
Napain@lemmy.ml to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 428 points –

A Illustration of the unrealistic standards that society sets for men


Great, seeing a picture of a trans man has made me aware of the existence of trans people, and therefore, according to GOP logic, it's only a matter of time before I become trans myself and have to fucking go bra shopping.

I saw another trans meme this morning. Turned me into a woman. Thankfully I saw this one! Turned me into a man again. Close call!

Your post about trans men existing has suddenly amputated my genitals. I am now an androgynous blob.

i wouldn't wish bra shopping on my worst enemy

Ugh this. I hate it so much, in fact, that when I finally (FINALLY) found one that actually, really fit, I spent almost €800 on bras, just to buy a bunch of them and prevent the necessesity to go bra-shopping. Plus, I checked recently and they still have them, so I'll just order a bunch more and be done for a while again.

I mean, sometimes I look in the mirror and think 'well, I guess they look nice' but god, breasts really are more trouble than they're worth. Especially in summer. And especially if you don't have like a 'standard' size.

Not if you become a part of the itty bitty titty committee. As a current member who was once a Biggus Tittus in the past, I can say with confidence that bras are a tool of oppression and you couldn't pay me to wear them again.

You think that's bad, wait until all your pockets are fake!

Thisnis just like the whole gay people existing is going to turn me gay thing all over again.

Thry just changed targets.

Well, you need to eat less frogs since those are full of hormones that make you gay.


Those who need to won't understand the reference.

how so?

At one point some Greeks were trying to define the word Man, they came up with a featherless biped, and the next day someone released a plucked chicken in the school.

There are some words that are notorious for being hard to define. What they figured out was for those words to instead build up criteria.

Not just someone, the legendary philosopher Diogenes. One of my favorites stories is that one day he was cleaning veggies in a river or something, when Plato walked up and was like "You know Diogenes, if only you could pay taxes to the king you wouldn't have to wash vegetables." And Diogenes responds, "You know Plato, if only you could wash vegetables you wouldn't have to pay taxes to the king."

I always thought the time span of philosophers existing was so large, none of the famous ones would be alive close enough for them to have had any conversation.

But turns out it is some sort of Marvel Cinematic Universe type of shit where they all lived together.

Now I need a philosopher Avenger team.

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The definition of a man, where it came from, the argument. These people aren't the educated thinking type.

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Mmm hell yes he is!

Hell yes he is!

I really don't know how I'm supposed to even compete with standards so high πŸ˜”

What is a man!?

I know that, no man is an island, so we can rule island out. One step closer to learning what a man is

Well, a man is supposed to always be thinking about stuff about his family, and for to make himself to do things that are gonna gooder the family up around, and gooder it up. That is what is a man.

What has he got?!

If not himseeeeelf, then he has naught.

To say the thiiiiiiiiings, he truly feeeeeels

it's a featherless mamel usualy with 2 Legs

Oh sure, next the fashion and health industrial complex is going to be pushing opposable thumbs... bastards.

Honestly the biggest power move in the world was Jordan Peterson pissing his pants and sobbing about Elliot Page while Page was completely oblivious to his whining and just living his best life.

Bigots in here misgendering a tomboy as a trans man

Please just go back to reddit.

I can't, I was banned by the fascists for saying trans men are men. So I had to come here unfortunately.

You were banned from all of reddit for having the prevailing opinion when it comes to trans men? Doubt.

It still doesn't affect the idiocy of your original post. Maybe check before calling everyone bigots eh? They might just have information you don't. :) x

No, when it comes to "trans women". Someone needing to have "information" to know someones gender is the whole point. They're trying to say you have to ignore your own eyes and intelligence and believe some made up story instead.

What point do you think you're making mate...?

Are you actually gonna go with the idea that knowing information is a bad thing and we should all work off instinct and assumptions instead?

See any issue with that idea? Might it lead to ignorant comments like yours do you think?

See any issue with your idea that you should let "what people tell you" override your own intelligence? Must not have too much of it if you are in favor of that.

I don't see that point anywhere mate. I do enjoy the irony in your last sentence though, you're so intelligent that you incorrectly accused a group of people of misgendering someone.

Anyway this clearly leads nowhere good, just try and have a think about it buddy :) x

I do enjoy the irony of you telling me to "think about it", while you like to simply parrot third-party statements instead of thinking about anything.

You could always avoid thinking about it and just defer to the dictionary definition of gender, common fucking decency, and the visual and social cues presented to you rather than making assumptions about peoples genitals and genetics - or worse yet, demanding to inspect them for yourself.

Putting aside the fact that the consensus of the experts in the fields of lexicograpy, medicine, science, sociology, psychiatry all disagree with you, I need to ask why you're motivated to work so hard to be such a cunt to people? What does it benefit you? When was the last time you interacted with a trans person... or have you been beaten into a hateful frenzy by the scaremongering of your reactionary pundits of choice over an issue that has no meaningful effect on your life?


"Disagreeing with me makes you a bad person" non-argument.

No, it's got nothing to do with me. Disagreeing with the consensus of the experts to be a cunt to a marginalised group makes you a bad person. I'd present clear evidence from each of the communities I pointed to, but we both know I'm not reasoning you out of a position you didn't reason yourself into. It's not as though you have any credible evidence to bring in return.

...which brings me to what I'm more interested in - you didn't answer my question, champ - why are you working so hard to be so wrong and such a cunt at the same time?


Eh - in the interests of getting my question answered I'll indulge you.

Oxford English Dictionary - gender: The state of being male or female as expressed by social or cultural distinctions and differences

Cambridge dictionary - gender: a group of people in a society who share particular qualities or ways of behaving which that society associates with being male, female, or another identity

Merriam-Webster - gender: a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms

Rather than putting you through the indignity of failing to provide evidence to support your position after being proven definitionally wrong, you can just answer my question (I bolded it to keep things simple for you).

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You haven't even answered a single point I've made, just whatabouted every reply. Surely you at least see the irony of pointing out the irony of me telling you to think?

Do take care though, watch out for pointy things etc. :) x

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So you are saying you must constantly remind yourself and everyone you are talking to of someone's genitals at birth in every conversation you have constantly or else what - you'll forget?

Are you a goldfish?

People aren't asking you to ignore your eyes dude. They are asking you to allow people space to use their mental tools so they can more easily get through their day. They are legit telling their friends and the people they are around most what way to treat them will make them happiest to make them the most comfortable to be themselves. When you present yourself as a obstacle to someone else's joy and/or wellbeing yeah, people treat you like an ass. You are not the arbiter of truth here. People know that trans women were born phenotypicly male. They are just able to prioritize more than "monkey see, monkey speak".

The case in point here is a photo. I have no idea about their genitals, nor what they "identify as". I see a woman, clear as day. I'm not talking to them, so "what they want me to call them" is not an issue.

So is Buck Angel a man or a woman?

Are you deluded enough to call Buck Angel a woman too?

I'll give you some credit for choosing to use gender neutral pronouns rather than misgendering Page - even if it would have undermined your point to use gendered pronouns.

So you are afraid of doing any mental work. Not surprised. Also this particular person, Elliot Page, is one of the most famous trans men out there and even if he weren't famous you are grandstanding about how you want to call trans people whatever you feel like.

When you are nasty behind someone's back it's still you showing off how much of a mean killjoy you are practicing up to be to somebody's face someday and that you are proud of being a mean ass killjoy. Then you get upset because ta da - people treat you like a mean killjoy. How unpredictable!

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Are two featherless pedos a man? And what's a woman?

A lot of pedos are men, the vast majority of those being cis men. Particularly cis men in positions of power, like priests.

Bro, wat?

A lot of pedos are women, the vast majority of those being cis women. Particularly cis women in positions of power, like teachers.

I never claimed there weren't any women who were pedos. But the vast majority of those that are men are, in fact, cis men, not trans men. And of those that are women, the vast majority are cis women, if we're including women as well.

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