doing the exact opposite. That’s some 5D chess moves.

You mean the guy selling shirts that say "Never Surrender" with pictures of his mugshot from where he surrendered to the police?

The full quote from Trump was:

It's too late to turn back now.
I believe I believe I believe I'm falling in love.

I thought it was-

And it's too late, baby, now it's too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died
And I can't hide and I just can't fake it

A meet cute at the presidential debate is not something I had on my bingo card.

I would actually prefer a debate between Harris and an empty podium.

After every question "Former President Trump, would you like to respond... Again no response, The Republican candidate has declined to participate in tonight's debate for reasons they chose not to share"

Think it’s about time someone retired if this is too hard for him.

I think October 23rd would be an ideal date to organize anyone with a non-disclosure agreement with Trump to break that agreement en masse and share all the details of what he doesn’t want the public to know.

It’d be great fodder for the news cycle leading up to Election Day and I doubt Trump has the resources to legally pursue so many people for NDA breaches at the same time.

Hmm, it's too late to have a debate but not too late to shove an unqualified ideologue into SCOTUS.

Got it.

incoming cease and desist letter from Carol King for quoting It's Too Late

Kamala was the real assassin the last time! Bullets aint shit. 🤣

ITT: People who said "debates don't mean anything! They don't give you any actual sense of who the candidates are! Shut up dum dum!!!" when Biden was the one at the podium.