Trump Boasts That Fictional Cannibal Killer Hannibal Lecter ‘Loves’ Him

carly™ to Not The – 310 points –
Trump Boasts That Fictional Cannibal Killer Hannibal Lecter 'Loves' Him

That website sucks. BTW Anthony Hopkins isn't American, he is Welsh. He said in an interview in 2018 that he doesn't care for Trump. Hopkins also stated that he doesn't vote.

I always assumed he was British English. TIL. He has American citizenship though, so he has the ability to vote in US elections, he just doesn't care to.

Wales is part of Britian. That would be like saying "Oh, he's a New Yorker? I thought he was American".

Ah, yeah, I always get the terms mixed up since there's like three or four terms used to refer to the collective British Isles. I meant to say English.

Sorta different, but more "Oh he's Texan? I thought he was American" because Texans don't want to be American.

You should say that about Americans; people still say the state for EU states

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First of all: lmao

Second of all: I'd bet Lecter would 100% murder him if they ever met purely because Trump is just fucking insufferable and the character was known for killing rude people.

He sure wouldn't eat him though.

Have we ruled out Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease?

Clearly dementia from untreated syphilis of the brain.

Anthony Hopkins has publicly stated that he doesn’t care much for trump I believe. So… add this to his heap of lies.

Up next: Author Thomas Harris tells dumbass that Hannibal wouldn’t eat shit, so no. No likey.

Hannibal prefers less artificial additives in his food.

I mean, he's right, Hannibal Lecter would probably love him.

Or, at least, his cellulite.

I'd imagine not. The meat would be poorly marbled as evidenced by the man being about as sedentary as possible. Furthermore, based on my very limited knowledge of his diet, that lack of nutrition will only pass along.

Hearing the quote; this is nonsense

He says the movie, uses the character name, and then says actor

The article does point out the actor never said that but he‘a not confusing the character for a real person

Hearing the quote; this is nonsense

No it's not. The headline is entirely accurate. It does not claim that he confused the character for a real person anywhere, did you actually read the article? It only reports that Trump cited a fictional character, which is 100% true. And it acknowledges that he was likely referring to one of the actors who has portrayed Hannibal Lecter on film. There's nothing nonsensical or unreasonable about the reporting in this article. Nobody in their right mind goes around referring to Iron Man or Marty McFly as their favorite actors, now do they?

If you’re talking to an audience it might be easier to refer to a fictional character and say the actor of it rather than say the actor’s name

Example: saying Tom Hiddleston supports you might have people not know who that is. Saying the actor who played Loki might reach a larger audience

Lmao my god you’re just tripping over yourself to make excuses for Trump.

Example: saying Tom Hiddleston supports you might have people not know who that is. Saying the actor who played Loki might reach a larger audience

Your example is absolute bullshit. He didn’t say “the actor who played Hannibal Lecter” now did he? He called him Hannibal Lecter. You apologists always give yourselves away because you ignore what he actually said and start substituting it with what you wish he would’ve said instead because it sounds less stupid.

Yes he did say the actor for Hannibal Lecture in Silence of the Lambs

That’s why this article is bad and the Twitter comments that they included saying he thinks a fictional character supports him are bad

What excuses are there?

No, he didn't. Here's what Donald Trump said verbatim:

"I said, that's Silence of the Lamb. You know what that is? Has anybody seen Silence of the Lambs? Hannibal Lecter, how great an actor was he? You know why I like him? Because he said on television on one of the: 'I love Donald Trump,' so I love him. I love him. I love him. He said that a long time ago and once he said that he was in my camp I was in his camp. I don't care if he was the worst actor I'd say he was great to me."

Go ahead and keep denying reality. I'm done with your pathetic attempts at gaslighting.

It is ambiguous. “Hannibal Lector, how great an actor was he?” This could mean Trump thinks the actor is called Hannibal Lector, or the “he” could refer to the guy playing Hannibal Lector, which would be Anthony Hopkins. Like a lot of stuff that comes out of Trump’s mouth, it is an inarticulate mush, with the true meaning implied rather than explicit, and not worth arguing about.

So you have the quote where he says movie, character, actor and you still either lack the comprehension for it or you feel the need to argue maliciously in order to find something wrong with Trump

Do better, there are lots of things he does wrong

You're just using the same mental gymnastics that the Republicans use.

Yes, the headline is accurate. But Trump indeed was referring to Anthony Hopkins.

I hate Trump, but you're right. He simply confused the actor's name with the character he was playing.

Having said that... you said it yourself: the actor never said that, so..... he's a lying piece of shit, as usual.

This utter fuckhead is Bibi Netanyahu's current best friend.

Obviously it's not The Onion. It's way too weird for that.

Well, he must taste like a cheeseburger. He eats one every day doesn't he? Imagine eating a person and every bite tastes like a cheeseburger. If people tasted delicious like a cheeseburger, I'd totally hop on board the Hannibal train. I could put up with bringing my jar of pickles, my chopped onions, and other condiments to the love fest.

There are two major wars and a climate crisis getting out of control, and you report on this?

It's /c/nottheonion. The silliness of the article is implies.